Dr Mike Yeadon, Former Pfizer VP: COVID Injections were intentionally Designed to Injure, Kill and Cause Infertility

From [HERE] Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former vice president of Pfizer, is a professional research scientist with over 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology.  Applying his experience and knowledge to the contents of the covid injections, Dr. Yeadon can work out the intentions of the “vaccine” designers.  He explained how he was able to do this and what the only conclusions could be during a presentation to the Impfopfer Resistance Conference held in Vienna, Austria, on 9 November 2024.  Impfopfer (English: Vaccine Victim) is Austria’s largest association for those who have suffered or are suffering from vaccine harm.

Dr. Yeadon explained to the conference that it is formally impossible to invent, research, test, evaluate, manufacture, gain authorisation for and launch a complex new biological product in under a year, regardless of the amount of money and people involved, due to a series of linear steps in the process that cannot be completed in such a short time frame as 12 months or less.  The process necessarily takes several years.

Complex biological products, such as the so-called vaccines, have numerous features that would give rise to toxicities, which professionals in the industry would know about. So, these features have been built-in by choice, Dr. Yeadon explained.

The covid “vaccines” are gene-based products, containing a string of genetic information, which is a brand new technology, and there were no products like that in routine use anywhere in the world.

The gene-based injections cause the body to make a protein based on the genetic code.  The effect of the injections is that the body is forced to manufacture a foreign protein, the spike protein, which is known to be acutely toxic to blood cells, prompting blood clots, and to nerve cells, causing them to malfunction.

Additionally, the body recognises this spike protein as foreign and launches an autoimmune reaction to attack the cells that produce it, which can lead to various health issues depending on where the reaction occurs in the body.  This autoimmune reaction can occur in any cell, tissue or organ in the body where the injected dose lands, and can cause conditions such as myocarditis, heart attack, stroke or neurological conditions.

That the instructions for spike protein were included in the “vaccines” is not a mistake. The person who chose the spike protein sequence knew of its toxic properties – it’s not an accident, but a deliberate choice, Dr. Yeadon said.

The spike protein is not the only egregious ingredient in the covid injections. The genetic code for the spike protein is enveloped in a lipid nanoparticle (“LNP”).  LNPs are tiny particles of fat that allow the payload to disproportionately deposit in the ovaries.

Dr. Yeadon highlighted that science papers published as early as 2012 showed that LNPs lead to a disproportionate deposition of the payload into the ovaries when injected into animals and people.

“I remember the day I read that paper, I really couldn’t sleep,” Dr. Yeadon said. “The person who chose to use lipid nanoparticles to formulate the Moderna and Pfizer products knew perfectly well that what they would do is allow them to drift all through your body, through membranes as if they weren’t there, and disproportionately deposit in your ovaries.”

“Given I’ve told you the first two things – which is that will induce your body to attack every cell in the body that follows the [genetic] instructions [of the “vaccine”] and that instruction by the way is to make a poison – you should no longer be surprised that people have been injured and killed and had their fertility reduced,” he said.

The COVID virus was/is no more dangerous than the flu - It had a similar infection fatality rate. There was No Excess Mortality Anywhere Before the so-called "Vaccination" Rollout- Dr Reiner Fuellmich

From The Summary Findings of the Corona Investigative Committee 

Covid measures were never about health

I. The virus is no more dangerous than a flu virus

There are indications that the original virus, allegedly first detected in Wuhan, was artificially produced in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, by means of so-called gain of function experiments. Such experiments intend to make a virus more dangerous, in particular to cause it to jump from animals to humans. These are, in fact, experiments for the production of bioweapons. Among others, the US immunologist Dr. Fauci and the aforementioned German virologist Prof. Dr. Drosten were significantly involved in such gain of function experiments. There are a lot of things that need to be clarified, but this much is certain: The original virus has long since ceased to exist. Rather, as with every flu virus, various variants/mutations have been documented that may spread more quickly, but are all far less dangerous than the original virus—and it doesn’t make a difference if it was artificial or natural. In addition, however, there are considerable doubts that the virus was ever isolated in a scientifically correct manner. Many scientists assume now that the flu virus, or influenza A or B was merely relabeled by Mr. Global into a corona virus pandemic.

Ultimately, however, none of this matters. For the question of the severity or dangerousness of the virus is easy to answer. In the meantime, even the highly controversial WHO, which is in fact controlled by its largest donors (including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and its offshoot GAVI, which together have a stake in almost all vaccine manufacturers in the world), agrees with Prof. John Ioannidis of Stanford University, one of the most cited scientists in the world: the severity of the virus, with a so-called infection fatality rate of 0.14 to 0.15%corresponds with that of the flu. There was no excess mortality anywhere before the beginning of the so-called vaccinations.

As far as there were isolated increases or spikes in mortality, for example in Bergamo, Italy and in New York, these are explained with massive medical malpractice: In Bergamo predominantly very old people with pre-existing conditions in nursing homes had died. Their immune systems had previously been weakened by vaccinations, and then – in order to keep the hospitals free for the panic-stricken Covid patients (who never arrived) – sick people, including influenza patients, were transferred to the elderly care homes. These then infected the weakened people there. In addition, the WHO had installed Rainieri Guerra into the Italian Ministry of Health, who falsified the data of the pandemic exercise plans: Their last pandemic exercise had not taken place in 2016, but in 2006, so that the medical professionals were unprepared. In the meantime, he is not working at the ministry of health anymore, but the Italian public prosecutor’s office is investigating him.

In New York – as every year during flu season – some, but by no means all, hospitals were overcrowded. On the hospital ship Comfort with 1000 beds available no more than 20 to 40 beds were ever occupied. In New York it also affected predominantly older people, with pre-existing morbidities. Without the panic messages in the media, many people, who would have stayed at home and cured themselves under the – correct – assumption that they were ill with a flu or a flu-like illness, stormed some of the hospitals and fell victim to either hospital germs or massive medical malpractice by for example intubation instead of receiving oxygen with oxygen masks, or with far too high dosages of Hydroxychloroquine or being treated with dangerous medications such as Remdesivir.

Of course, respiratory illnesses including this one, which is now called Covid-19 are, like the flu, dangerous diseases. And, of course, Covid-19, just like the seasonal flu, has individual, severe courses of illness and also deaths. Typically, however, the immune system intercepts the virus and especially the highly toxic spike protein in the mouth and nose. It only becomes dangerous when the immune system is bypassed and the – mind you: highly toxic – spike protein, but also other ingredients such as mRNA and lipids, and other nanoparticles, are injected directly into the body.

In any case, as post-mortem examinations carried out in Germany have shown in the meantime, the people who allegedly died with or from Covid before the start of the vaccinations – with few exceptions – had all passed the average human life expectancy and/or suffered from other serious pre-existing diseases. Virtually none of the people who allegedly died of Covid had actually died from Covid. 96% of the people who allegedly died of Covid in New York and Bergamo and 85% of those in Sweden had died from completely different diseases. [MORE]

Karen Kingston Finds Evidence Feds and WHO are Openly Planning a Global Flu Plandemic at the End of the Year. Vaccines are Already Created, Intended to Kill and Will be Mandated

According to Karen Kingston On October 10, 2024, members of the WHO, FDA, CDC, NIH, as well as U.S. infectious disease pediatricians, held a 6.5 hour meeting to discuss the current status and further development of vaccines for an emerging 2024-2025 H5N1 global flu pandemic. According to the WHO, the H5N1 flu has a case fatality rate of 52%.

Jerry Weir, PhD, of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation Research (CBER) clearly stated multiple times that the FDA will provide full FDA approval for H5N1 (or other H5 strands) flu vaccines if a public health emergency is declared without receiving safety or efficacy data from clinical trials. 

“The scenario assumes that any strain changes recommenced by VRBPAC would be implemented during a declared pandemic, but would not require clinical data prior to the approval… In any case during the pandemic we would use the strain change and the safety, immunogenicity and even effectiveness data will come post-approval.” 

Full FDA Vaccine License Approval Allows for Mass Mandates

Full FDA approval (vs emergency use authorization) of US BioPharma biological license applications (BLA) will allow federal and state governments, as well as employers, to mandate the H5N1 vaccines for adults and children alike.

The plandemic is apparently scheduled to begin in early 2025; Kingston states, “The WHO’s planned 2024-25 flu pandemic and release of highly dangerous, disease-causing H5N1 virus vaccines are fully locked and loaded by the FDA and other departments of Health Human Services (HHS). [MORE]

Karen Kingston says Feds and the WHO are Openly Planning for a Global Flu H5NI Plandemic from the Food Supply Set for the End of the Year, Vaccines Already Created, Designed to Kill and Will be Mandated

‘Big Red Flag:’ Kenya Grants Diplomatic Immunity to Racist Suspect Billionaire Bill Gates, Exempting Him from Liability and Taxes for All Activities ("Vaccines," Digital ID and GMO Mosquitoes)

From [HERE] Kenya last week granted diplomatic immunity to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and its employees, or “servants,” Tim Schwab reported on Substack.

Under the new status, the foundation and its employees are exempt from legal action for acts performed as part of their official foundation duties. They also are exempt from paying taxes on their salaries, and they now have the right to own property in Kenya.

“While nations around the world have long treated Bill Gates as a head of state, it’s now been practically codified into law in Kenya,” wrote Schwab, author of “The Bill Gates Problem: Reckoning with the Myth of the Good Billionaire.”

Schwab said the decision has raised “alarm bells” within the country and across the world. One public advocate, through a Freedom of Information Act request, has already petitioned the government for documents related to the decision

Others worry the decision to grant immunity may set a precedent for other billionaire philanthropists.

Concerns also have arisen that other nations will be pressured to follow Kenya’s lead and offer immunity to the Gates Foundation in exchange for continued access to the massive resources the foundation pours into other African countries.

The Government of Kenya’s announcement, Schwab wrote, comes just a week after farmer organizations and religious leaders across the continent called for reparations for the damage the foundation has inflicted on African agriculture through its so-called “green revolution” program.

They say the foundation promotes corporate, industrial agriculture at the expense of local practices and African ecosystems.

Much of the Gates Foundation’s investment in African agriculture happens through the Nairobi-based AGRA, previously known as the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa. The foundation is AGRA’s co-founder and biggest donor. It has given at least $872 million to the organization, Schwab reported.

AGRA says it “exists to fulfil a vision where Africa can feed itself,” yet it directs its funding to support input-intensive and resource-intensive agriculture.

The alliance promotes the use of synthetic fertilizers and commercial seeds controlled by Big Ag, the restructuring of seed laws to criminalize trading of seeds not certified by Big Ag, and supports seed dealers who promote corporate products.

The foundation has past financial ties to companies like Monsanto (now Bayer), whose seeds it pushed on African farmers.

Gates/AGRA’s practices have long been criticized by human rights and environmental groups in Africa and globally. And independent research shows that AGRA-supported initiatives have failed, sometimes leading to increased hunger.

Daniel Maingi, coordinator for the Kenya Food Rights Alliance, told Schwab that with Gates’ diplomatic immunity, “Kenya becomes the testing ground … That is a big, big concern. It’s a big red flag.”

“In terms of food sovereignty, as we give Gates these privileges and immunities, Africa is going to be — not food sovereign, not seed sovereign — we’re going to be slaves and masters of the big corporations,” he added.

In response to criticism about its new diplomatic immunity in Kenya, the foundation issued a statement affirming its commitment to partnering with the Kenyan government.

“Our agreement to operate in Kenya was made in alignment with the Kenyan government’s Privileges and Immunities Act. We operate according to the typical agreements Kenya makes with other foundations and nonprofits,” Buhle Makamanzi, deputy director of Global Communications for the Gates Foundation in Africa, said in the statement.

Schwab said the move by the Kenyan government and the concerns raised by critics, “get to the heart of Gates’s anti-democratic influence and power, which, at least in Kenya, appears to be reaching new levels.”

“No one ever elected or appointed Gates to lead the world — on any topic,” Schwab said. “Yet through his great wealth and his money-in-politics brand of philanthropy, he is able to buy a seat at the democratic decision-making table — and, apparently, also buy diplomatic immunity.”

Not just Big Ag — Gates investments include vaccines, digital IDs, GMO mosquitoes

Gates’ massive investment in Africa extends beyond agriculture into public health, and more recently, digital IDs in Kenya.

It also includes the “Target Malaria” project, which proposed to end malaria by introducing genetically modified or GMO mosquitoes. Critics say the program is based on “flawed ecological thinking” and “backed by the same agri-business interests that have devastated agroecological farming systems.”

Schwab also pointed to widespread criticism of Gates’ program to implement mass circumcision in Swaziland and Zambia to curb the transmission of HIV.

However, some of Gates’ most wide-reaching investments in Africa, and the global south more broadly, have been in the development and distribution of vaccines.

For example, the Gates Foundation is the topmost funder of polio initiatives worldwide. In April 2013, Gates said that eradicating polio was his “top priority,” — even though there had only been 19 cases worldwide that entire year.

Since then, there has been a global explosion in polio cases, which in 2017 the World Health Organization (WHO) admitted were caused predominantly by a strain that comes from the vaccineitself.

Critics, including many scientists working in low-income settings, have noted that as money is lavished on polio, millions of children are left vulnerable to a slew of often deadly, preventable diseases.

Gates also promoted the use of a dangerous version of the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, or DPT, vaccine in Africa after it was banned in the U.S. In a video shared widely on X, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explained Gates’ work in Africa on the DPT vaccines, other vaccines and in agriculture. [MORE]

Pfizer, Moderna mRNA COVID Injections Linked to Higher Risk of Acute Heart Disease among People Aged 10 to 59

From [HERE] People who received one dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine had a higher risk of acute heart diseasecompared with those who received one dose of a non-mRNA COVID-19 shot, according to a new peer-reviewed study.

A team of South Korean researchers, who published their report on Oct. 24 in Epidemiology and Infection, said the heightened risk was most pronounced among people ages 10 to 59 compared with those age 60 and older.

The study authors analyzed the health data of 3,350,855 people who received one dose of a COVID-19vaccine from February 2021 to March 2022. The authors obtained the data from South Korea’s National Health Insurance Service (NHIS).

South Korea administered five types of COVID-19 vaccines: the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA shots, and the AstraZeneca, Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) and Novavax non-mRNA shots.

The study authors wanted to see if receiving a first dose of a particular type of COVID-19 vaccine was associated with developing acute heart disease within 21 days post-vaccination.

They also sought to determine if developing a COVID-19 infection within 21 days after the first vaccine dose was linked to a higher risk of acute heart disease.

To find out, they analyzed cardiac adverse events “including acute cardiac injury, acute myocarditis, acute pericarditiscardiac arrest, and cardiac arrhythmia, in relation to vaccine type and COVID-19 within 21 days after the first vaccination date,” according to their report.

“The results revealed higher heart disease risk in individuals receiving mRNA vaccines than other types,” they wrote. “Individuals infected by SARS-CoV-2 also exhibited significantly higher heart disease risk than those uninfected.”

The study authors didn’t find a statistically significant interaction between individuals’ COVID-19 infection status and the type of COVID-19 vaccine they received — meaning the higher risk wasn’t contingent on the person having both a COVID-19 infection and an mRNA vaccination.

However, they did find that younger people who received mRNA vaccines had a higher heart disease risk compared to those 60 and up.

Dr. Peter McCullough, who posted the South Korean study on his Substack, said public health agencies never studied the comparative safety of the different COVID-19 vaccine types.

There should be “investigations into why the agencies preferentially promoted mRNA vaccines despite their higher risk of cardiovascular events,” McCullough added.

Karl Jablonowski, Ph.D., a senior research scientist at Children’s Health Defense , told The Defenderthat “overall” the study was “compelling.” He said:

“Elevated risk of acute heart disease for mRNA products over others is biologically plausible, even beyond the well-established myocarditis and pericarditis.

“This study highlights the potential for a population-based approach to reveal such harms.” [MORE]

San Francisco Transit System Authorities Must Pay Nearly $8 Million to 6 Workers Fired for Refusing COVID Shots

From [HERE] The San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) must pay about $7.8 million to six former employees who lost their jobs after the district denied their requests for accommodations for religious exemptions from BART’s COVID-19 mandate.

In the largest financial win yet for workers fired for failing to comply with COVID-19 vaccinemandates, a federal jury composed of entirely vaccinated jurors on Wednesday awarded the plaintiffs between approximately $1.2 million and $1.5 million each to compensate for economic losses and mental anguish.

The case is one of hundreds filed across the country since 2021, representing thousands of workers who say they lost their jobs when their employers illegally denied their requests for religious accommodation to the COVID-19 mandate.

“These verdicts are seismic — a 7.8 San Francisco legal earthquake,” Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute, which represented the plaintiffs, said in a statement. “This amazing outcome represents so much hard work by our team, perseverance by these clients, and fairness from our judicial system.”

The workers’ attorney, Kevin Snider, told The Defender that because of BART’s mandate, “The workers were forced to either deny their faith or lose their jobs.” He said they chose the latter, demonstrating the sincerity of their religious convictions.

he lawsuit began as three separate cases representing 35 employees fired by BART. The three cases were later consolidated into a single lawsuit. Twenty-nine of the plaintiffs settled with BART, but the remaining six went to trial this month.

“These workers lost their jobs and have struggled for more than two years,” Snider said. “It was a devastating disruption to their lives and to their families. Being able to settle or get a jury verdict helps them to put closure on this and for those who went to trial, they felt heard and understood by a jury, which can be important.”

This was the second time the case went to trial. The first trial ended in a mistrial in July when the jury could not reach a unanimous decision, as required in federal civil trials. [MORE]

CDC Paid Coin-Operated Black Influencers w/Money from Elites [Bill Gates, Fakebook etc] to Push COVID Shots: Myth-Information about Safety Fraudulently Induced the Public into Taking Deadly Injections

From [HERE] The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in partnership with the CDC Foundation, funded a toolkit to train community-based organizations on how to hire influencers to combat “vaccine myths” in communities of color.

The CDC Foundation’s donor list includes the World Health Organization, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and vaccine makers including Pfizer, Merck and Johnson & Johnson.

The toolkit, first rolled out in 2022, is part of a suite of resources created by the CDC’s Partnering for Vaccine Equity Program (P4VE), which targets ethnic and racial minority communities to increase vaccine uptake by funding “partnerships” with the CDC.

P4VE’s Vaccine Resource Hub is funded through a grant for over $80 million from the CDC and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It includes toolkits, unbranded digital materials and messaging in over 50 languages.

Community organizations can use the “Influencer Guide” to help them contact influencers who can spread the organizations’ messages in the influencers’ own voices.

The guide suggests targeting mid-level influencers — those who aren’t overly famous and who are preferably “self-made” — because they’re often seen as more relatable and trusted than large brands or celebrities on social media.

These influencers can effectively act as messengers with a wide reach to promote vaccination in racial and ethnic minority communities.

To maximize their online influence, the guide recommends community organizations first identify suitable candidates with a relevant background and who haven’t made “inappropriate” posts in the past.

Once they’ve identified the right influencers, organizations can ask influencers to partner with them to spread their message about, for example, the safety of COVID-19 vaccines for people in marginalized communities. [MORE]

How COVID Injections Cause Cancer and How to Defeat It

From [HERE] By October 2022, there was a significant increase in fourteen different types of cancers across 44 countries, particularly among young people.

The American Cancer Society reported that cancer mortality in young people had doubled compared to pre-2020 levels.

Pfizer’s 2022 safety report on covid “vaccines” documented thousands of cancer cases following vaccinations, with 3,711 cases reported by June 2022.

UK oncologist Angus Dalgleish observed aggressive cancer relapses in patients who had received covid booster vaccines, suggesting a link between the vaccines and cancer.

Canadian oncologist William Makis noted unprecedented cases of stage four cancers in young adults, describing them as “turbo cancer” due to their aggressive nature and resistance to conventional treatments.

Pathologist Ryan Cole criticised covid injections for causing immune suppression, which impairs the body’s ability to fight cancer, and reported a significant increase in cancer cases post-vaccine rollout.  Cole estimated that 17 million people have died due to mRNA injections, describing the situation as a “silent holocaust” and criticising the medical establishment for denying these deaths.

“It is important to fully appreciate the spike protein burden in the vaccinated, in order to be able to find the best strategies to reverse the risk and the damage of this toxin … The better we understand these processes, the better we will be able to defend patients and the public against the imminent coming years of record-breaking cancer rates,” Dr. Coleen Huber wrote in a recent essay.

Over the years, The Exposé has frequently published articles about the risk of vaccine-induced cancers and the increase in cancer cases after the mass rollout of the covid so-called vaccines.  But many may have missed all the pieces in the puzzle, especially if they have not been following the real news as it was breaking.  Thankfully, Dr. Huber has gathered all the evidence into one essay for us which we have reproduced below.  In her essay, Dr. Huber explains:

– The mechanism of mRNA “vaccines” and the resulting spike protein production by people’s bodies after vaccination.

– The correlation between covid injections and certain cancers including lymphomas, glioblastomas, colorectal, ovarian and breast cancers.

– The global rise in cancer cases and mortality post-vaccination.  Globally, cancer diagnoses and excess deaths have risen following the covid vaccine rollout, with a notable acceleration after booster doses, particularly affecting younger age groups.  “The vulnerability is sufficient for all humans to be sure to avoid the covid vaccines,” Dr. Huber writes.

– The concerns and cautionary advice regarding vaccination for cancer patients.  People, who already face cancer as a leading cause of death, should avoid covid injections.

– The impact of covid injections on immune response and antibody production and the role of Type I interferon in immune function and cancer suppression.

– The mechanisms of cancer development and the role of spike protein.

– The impact of spike protein on DNA damage and repair.

– The suppression of tumour suppressor genes by spike protein.

– The spike protein’s role in cancer growth and angiogenesis.

– The immune evasion by cancer cells and the impact of vaccination.  The covid injections may weaken the immune system and allow cancer cells to evade immune detection.  Tumours can evade the immune system by disguising themselves as “self,” making it difficult for the immune system to target them.

– Enhancing immune vigilance and the role of vitamin A.  Vitamin A has been shown to help unmask hidden cancers, allowing the immune system to target them, and its deficiency is linked to camouflaged colorectal cancer.

– Metastasis, the spread of cancer cells to new locations in the body, and the importance of basement membrane integrity. [MORE]

Cloutlaws Bill Gates and Pfizer CEO Sued Over COVID Lies: Netherlands Ct Advances Injured Plaintiffs' Claim the Public was Intentionally Misled about the Safety of COVID Shots-Makers Hid Known Dangers

According to FUNKTIONARY:

cloutlaw – any member of the Overruling Overclass who covertly schemes or overtly acts without impunity and sans accountability (above the Lex and below the radar of jurisprudence). 2) the financial juice (if caught) to get let loose (get acquitted). 3) the jet set—set free from accountability. 4) the necessary pull to pull oneself out of deep-dish trouble.

From [HERE] A Netherlands court last week ruled that Bill Gates can stand trial in the Netherlands, in a case involving seven people injured by COVID-19 vaccines.

According to Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf, the seven “corona skeptics” sued Gates last year, along with former Dutch prime minister and newly appointed NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte, and “several members” of the Dutch government’s COVID-19 “Outbreak Management Team.”

Other defendants include Albert Bourla, Ph.D., CEO of Pfizer, and the Dutch state.

“Because Bill Gates’ foundation was involved in combating the corona pandemic, he has also been summoned,” De Telegraaf reported.

According to Dutch independent news outlet Zebra Inspiratie, the plaintiffs allege that Gates, through his representatives, deliberately misled them about the safety of the COVID-19 shots, despite knowing “that these injections were not safe and effective.”

Dutch independent journalist Erica Krikke told The Defender that the seven plaintiffs — whose names are redacted in the lawsuit’s publicly available documents — “are ordinary Dutch people, and they have been jabbed and after the jabs they got sick.”

Krikke said that of the seven original plaintiffs, one has since died, leaving the other six plaintiffs to continue the lawsuit.

The lawsuit was filed in the District Court of Leeuwarden. According to De Telegraaf, “Gates had objected because, according to him, the judges did not have jurisdiction.” Accordingly, the court first “had to rule in the so-called incident procedure,” De Andere Krant reported.

Zebra Inspiratie reported that the hearing in this “incident procedure” took place on Sept. 18 and that Gates’ representatives disputed jurisdiction, but not the claim.

According to De Andere Krant, Gates was represented by the Pels Rijcken law firm, based in The Hague, described as “the largest and the premier litigation law firm in the Netherlands.” Gates did not appear at the Sept. 18 hearing, but attorneys for Gates argued that the court “had no jurisdiction over him because he lives in the United States.”

However, in its Oct. 16 ruling, the Leeuwarden court ruled it does have jurisdiction over Gates. De Andere Krant reported that the court found “sufficient evidence” that the claims against Gates and the other defendants are “connected” and based on the same “complex of facts.”

Other defendants who reside outside of the Netherlands, including Bourla, did not challenge the court’s jurisdiction.

The court ruled Gates must pay attorneys’ fees and additional legal costs totaling 1,406 euros (approximately $1,520). A hearing is scheduled for Nov. 27.

Study of 1.7 Million Kids and Teens Who Got Pfizer COVID Injections Found Myopericarditis Only in Vaxed Groups

From [HERE] The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine provided children and teens in England with only about 14 to 15 weeks of protection against testing positive for the virus, according to a preprint study of over 1.7 million children ages 5 to 15 in the English National Healthcare System (NHS).

Researchers investigating the safety and effectiveness of Pfizer’s vaccine in fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, and unvaccinated children and teens, also found cases of myocarditis and pericarditis only in vaccinated children.

“This study clearly shows that Pfizer’s COVID vaccine provides almost no benefit to children and adolescents, but does increase their risk of myocarditis and pericarditis,” said Brian Hooker, Ph.D., chief scientific officer of Children’s Health Defense. “It begs the question: Why does the CDC continue to recommend these unlicensed shots for kids? Where is the data they use to support their statement that the benefits of these vaccines outweigh the risks?”

The study found that vaccinated children required slightly fewer emergency room visits and hospital stays, but that those outcomes were extremely rare in children and teens across all groups.

There were no COVID-19 deaths among any of the study subjects.

Public health agencies in the United Kingdom (U.K.) and in the U.S. granted authorization to the Pfizer vaccines based on clinical trials that measured immunogenicity — or how well the vaccine elicited an immune response in the body — and efficacy against infection.

The trials didn’t test how well the vaccines protected against severe disease. They also didn’t assess particular safety endpoints, like myocarditis and pericarditis, which have been reported globally. [MORE]

State Department Colluded With Social Media to Censor Content, Twitter Files Show

From [HERE] The latest release of the “Twitter Files” includes evidence that the U.S. Department of State worked closely with social media platforms, despite denials by government officials.

Independent journalist Paul D. Thacker published the documents today in The Disinformation Chronicle. Thacker’s previous “Twitter Files” installments revealed evidence of collusion between the federal government, social media platforms and private actors to censor content.

According to Thacker, the newly released documents add to existing evidence that the Biden administration worked closely with platforms like Twitter to censor content and influence social media content moderation policies.

“These emails [call] into sharp question claims by Democrats and their allies in the media that Twitter did not collude with federal agencies and was free from Biden administration pressure to make its own censorship decisions,” Thacker wrote.

According to the new “Twitter Files,” the Indian government pressured Twitter to censor accounts in 2021, including accounts critical of India’s COVID-19 policies.

This led Twitter to hire Albright Stonebridge, a lobbying firm “closely aligned with the Biden administration” — and previously funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation — to pressure the State Department for assistance.

“Around this same timeframe, emails show that the State Department was pressuring Twitter to censor accounts they didn’t like,” Thacker wrote.

Thacker told The Defender the Indian government “was going after Twitter for not suspending accounts critical of the government, and there were threats that Twitter employees in the country would be arrested.”

The State Department then began “working closely with Twitter to deal with the company’s problems in India,” Twitter’s third-largest market, at the same time that it “was leaning on Twitter to censor certain accounts and topics,” Thacker said.

The new “Twitter Files” release is the latest in a series of installments, based on internal company records, that suggest “close coordination between U.S. government officials and social media companies to censor viewpoints and accounts — often those that opposed Biden administration policies,” Thacker wrote. [MORE]

“Vaxxed 3” Recalls the SpokesPuppets who Tricked the Public Into Getting COVID Shots [Consent Obtained by Lies, Non-Disclosures or Coercion is Not Informed Consent; It's Battery, Negligence or Fraud]

Dr Yeardon and Dr Blynd: Authorities Own the Minds of Those who Believe “The COVID Lies." The False Narratives are Enemy Outposts in the Believer's Mind, Giving Rise to More Coercive Political Systems

Consent obtained by lies, halfTruths, non-disclosures, fraud, coercion is not lawful consent - it is induced consent, which is unlawful.

A plaintiff cannot ordinarily be regarded as actually consenting to the defendant's conduct if the plaintiff assented to the conduct while mistaken about the nature and quality of the invasion intended by the defendant. Likewise, an overt manifestation of assent or willingness would not be effective apparent consent if the defendant knew, or probably if he ought to have known in the exercise of reasonable care, that the plaintiff was mistaken as to the nature and quality of the invasion intended.... The decisions in this area have involved assent induced by fraud, in the sense that the defendant was either aware of the plaintiff's mistake or ignorance and failed to disclose the truth, or the defendant induced the mistake with representation which he knew was false. Prosser and Keeton on Torts § 18, at 119-20 (5th ed. 1984).

The failure to provide informed consent is a basis of medical malpractice. But it also may be the basis of a lawsuit for an intentional battery (murder), negligence or fraud.

Battery is an intentional, unwanted or offensive touching by another. A lawsuit for battery increases the likelihood of punitive damages and unlike a claim for negligence, no proof of injury or harm is necessary. A lawsuit for battery generally has a shorter statute of limitations than a claim for negligence.

There Are No Licensed COVID Vaccines for Kids Under 12 — But CDC Wants Babies to Get 3 Pfizer Shots by Age 9 Months

From [HERE] Nine-month-old babies must receive multiple doses of an unlicensed mRNA COVID-19 vaccine to be considered “up to date” with their COVID-19 vaccination, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The CDC’s updated guidance, issued Aug. 30, states that children — as young as 6 months old — should get either two doses of the 2024-2025 Moderna vaccine or three doses of the 2024-2025 Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

If getting the new Pfizer shot, the baby is supposed to receive the first dose at 6 months, the second dose three weeks later and the third dose at least eight weeks after the second dose — meaning, that by 9 months old, babies are supposed to have received three Pfizer shots.

If getting the latest Moderna shot, the CDC recommends babies get the first dose at age 6 months and the second dose a month later.

The latest Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 shots for children under 12 are unlicensed in the U.S. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted only emergency use authorization (EUA) for the vaccines.

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) CEO Mary Holland told The Defender, “The earlier COVID shots have been proven unsafe and ineffective. Now we’re asked to believe that newer versions are miraculously safe and effective?”

“This is an insult to people’s intelligence,” she said, “I pray that parents will have the good sense to say no to these dangerous and unnecessary shots for babies.”

As of July 28, 37,814 deaths following COVID-19 vaccination had been reported to VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, run by the FDA and CDC.

Of those, 187 reports were for children and teens under 18. Nearly 13,000 reports listed the age as “unknown.”

VAERS analyst and expert Albert Benavides recently told The Defender he believes VAERS is “throttling” and underreporting deaths of all ages following COVID-19 vaccination.

Meanwhile, the CDC continues to tell the public that COVID-19 vaccines are “safe and effective.”

There’s no licensed COVID vaccine for kids under 12

There are still no licensed COVID-19 vaccines available for children under 12, Hooker said — so all COVID-19 vaccines given to young kids are EUA products.

The FDA’s website on EUA for medical products states that EUA vaccines only have to meet the standard of “may be effective” as long as if, “based on the totality of the scientific evidence, it is reasonable to believe that the product may be effective for the specified use.”

“The ‘may be effective’ standard for EUAs provides for a lower level of evidence than the ‘effectiveness’ standard that FDA uses for product approvals,” the website states.

Before a vaccine can be fully licensed, the vaccine maker typically is required to conduct numerous clinical trials to demonstrate that the product is safe. However, the safety requirements for EUA are more flexible. [MORE]

Study of 125 Countries Finds ‘No Apparent Benefit’ From COVID injections

From [HERE] A new study by a team of Canadian researchers into excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemicfound that patterns of excess death globally could not be explained by the virus, including long COVID.

The study, by researchers with Correlation Research in the Public Interest, examined excess mortality in 125 countries during the pandemic. It found that mortality patterns correlate closely with the imposition of restrictions such as lockdowns and with the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

The investigation determined that pandemic-related restrictions resulted in 30 million deaths globally and that 17 million deaths can be attributed to the COVID-19 vaccines.

The researchers concluded that “nothing special would have occurred in terms of mortality had a pandemic not been declared and had the declaration not been acted upon.”

Joseph Hickey, Ph.D., one of the paper’s co-authors and president of Correlation, joined “The Defender In-Depth” this week to discuss the study’s findings and analyze the likely causes contributing to increases in excess deaths and overall mortality.

Excess death data ‘not compatible’ with ‘particularly virulent special pathogen’

Hickey explained that “all-cause mortality” refers to “the number of deaths without filtering by the cause of death” during a given period, while “excess deaths” refers to “how many deaths occurred that are above and beyond what would have been predicted” for a certain period.

Hickey and the study’s co-authors analyzed pre-pandemic raw data from 2015 to 2019, and data collected between 2020 and 2023. Hickey said the data, collected from 125 countries, found “a large amount of excess deaths.”

“We calculate that over the COVID period … about 0.39% of the global population died in excess. That compares to about 0.97%” during the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic in 1918.

Hickey said this was “the largest non-war mortality event in 100 years” globally.

The study also found patterns of excess mortality across the world were “very heterogeneous,” as they varied “significantly from country to country,” across regions within the same country and across age groups. Hickey said:

“There are some countries that immediately following the declaration of the pandemic in March of 2020 had an enormous spike in … excess mortality that is very sharp, very fast and very narrow. But that does not occur in all countries.

“There are neighboring countries that don’t have that at all. There are countries that do not have any excess mortality throughout all of 2020, and it’s only in 2021 when the vaccines are rolled out, that they suddenly have excess. And that excess can be a sharp spike, or it can be a raised and sustained plateau.”

Noting that none of the countries had any excess deaths before the declaration of the pandemic, Hickey said this finding does not match the spread of a deadly virus.

“If you take the model of a new very deadly pathogen that is spreading around the world, you should not see this very high degree of heterogeneity … it’s simply not compatible with the hypothesis of a particularly virulent special pathogen,” he said.

“If there was a specifically virulent and dangerous pathogen that was spreading around the world, it would not wait for a political declaration of a pandemic to start causing excess mortality,” Hickey added.

Instead, “a much simpler, much more elegant explanation is that it’s differences in national policies, national measures of one kind or another that are responsible for these very different outcomes in excess mortality,” Hickey said. [MORE]

American Dental Association Pledges to Push Fluoridated Water Despite Court Finding that ‘Fluoride Causes Cognitive Damage to Children’

From [HERE] A landmark federal court ruling recently determined that fluoride levels in U.S. drinking water pose unnecessary risks to children’s IQ and cognitive development, validating what conspiracy theorists have warned about for decades.

Generations of people have been poisoned through the water supply without their consent. This toxic byproduct – hexafluorosilicic acid – has been dripped into most municipal water supplies for decades. The institutions that thought they knew what was best for everyone’s dental health have instead dumbed down entire generations of people, harming their IQ and cognitive development. This widespread dumbing down of human populations helps explain the lack of critical thinking skills in the 21st century.

None of these serious matters of public health seem important to institutions like the American Dental Association, however. In fact, the ADA immediately issued a statement, doubling down and defending water fluoridation.

Biased and stubborn American Dental Association defends fluoridated water

Some institutions, like the American Dental Association, are pushing back against the science and dismissing this federal court ruling, demanding that fluoride be considered safe for everyone, against all available evidence.

The ADA, representing some 159,000 dentists across the country, posits itself as “the premier source of oral health information.” The ADA claims that they have “promoted the art and science of dentistry since 1859” while advocating for the public’s health. But the ADA aren’t thinking about the big picture with fluoride and how it is destroying the cognitive abilities of those exposed on a daily basis.

Immediately after the court’s ruling, the ADA hastily wrote:

The American Dental Association (ADA) remains staunchly in support of community water fluoridation at optimal levels to help prevent tooth decay. The district court ruling against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides no scientific basis for the ADA to change its endorsement of community water fluoridation as safe and beneficial to oral health.

The ADA called the ruling and the barrage of social media posts that followed “pseudo-scientific information.” The ADA claims that social media users are spreading information that “is not always based on research conducted according to impartial and evidence based scientific methodology.” The ADA contends that “conclusions drawn from research are not always scientifically justifiable or without bias.” One might point out that the ADA is drawing their own biased conclusions from research that was validated in court. By ignoring the latest evidence on fluoride’s damage to children’s brains, the ADA might be guilty of spreading “pseudo-scientific information.” [MORE]