Phoenix Cops Repeatedly Punch, Taser Deaf Black Man w/Cerebral Palsy. Liberal Prosecutors Still Press Charges Though He Committed No Crime. DOJ Considers Oversight of Racist Police Department

From [HERE] A Black man, who is deaf and has cerebral palsy is facing felony aggravated assault and resisting arrest charges after he was repeatedly punched and tasered by a pair of Phoenix police officers.

The violent and rapid arrest of Tyron McAlpin raises serious questions and could serve as a test case for Phoenix and the Department of Justice as the two battle over whether the police department in America’s fifth-largest city needs federal oversight.

Acting on false claims from a white man under investigation, body camera video shows officers unexpectedly go after McAlpin, punch him in the head at least 10 times, Taser him four times, and wrap their arms around his neck.

“It’s hard for me to see how the city can come out and say with [a] straight face that it is meeting the DOJ report head-on when this man is being charged with assault on police officers for this incident,” said Jesse Showalter, one of McAlpin's attorneys.

But, Phoenix police and Maricopa County prosecutors continue to pursue a criminal case against McAlpin. During a recent preliminary hearing, Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioner Nick Saccone found there was probable cause for his August 19, 2024, arrest.

McAlpin was arrested by Officers Benjamin Harris and Kyle Sue.

In their police reports and court testimony, the two officers stated McAlpin was going to run, took a fighting stance, threw repeated punches, and wouldn’t comply with commands.

McAlpin's attorneys said body camera video and surveillance footage show the officers’ claims are false and said there’s an obvious explanation for why he couldn’t comply.

“The answer is easy. He’s deaf. He couldn’t understand what they were doing. And he had done nothing wrong,” Showalter said. “Everything I see in that video is Tyron just trying to avoid being harmed by these officers and that only makes them increase the escalation and the violence that they’re using.”

Among the problems cited by the DOJ, the following issues are also raised in McAlpin's arrest: Racial bias, excessive force, dangerous use of Tasers and chokeholds, and violating the rights of people with disabilities.

The violent arrest stems from a morning call from Circle K employees who reported that a White man was causing problems and wouldn’t leave the store, records show.

While being trespassed, the man claimed he was assaulted by a Black man and pointed across the street at McAlpin.

Officers Harris and Sue took the man’s claims at face value and left him to go after McAlpin. (The man’s assault claim was later refuted by store employees and surveillance video, records show.) 

After handcuffing McAlpin, his girlfriend arrived at the arrest and told the officers that he was deaf and had cerebral palsy, according to body camera footage. None of the officers at the scene included any information about McAplin’s disabilities in their reports.

Eviction Filings are Up, Most Eviction Defendants are Black (vast majority of landlords are white). [Sleeping Toms Believe Bigotry is Racism and Misperceive Racism as a Natural Outcome or Coincidence]

Where’s ALL the hate AT? FOR DECADES NEELY FULLER HAS BEEN correctly SAYING THAT RACISM IS PRIMARILY BASED ON DECEPTION. IF SO, Perhaps the greatest accomplishment by elite racists has been to trick Black people into believing THE OPPOSITE - that racism is PRIMARILY ABOUT bigotry or mean words, slurs, disrespect and OVERT DISPLAYS OF hatred. With such a misperception GUILIBLE Black people TRY TO SOLVE THE WRONG PROBLEMS AND miss the omnipresent system of racism white supremacy– a white over Black OPERATING system of vast unequal power and domination GOING RIGHT IN THEIR FACES. IN the photo above which shows a Black woman being evicted as WHITE law enforcement officers put her stuff outside on the curb, There is a high probability that the landlord and attorney who filed for the eviction and the judge who ORDERED THE EVICTION were also all white. It is also VERY LIKELY that on her COURT day a large number of other Black DEFENDANTS were ALSO evicted and their landlordS and attorneys were also white. FURTHERMORE, IT IS MOST LIKELY THAT ANY PROSPECTIVE LANDLORDS , REAL ESTATE AGENTS OR BANK OFFICIALS SHE UNSUCCESSFULLY DEALT WITH TO FIND A NEW HOME PRIOR TO HER EVICTION WERE ALSO ALL WHITE. Yet under the prevailing Clogic THE EVICTIONS GOING ON THROUGHOUT THE US AREN’T AN EXAMPLE OF RACISM. THAT IS, SO LONG AS noBODY IS mean or disrespectful or makes a racial slur during the process, NO RACISM OCCURRED. The fact that similar situations happen everyday in nearly every place (FOR DECADES) where Black people reside is considered a coincidence or a natural occurrence to gullible blacks who have been deceived about what racism is and how it works. Indeed, the prevailing “clogic” is intended to make white dominance and control over everything seem natural.' Under such A DELUSION, ‘Blackness’ HAS BEEN one the leading causes of coincidences in US history. Such a misunderstanding of reality has had a profound negative consequences for Black people while it has SimultaneousLY empowered white people. For instance it has caused power-napping Blacks to try to solve the wrong problems and align themselves politically with the wrong persons, etc or to engage in an array of other conduct and speech that only strengthens cooperative, consensual master-servant relations between racists and blacks, the gravamen of the racism white supremacy dynamic. [MORE]

From [HERE] According to the findings of a recent study by Eviction Lab

  • Landlords filed nearly 1,115,000 eviction cases in 2023. That’s over 100,000 more cases than were filed in 2022 and over 500,000 more than in 2021.

  • Eviction caseloads increased between 2022 and 2023 in three-quarters of the cities we track.

  • In most cities, eviction filings in 2023 were above levels that were normal prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • 60% of eviction case defendants in 2023 were women.

  • Despite making up less than one-third of renters, nearly half of eviction case defendants in 2023 were Black.

  • In many places, a large share of eviction filings were repeated cases brought against the same tenants at the same addresses.

Landlords filed 10.5% more eviction cases in 2023 than in 2022. In total, 1,114,340 eviction cases were filed across the jurisdictions where we collect data.1 Overall, that represents 2.9% fewer cases than we would have seen in these places prior to the pandemic, but still a large increase from what we observed early in the pandemic, when less than 600,000 cases were filed in 2020 and 2021 (see Figure 1).

In line with previous trends, we find that women and Black renters faced a disproportionate share of eviction filings in 2023. In most of the ETS locations, we are able to estimate the likely race/ethnicity and gender of tenants facing eviction (for an explanation of how we do this, see our methods page)2. Fully 60% of those filed against for eviction last year were women. In Figure 3 we plot the share of defendants listed on eviction filings in 2023 who were Black, Latinx, or White. We compare those numbers to Census Bureau figures on the share of renters in each racial/ethnic group in the same set of places.

The eviction crisis weighs most heavily on Black renters. Despite making up only 31% of renters, nearly half of eviction filings are against Black individuals in these areas. By contrast, all other racial/ethnic groups see an underrepresentation when it comes to eviction filings. [MORE]

Mostly Black Homeless Shelter Residents Evicted To Make Room as Chicago Authorities Clear Tent Cities for White Liberals Ahead of Dumbocrats' Convention

From [HERE] One of Chicago’s longest-standing tent cities was cleared Wednesday as the city prepares for the Democratic National Convention, with many of the tent city’s residents offered rooms at a Gold Coast hotel operating as a homeless shelter.

But to make room for residents of the South Loop tent city, existing tenants of the hotel-turned-shelter were evicted, with some now living on the street, residents and activists said.

The encampment, sandwiched between the Dan Ryan Expressway and the 1100 block of South Desplaines Street, was cleared of tents and personal belongings by Wednesday morning. Crews added extra fencing to the area, cordoning off the strip of land that has been a respite for the unhoused for over four decades.

The encampment and others near the site of the DNC were cleared as a precaution in case the Secret Service determined the camps posed a safety threat, city officials said. [MORE]

Is BLM Getting Reformed Into the System? BLM’s Leaders Used Charitable Funds To Enrich Themselves And Their Families, New Documents Show

From [HERE] Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF) has paid out millions in contracts to insiders, newly released tax documents show.

The nation’s largest BLM organization approved lucrative contracts to firms owned by members of the organization’s leadership and their family members between July 2022 and June 2023, tax filings show. The shuffling of charitable funds to private companies owned by interested parties raises considerable ethical concerns given the lack of oversight and the possible conflicts of interest, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“Whether a person loves this charity’s mission or hates it, they should be angry that significant amounts of charitable dollars are being channeled to interested parties without adequate oversight in place,” Charity Watch Executive Director Laurie Styron told the DCNF. “Charities are expected to avoid both real and perceived conflicts of interest to maintain public trust. This charity is doing the opposite. The optics here are really, really bad.”

BLMGNF “has no independent oversight” as the charity’s board is too small to effectively guard against the misuse of funds from those in charge of the organization, Styron said.

The organization paid the consulting firm BOWERS* nearly $2.6 million during the time frame for “staffing and management services,” according to tax filings. Shalomyah Bowers, the secretary of the charity’s board, owns at least 35% of that firm. [MORE]

Bark & Clap Politricks: At Rally Biden (a grimacing corpse) Hands Out Pillows and Mattresses to Sleeping Toms who Make Believe Boilerplate Liberalism Addresses Problems Plaguing Black Communities

The great rebel Dr. Amos Wilson stated specifically in regard to Black people, ‘People who are dominated by another people through ideas cannot possibly have any meaningful political philosophy, real leaders or any non-superficial culture. The only philosphy or theory such a dominated people could have would be one that enables the other group to dominate them.’

According to ABC, in Philadelphia Corpse Biden and Quisling Harris launched their Black sleeping tom outreach and warned of a second Trump term but otherwise offered nothing of tangible value to the votary.

Black people, once envied and imitated by people seeking freedom throughout the world are now demobilized and have no effective political organizations, no real leaders and “black politics” is literally void of any actual substance. In their relations with Democrats Black voters function like trained seals or dogs that “bark and clap” at election time and then shut-up afterwards. Norman Kelly called this phenomenon “bark and clap politics.” [MORE]

Dumbocrats in turn have no messaging or organizing aimed at black people. Norman Kelly explained Democrats essentially offer no substantial policy initiatives that benefit African-Americans and “No real agenda drives politics beyond having the Democratic candidate show up.” ‘Democrats don’t stand for anything in regard to Blacks (except for their right to vote for democrats); black people are voting against republicans but not for Democrats.’ Similarly, Robert Smith observed ‘that what is striking about any so-called ‘black agenda’ from Democrats is that its not really black. That is, relatively few items are race specific.’ Kelley further explained, ‘Democrats offer only boilerplate liberalism and no legislative initiative. And why would they need one? Democrats know they will suffer no sanctions from disgruntled and politically emasculated blacks.’

Here, Dems push so-called ‘climate change,’ on demand aborticide, genderplex confusion, free distribution of experimental “vaccines” and their Donald Trump obsession onto Black people as if this ad-hoc collection of issues will address the myriad of problems plaguing Black communities caused by the system of racism white supremacy and government authority. Elite whites and their McNegro probots are quick to remind anyone that “Black voters are not a monolith, and their attitudes differ based on upbringing, geography and other factors.” Such an overstatement purposefully misses the point. No group of people is a monolith; obviously individuals are not the group. But black people are not white people – and white liberals are not subjected to the system of racism white supremacy. And white liberals’ menu of political concerns and grievances have little to do with the realities of daily life that Black people face. [MORE]

Led by white liberals black people remain in a state of checkmate. According to the Urban League’s 2022 State of Black America, Black people haven’t progressed since 1965. Blacks are about three-fifths along the way to experiencing equal status with White Americans. The Black-White disparity persists across virtually every line or indicator of life and quality of life in the United States. Black people occupy the bottom of nearly every statistical category of life. [MORE] US Census data reveals that the unemployment gap between whites and blacks is virtually unchanged over the last 50 years. The income and wealth gaps have actually widened. So has the gap in educational attainment. The jobless rate among African-Americans has remained double to whites for over 5 decades. Among other things, according a to a NY Times analysis the race gap in higher education has also widened. The median Black household income was $43,862 versus $63,823 for Whites. Blacks still trail Whites in homeownership, the traditional path to wealth building in the country, and their homes were valued less than Whites. [MORE] Norman Kelley observed that despite Black people’s heavy involvement in the Democratic Party, schools have remained as segregated as before Brown v. Board of Education, which was decided over 70 years ago. [MORE] According to NSBA nearly one third of Black students lived in poverty (32%), compared with 10% of white students in families living in poverty. While white liberals indulge and captivate Blacks with fantasy talk about reparations, 80% of African-American fourth-graders can barely read and understand mathematics and only 19% were scored proficient in math. [MORE] According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) just 18% of Black eighth-graders reach reading “proficiency.” [MORE] And in 2015 NAEP found that only 17% of Black 12th graders were proficient at reading. [MORE] In 2017, Ballou High School in DC came under intense scrutiny for pushing failing students through to graduation in order to achieve a 100% graduation and college acceptance rate. Teachers stated that many of their 12th graders couldn’t read and write. In 2017-18, only 7% of public school teachers and 11% of public school principals were Black. [MORE] In regard to housing, although Blacks make up only 13 percent of the general population they account for 37% of all homeless people and account for more than 50% of homeless families with children. [MORE] Similarly, Black renters comprise 18.6% of America's renter population, yet they make up 51.1 % of those affected by an eviction filing and 43.4% of those evicted nationally. Is it MAGA republicans or wealthy white liberals evicting Blacks and forcing them into the streets of Chicago, LA, NYC, Philadelphia and Washington D.C? Additionally, Black people disproportionately comprise 40% of the 1.8 million incarcerated people in the US. Although dumbocrats give lip service to decarceration and criminal justice reforms, is it MAGA republicans or elite liberal authorities cramming Black people into jails in NYC, Milwaukee, Chicago, Columbus, Minnesota, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Oakland, Atlanta, Kansas City, St. Louis, Detroit, New Orleans and elsewhere? Who maintains the jails in reprehensible conditions in LA, DC, Atlanta and NYC? Similarly, dumbocrats like corpse Biden often make campaign promises about police accountability - yet the police departments in numerous cities historically controlled by white liberal politics such as NYC, LA, Cleveland, Oakland, San Francisco, St. Louis, Wash DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Chicago, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Detroit are some of the worst violators and have hosted some of the most horrific episodes of police brutality. Black people’s so-called “rights” are tuned on and off like light switches in said jurisdictions where police surveil, stop, detain and search law abiding Black people’s clothing, their cars and generally interfere with their freedom of movement as they attempt to go about their daily lives. In such liberal places cops have mauled, injured and put thousands of Black people into greater confinement and also murdered hundreds of other Black and Brown people with impunity. [MORE]


According to FUNKTIONARY:

Political power is the instantiation and active application of threat, duress and coercion upon a people in a given geographical (arbitrary) boundary. “All political power whether gained by conquest or consent, is coercive. Any public authority that is entrusted with the general prerogative of coercion is essentially and therefore eventually totalitarian. Contract—consent to mutual service and not unilateral domination—therefore is the only alternative to coercion.” ~ Spencer Heath. I am simply exposing the doctrines of limits that are infecting our world (and have been for aeons). Rather than playing by the enemies (of freedom) rules, we’ll play on the side of reality. Our advantage is that truth is unprovable, while reality needs no proof. Teach the nature of reality, not truth. Practice the Golden Rule over the Iron Rule and watch Society enter into a new dawn of economic prosperity and human possibility where freedom, creativity and love forever reign supreme. (See: THC, Authority, STATE, Constitution, Golden Rule, Iron Rule, Force Continuum, Truth, Law, Symbiocracy, Contract, Tyranny, Voting, Elections, Dictatorship, Coercion, Fascism, Service, Kingdom of Heaven, Freedom, Slavery, Taxtortion, Property & Labor)

POLITICS – Power Over Living Individuals Taxing Incessantly Confiscating Systematically. (See: Government)

Sleeping Tom – a person of Afrikan descent who has not consciously awakened to fully embrace his or her own asili (connective cultural tissue, heritage, imprimatur, and imperative). 2) a socially unconscious person of Afrikan descent who participates in secret balloting (voting). A sleepin’ Tom lives and reacts out of another culture’s asili or out of the mind of another; not their own. 3) a Negro who is unaware that he is all souled-out. 4) a Negro who isn’t aware that he is in fact and in deed a certified Sambo. 5) a broken, token Negro; a coin-operative. (See: Straw Boss, Asili, Doublemindedness, Sambo, Uncle Tom-Tom, Coin-Operated, Black Flask Brigade & Secret Ballots)

Could a Black Man Pose Imminent Danger to a White Cop while Running Away from Him on the Other Side of a Fence? $20M Suit Filed after San Bernadino Cop Hunted/Murdered Robert Brown After Profile Stop

From [HERE] and [HERE] The city of San Bernardino is facing a $20 million wrongful death claim following a deadly police shooting in December.

On Dec. 27, 28-year-old Robert Brown was pulled over for an alleged expired registration. According to the San Bernardino police, Brown ran from the vehicle and hopped a fence while holding a handgun. An officer then fired several shots, fatally striking him.

Brown’s family says the shooting was an overreaction, and alleges that he was pulled over due to racial profiling.

“He didn’t deserve to die like that,” Brown’s father, Willie Brown, said. “He ran, so what? They shoot him in his back? For a traffic infraction? And to say he had a gun?”

“There was no reason for Robert to be shot,” said attorney Brad Gage, who filed a claim on behalf of Brown’s family. “When Robert was shot, he had no gun.”

Regardless of whether Brown had a weapon, Gage said, the officer opened fire as the suspect was fleeing and posing no danger to him. 

The officer violated department policy by engaging in the pursuit and not relaying his location to dispatch during the chase, the attorney said.

Gage also questioned the officer’s decision to shoot through the fence. 

“He doesn’t know what’s behind there, and that’s something that endangers everyone in the community,” he said.

In released body cam footage, Brown can be seen holding an object in his right hand as he runs away, which the police department claims is a gun. Police said a nine-millimeter handgun, which had been reported stolen from out of state, was found at the scene.

In a news release, police included video stills of the officer’s body-worn camera, circling Brown’s hands in red to indicate that he was carrying a gun.

But the family’s attorney, Brad Gage, questioned the police’s version of events. Brown’s family maintains in the claim that San Bernardino police “appear to have planted a gun in an attempt to claim the shooting was justified as self defense.” “A stolen gun could come from anywhere. That could be in the police locker,” Gage said.

Body-camera video released by Brown’s family shows the officer chasing him for a short distance. Brown runs past the gate of a home and into a backyard, then jumps over a fence, using both hands to pull himself over. 

“As such it was evident he was not holding any gun,” the claim reads. 

Tubbs yells out, “Stop, stop!” as Brown jumps over the tall chain-link fence, lined with wood panels, the video shows. 

The officer doesn’t jump over, instead shooting his gun five times through the fence, fatally wounding Brown.

The claim against San Bernardino alleges civil rights violations and seeks $20 million in damages. If it’s denied by the city, it could set the stage for a lawsuit.

[The Occupation of the “African American” Mind] Dr Umar: 'There Can Be No Liberation from the Master Servant Relationship Until We Change the Way We Think About Ourselves, Our People and Our Future'

According to FUNKTIONARY:

African-American – a non-immigrant Afrikan (mentally captured and economically indentured) in America. 2) the hyphenated-hybrid—implicated, marginalized, demonized, profiled, targeted, Xeroxed, incarcerated Afrikan misplaced in America. “African-American” is a dash surrounded by a paradox masked as contradiction; an existential aposiopetic pause—a stutter step for the proverbial cause—a tenuous graft that left us faded, jaded, degraded, and unwhole, and in fact, according to his-story, less than a half—one third human to be exact. It is the fool who says “I have lost nothing in Africa or I have not gained anything in America.” (See: Doctrine of Exclusion, Racism White Supremacy, Melanin & Genius)

Pan-Afrikan Nationalist – one forever down with the cultural and mental liberation and economic self-determination of Mother Afrika and her tricked-out daughter-in-love—Blackamerica—come hell or high water—both of which have come to past.

Pan-Africanism – a phrase invented by Africans, manipulated by British Intelligence operative cells, and financed by bankers in order that it may include oppressors of Afrikan people, namely, colonial interlopers (the slave-running subjugationist Pan-Arabcentrist Arabs across northern Afrika) and European White Supremacists (from the country called “South Afrika”), via well intentioned Afrikan created political bodies such as the Organization of Afrikan Unity (OAU), i.e., giving non-Afrikans a means by which to covertly sabotage and derail the development, direction and actual survival of the Afrikan liberation struggle. The phrase, terminology or ideology of Pan-Africanism is a eulogy fabricated for something that is very much still alive. It lives in the sense that we have reclaimed the power to define, or redefine if necessary, the structure, context, content and portent of our words and phrases that assist us in our efforts for Afrikan liberation around the globe. Pan-Afrikanism was initially promulgated by Diasporan Afrikans and only later by continental Afrikans. Pan-Afrikanism, in the spirit of Garvey-Nkrumah-Malcolm-Lumumba, precludes those not culturally, genetically, geographically, philosophically, chronologically and politically connected and committed through word, aspiration, asili, necessity and deed to the notion of and struggle for “Afrika for Afrikans.” Pan-Africanism is encompassed within and informed by the broader umbrella of Afrikan-Centrism. The next phase in the political movement called Pan-Afrikanism is to redefine it as an Afrikan-centered Pan-Afrikanism, encompassing the aforementioned attributes as the litmus test for those ascribing (or aspiring) to the noble mission of Pan-Afrikanism. (See: Afrikan-Centrism, Liberation, Phfreedom, LAND & Self-Determination)

Prosecution is about Locking Up Blacks Not Prosecuting Cops Who Murder Black People: Gullible Black DA who Tried to Get Justice for Freddy Gray is Now Jobless and On House Arrest for Victimless Crime

Contrary to the illusion presented in The Spectacle The Legal Profession is Lilly White: ACCORDING TO THE ABA, only 3% of All elected prosecutors are Black, only 5% of All attorneys are Black and 85% of All attorneys are White

In general, the small number of Black attorneys that are actually filtered into the legal system are merely tolerated and remain in active, semi-successful practice only so long as they indirectly or directly work in service of RWS or complement governmental authority in some manner AND/OR NEVER CHALLENGE IT. Gullible civil rights advocates and do-gooders such as Ms. Mosby fail to understand what they are dealing with.

Racism is the dominant feature of the criminal justice in the United States and a major goal of the white supremacy system is the greater confinement of substantial numbers of non-white people, particularly Blacks. As explained by Kenneth Montgomery, a former Black prosecutor for the Brooklyn, New York district attorney’s office, “prosecution is about locking black people up.” “I thought that because of who I was, because of the street and academic smarts I had, I was able to do some things that were more in line with justice. But, it was like putting a Band-Aid on a gunshot wound. In the long run, I didn’t think it was worth it, so that’s why I left.” [MORE]. The black prosecutor will be rewarded so long as he/she continues to lock up Black people. REFORMERS GET REFORMED INTO THE SYSTEM. To the extent that a prosecutor decides to spend his/her time prosecuting other persons such as police officers or ELITE white folks he or she will be soon be disappeared, Kaepernick style. [MORE]

From [HERE] The former top prosecutor in Baltimore, convicted of fraud for lying about financial hardship during the pandemic in order to buy a beach house with money from the federal government, will serve no prison time.

Marilyn Mosby, 44, was sentenced to 12 months of house arrest, 100 hours of community service and three years of supervised release Thursday, Erek Barron, United States Attorney for the District of Maryland announced.

The ex-prosecutor was found guilty of multiple felony charges in two separate trials, one that took place this year and one last fall.

During the sentencing hearing in Prince County, U.S. District Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby sentenced Mosby to home confinement with electric monitoring and also ordered forfeiture of 90% of the property Mosby bought with the fraudulently obtained mortgage.

Mosby garnered national attention in 2015 when she charged six Baltimore police officers in connection to the death of Freddie Gray. A Black man, Gray, 25, died in police custody  a week after he was brutalized on the street and then suffered a severe spinal injury while traveling without a seatbelt in the back of a police van on the way to the police station.

Prosecutors had asked for a 20-month sentence

Under the law, Mosby had faced up to 35 years in prison for her fraud and perjury convictions.

Assistant U.S. Attorneys Sean R. Delaney and Aaron S.J. Zelinsky prosecuted the federal cases. Federal court records show they had argued for a 20-month prison sentence.

The court agrees these are very serious offenses and that this conduct displays a pattern of dishonesty,” The Baltimore Sun reported Griggsby told Mosby in court. “This dishonesty also occurred when you held the highest office for a prosecutor in the City of Baltimore.”

While Mosby’s crimes didn’t have “victims in a traditional sense,” the outlet reported, Griggsby said Mosby "betrayed people who looked up to her in the community."

Climate Change in Gaza: Pale Interloper Alien European Hebrews Reclaim Their Land and Ancestral/Genetic Connection to Afrikan Hebrews from Ancient Times: Video Shows Annihilation of Life, Destruction

IsrAliens [Pale Interloper Alien European Hebrews Faking Like they have an Ancestral Connection to Afrikan Hebrews from ancient times] are Holocausting the Rightful Dwellers of Palestine in Fake "War"

Video from Pelham Shows Total Destruction, Annihilation of Life. Photos are from [HERE]

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Israeliens – impostor (pale interloper alien) Hebrews—Eastern European stock Caucasians who adopted the philosophy, myths, fables, and traditions of the so-called “Jews” while living in Russia—masquerading as if they had any genetic or historical ancestry and cultural heritage to the Afrikan Hebrews, the Afrim people, who occupied Canaan (Palestine) from ancient times. 2) those who currently are occupying Palestine (the land of Canaan), colonizing and killing its rightful descendants, historic owners and dwellers), and are undeniably alien (foreign—not aboriginal) to that land. 3) impostor Hebrews originating from the Pale of Settlement in Kazzarian Russia currently an occupying force (militarily holed-up and propped-up by US financial support and British skullduggery) in occupied Palestine. 4) alien Jews—Pinchbeck Hebrews. Israeliens are East Europeans with no genetic or actual historic ties whatsoever to the land now called Palestine. Israeliens have brainwashed (and fooled) themselves and many others into believing this historical lie and propaganda that they are the descendents of “Jews” (a misnomer for African Hebrews, itself a misnomer for the Afrim people). Anyone with a modicum of research skills, knowledge of basic geography, philology, and an unbiased-by-religious-myth mind can easily confirm or validate this fact for his or herself. Both so-called Sephardim and Ashkenazim “Jews” are not historically tied to the Afrim. It’s not that Caucasians who have adopted the “Jewish” religion shouldn’t have a place to live—but how about suggesting relocating where they came from—the hills of Russia, and not on another peoples’ land. You don’t invade (break into) someone’s house (property) and expect them to just go away and not fight to get it back (despite how much force, murdering, deception, and propaganda that is brought to bear to justify such wrongful invasion and genocide). Psychological repression is both invisible and reflexive. (See: Zionism, USS Liberty, Gulf of Tonkin, Genocide, Immigrant Human, Jew, Twelve Tribes of Israel, Evolution, Caucasian, Pilgarlick, El & Judaism)

[Elite Racists Continue to Trick Black People by Confusing Bigotry w/Racism] A Tenn Lawmaker Didn't Say Mean Words About Lynching (bigotry), He Proposed Lynching Mostly Blacks (racism) to Execute Them

WAKE UP. NAME CALLING IS NOT RACISM WHITE SUPREMACY. From [HERE] During a debate on Tuesday about a bill that would expand the State’s options for putting people to death, a Tennessee state representative expressed support for the bill and suggested adding hanging from a tree as an execution method.

Lawmakers were discussing HB1245, which would allow electrocution as an alternative to lethal injection, and an amendment that would add execution by firing squad, when Rep. Paul Sherrell (R-Sparta) said, “I was just wondering, could I put an amendment on that that would include hanging by a tree, also.”

Racial Terror Lynching in Tennessee

EJI has documented 236 racial terror lynchings of Black people in Tennessee between 1877 and 1950, including hangings of Black journalists, business leaders, and teachers.

EJI’s report on terror lynchings in the 12 most active lynching states in America found that Tennessee’s Lake and Moore counties had the sixth and seventh highest lynching rates, respectively, and Shelby County had the 18th highest number of lynching victims.

Black people were lynched in Tennessee for minor social transgressions or for demanding basic rights and fair treatment. Richard Wilkerson, for example, was lynched in Manchester, Tennessee, in 1934 for allegedly slapping a white man who had assaulted a Black woman at an African American dance.

Businessmen Thomas Moss, Calvin McDowell, and Henry Stewart were brutally lynched in Memphis in 1892 for defending their grocery business against white attackers. The men were friends of anti-lynching crusader Ida B. Wells, who wrote an editorial in response to their murders urging Black residents in Memphis to “leave a town which will neither protect our lives and property, nor give us a fair trial in the courts, but takes us out and murders us in cold blood when accused by white persons.” A white mob then attacked and destroyed her newspaper office and threatened her not to return to Memphis.

Tennessee lynch mobs regularly displayed complete disregard for the legal system. In 1906, Edward Johnson, a Black man, was convicted of raping a white woman and sentenced to death by an all-white jury in Chattanooga. His attorneys appealed the case and won a rare stay of execution from the U.S. Supreme Court.

In response, a white mob seized Mr. Johnson from the jail, dragged him through the streets, hanged him from the second span of the Walnut Street Bridge, and shot him hundreds of times. The mob left a note pinned on the corpse that read: “To Justice Harlan. Come get your n—r now.” Mr. Johnson, who used his last words to declare his innocence, was cleared of the rape nearly a century later.

The Legacy of Racial Terror

Communities across Tennessee have partnered with EJI to truthfully confront this history of racial terror lynching. Ed Johnson was among four lynching victims memorialized in Chattanooga, and community members have installed two historical markers in downtown Nashville to remember four men who were lynched there during the era of racial terror.

In 2020, a historical marker was installed in front of the Madison County courthouse to memorialize John Brown, who was lynched on the courthouse lawn by a mob of 500 men, and Eliza Woods, who was dragged to the courthouse by a mob after she was accused of poisoning her white employer. Ms. Woods declared her innocence, but the mob ripped off her clothes, hanged her from a tree, and shot at her body.

On Tuesday, however, other lawmakers failed to even respond to Mr. Sherrell’s comment. He apologized only after the remark drew widespread attention and criticism, and in doing so he restated his support for the death penalty bill.

“A bill calling to expand the death penalty by firing squad, and even lynching, is deplorable, immoral and takes us back to the dark days of Jim Crow,” the Rev. Kevin Riggs, pastor of Franklin Community Church, told The Tennessean. “I’m appalled by the words of Representative Sherrell. Suggesting firing squads and lynchings is unconscionable. Tennessee should be moving in the direction of outlawing state sanctioned killings, instead of toward more killings and in more inhumane ways than already exist. There is no moral way to murder another person.”

The decline of lynching in the early 20th century relied heavily on the increased use of the death penalty, and public hangings were often racialized displays intended to appease would-be lynch mobs.

Northern states had abolished public executions by 1850, but some Southern states authorized public hangings until 1938. And even after they were legally banned, mobs often succeeded in forcing public hangings in Southern states.

Lawmakers on Tuesday advanced HB1245 to the next committee.

'blows my mind that we're still hanging brothers by a tree:' Elite Racist Suspects @ Marriott/NFL/ESPN Gas Light Michael Irvin w/BS Claim He Touched a White Woman, Witnesses say Video Shows Otherwise

[MeToo movement Used as a Tool of Racism White Supremacy] From [HERE] and [HERE] Former Cowboys receiver Michael Irvin held a news conference on Wednesday to address an incident involving a female hotel staffer in Arizona, which led to Irvin being sent home from Super Bowl coverage.

Irvin sued the Arizona Marriott hotel for $100 million in damages over the allegations. He has denied the allegations that he had any inappropriate physical conduct between him and the woman.

Irvin said in the press conference that this situation "sickens" him. He said it takes him "back to a time where a white woman would accuse a Black man of something and they would take a bunch of guys who were above the law, run in the ban and put a rope around his foot and drag him through the mud and hang him by the tree."

Irvin said he's been asked if he remembers the woman from the lobby, to which he replied that he meets so many people year-long staying in hotels. 

"I couldn't even tell you what she looks like," Irvin said. "I don't even know who I'm talking about it. This just blows my mind that, in 2023, we're still dragging and hanging brothers by a tree."

Irvin said he still has not seen the tape of the alleged incident and does not know what he is being accused of. He said if he did something wrong, he'll suffer the consequences. 

"But if you did something wrong, you meaning them, then they should suffer the consequences," Irvin said.

Two witnesses of the incident also spoke with reporters. 

One was an Australian man who said he did not know who Irvin was because he's not an NFL fan and the Super Bowl was his first introduction to the sport. He said he met Irvin while doing business with his colleagues in the hotel lobby. 

The other man said he did know who Irvin was, as an Eagles fan, but offered to buy Irvin a drink, which he refused.

Both men said they did not see any behavior from Irvin that was a cause for concern.

Irvin got emotional after listening to the two men give their accounts of the incident because he was thankful they were there and weren’t alone with his word versus his accuser.

ESPN said it had no comment on the legal developments in the case and the NFL Network did not respond to a request for comment.

In his lawsuit, which is filed in Collin County where he lives, Irvin's attorneys accused Marriott's employees and management of "inaccurately and inflammatorily" accusing Irvin of misconduct.

The lawsuit said Irvin had a "brief, friendly interaction with a Marriott employee lasting no longer than one minute" as he arrived back at the hotel Sunday night.

"Witnesses have verified that Mr. Irvin, casually exchanged pleasantries with one of the hotel employees, Mr. Irvin shook her hand, and went to his room alone," the lawsuit said.

The lawsuit said Irving "appreciates spending time with his fans," including taking pictures and talking with them, and that his interaction with the Marriott employee "was no different and witness testimony will prove this to be the case."

"Nonetheless, Marriott recklessly reported to the NFL that Mr. Irvin had somehow acted inappropriately even though in this brief interaction with multiple witnesses, nothing took place other than a friendly interaction that ended with a polite handshake," the lawsuit said.

In a legal response filed Wednesday, Marriott said it didn’t provide the video due to concerns it would reveal the identity of the woman and other guests if Irvin’s attorneys released it publicly.

The company’s attorneys said the order they were given didn’t require the video to be copied, but if the judge now orders a copy, they would ask that it not be shared publicly. They say they offered to allow Irvin to watch the video, but he declined.

The lawsuit also said Irvin then went upstairs to his room. After he fell asleep, he was "shockingly woken up" by security and removed from the hotel. WFAA reached out to Marriott for a comment on the lawsuit when it was filed and they did not respond.

Irvin's lawyer, Levi G. McCathern, previously told WFAA that his office had reached out to the hotel to talk about the situation but "they refused to speak to us." In the press conference, McCathern said Irvin's agent was eventually able to get a meeting with Marriott's GM and head of marketing. The head of security was not included in that meeting, McCathern said.

"They absolutely refused to give [Irvin's agent] any information about what the allegations were against Mr. Irvin," McCathern said.

Irvin and two other men, who were witnesses to the incident and part of Wednesday's press conference, were made available to Marriott for interviews and the hotel declined to speak with any of them, according to McCathern.

The press conference came one day after a judge ordered Marriott to provide Irvin “any and all video recordings, written reports, and/or witness statements gathered” that pertain to Irvin’s February visit at the Arizona hotel by March 7 at 5 p.m.

McCathern said he has seen the surveillance video, but was not allowed to have a copy of it. In a new court filing, Irvin's team filed for an emergency court order to obtain a copy of the video with a proposed deadline of the end of the day – 5 p.m. on March 8.

Since there was no copy of the video to show, McCathern gave his personal description of what the video entailed.

McCathern said the video shows Irvin being approached by the woman after taking pictures outside with some fans – the witnesses in the press conference – and the interaction between Irvin and the woman happens behind a pole in the center of the room. According to McCathern and the two witnesses, Irvin touches the woman four times: the introductory handshake, the handshake at the end of the interaction, once on the elbow and "brushes" her once on the other elbow after bowing over laughing.

McCathern said the woman is never seen in the video acting upset and doesn't back away from Irvin. The conversation between Irvin and the woman lasted about a minute and a half, McCathern said.

"This is what I'm struggling with," Irvin said. "You try to be an ambassador of the league and also understand that God has blessed me and given me a platform to try to touch people, try to raise people, try to lift people up. I've met a lot of fans. I've always tried to be good with people."