Bi-Partisan System of Racism [injustice]: Unarmed Black Man Fleeing on Foot Shot 47X by a Gang of Barbaric White Cops in a City Run by White Liberals. White Ohio Republican AG Says No Crime Occurred
/Whether a gun was fired is simply police misdirection and distraction from the only material issue which is whether the black man posed a threat as he fled on foot from police. He had no object in his hand and the cops never saw a gun, because it was on the car seat.
GUNNED DOWN WHILE RUNNING FOR HIS LIFE. A grand jury in Ohio has decided not to charge eight Akron police officers in the death of Jayland Walker, a 25-year-old Black man who was shot 47 times by the police after an attempted traffic stop for unknown reasons and an unnecessary manic chase to enforce the traffic code last summer during the state’s attorney general said on Monday.
Mr. Walker was murdered on June 27, 2022 Eight officers fired dozens of rounds at Walker following a car and foot chase. Autopsy records show that eight officers fired more than 90 rounds at Walker, with more than 60 striking his body. Seven of the cops were white. Police said it began when they tried to pull him over for unknown, minor equipment violations and he failed to stop, cops then claim he fired a shot from his car 40 seconds into the pursuit.
Police body camera video showed Walker eventually bailed from his slowly moving car while wearing a ski mask and ran into a parking lot, where pursuing officers opened fire. On video police chased Walker for about 10 seconds before officers fired from multiple directions in a burst of shots that lasted 6 or 7 seconds. A county medical examiner said Walker was shot at least 40 times. A handgun, loaded magazine and wedding ring were found on the driver’s seat of the car.
Unnamed Officer(s) claim that they thought Mr. Walker had fired a weapon from his car during the high speed chase and that they feared he would fire again, prompting them to shoot him. How police could hear one gun shot during such a high speed chase is a white supremacy mystery. Nevertheless, whether a gun was fired is simply police misdirection and distraction from the only material issue which is whether the black man posed a threat when he fled on foot from police. He had no object in his hand and the cops never saw a gun, because it was on the car seat.
Insofar as it applies to white citizens, the Supreme Court has explained, ‘a police officer can use deadly force to prevent the escape of a fleeing felon ONLY where he has probable cause to believe the suspect poses a threat of death or serious physical harm to the officer or to others.’ Tenn v Garner, 475 US 1 (1985). The Court stated,
The use of deadly force to prevent the escape of all felony suspects, whatever the circumstances, is constitutionally unreasonable. It is not better that all felony suspects die than that they escape. Where the suspect poses no immediate threat to the officer and no threat to others, the harm resulting from failing to apprehend him does not justify the use of deadly force to do so. It is no doubt unfortunate when a suspect who is in sight escapes, but the fact that the police arrive a little late or are a little slower afoot does not always justify killing the suspect. A police officer may not seize an unarmed, nondangerous suspect by shooting him dead. [MORE]
Walker was not a fleeing felon, he had no criminal record and police manically chased over an unknown traffic violation. He posed no reasonable threat to police as no officers even claimed to have seen him brandish a weapon and he was running away from police when he was shot over 90 times. As such, it is not rational that police reasonably believe they faced an imminent threat of death or serious bodily harm.
Powerless black people must begin to acquire some independent power to prevent whites from practicing racism - rather than to continue based their futile struggle on moral suasory and the unnecessary begging of elite whites.
As explained by Dr. Bobby Wright racists function as a psychopaths in the presence of color and in their relations with Black people. That is, racists know the difference between right and wrong and generally observe it in their relations with other white folks but disregard the difference between right and wrong with Blacks. Wright explained,
“psychopaths simply ignore the concept of right and wrong. By ignoring this trait in the White race (the lack of ethical and moral development) Blacks have made and are still making a tragic mistake in basing the worldwide Black liberation movement on moral suasion. It is pathological for Blacks to keep attempting to use moral suasion on a people who have no morality where race is the variable.”
Akron is a city run by white liberals as Democrats control all branches of government. Attorney General Yost of Ohio, who is a white Republican, took over the investigation last summer at the request of Akron police. Yost claimed on Monday that Mr. Walker had fired at least one shot at the police from his car. Yost did not explain when exactly the gun was fired or how he knew it was fired at police or whether he shot through his windows. Previously it had been reported that there was no forensic evidence that a gun was fired. Few other details have presented from the disinterested white media.
Eight white Akron police officers fired a total of 94 shots at Mr. Walker, and he sustained 46 gunshot wounds, the attorney general’s office said. Mr. Yost said that the police did not know that Mr. Walker had left his gun in his car. It was found in his 2005 Buick Century after the shooting.
According to the autopsy report, his body arrived handcuffed at the coroner's office.
Walker had no criminal record, Bobby DiCello, one of the family’s attorneys, told The Washington Post. DiCello said the family was supporting a call by U.S. Representative Emilia Strong Sykes, a Democrat who represents Akron, for an investigation by the Justice Department into the patterns and practices of the Akron Police Department. He said the family also planned to file a wrongful-death lawsuit against the city and the Police Department.
“They are distraught, they are saddened, they are sickened by what’s happened,” Mr. DiCello said in a phone interview on Monday evening. “They are not done with this fight. They feel as though they’ve lost a battle but certainly not the war for justice.”
Demetrius Travis Sr., a cousin of Mr. Walker, said in a text message to The Akron Beacon Journal that “disappointment cannot began to express how I feel about this decision,” even though he had expected it “based off many actions by the city of Akron, to protect their buildings and block off streets.”
“Whatever happens because of this decision is not on the Walker family, it is due to a continuing disregard for the lives of Black and Brown people in the United States of America,” Mr. Travis wrote.
The Akron police chief, Steve Mylett, said at a news conference that the grand jury, after reviewing all the facts, including video footage, had “ultimately determined that our officers did not commit a crime when they encountered Mr. Walker.”
“In no way does that take away from the tragedy of June 27 and the loss of such a young life,” Chief Mylett said. He said that the Police Department would begin an internal investigation to determine whether the officers had violated any department policies. He said that the department would not release the officers’ names because of threats made against them.
Mr. Horrigan said that he was calling for peace, just as he had when the Police Department released footage of the shooting in July. That footage led to protests over several days throughout Akron, a city of about 200,000 people in northeastern Ohio, south of Cleveland. While the demonstrations were largely peaceful, some resulted in property damage and arrests of demonstrators.
Mr. Yost, a Republican, said that his office had “made a point of neutrally presenting all the evidence” to the grand jury, which considered the evidence over more than a week.
He said that a judge overseeing the grand jury had instructed the jurors about the law, rather than have those instructions come from the prosecutor as is customary, “to avoid any question about the accuracy of the legal instructions.”
Only seven of the nine jurors needed to agree that there was probable cause to move forward with charges. Mr. Yost said he was legally prohibited from disclosing the grand jury vote.
This is all whitenology: Prosecutors direct their grand juries to do as they please - if they don’t get an indictment its because they don’t really want an indictment - similar to the Michael Brown or Eric Garner grand juries for white cops. As the saying goes a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich if the prosecutor wants them to. The Dependent Media, which is run by elite whites did not bother to report on the racial makeup of the grand jury. Eric Garner’s jury in white liberal, NYC was all-white.
Speaking on Monday at a news conference at an Akron church with clergy members and civil rights leaders, Ms. Sykes said she would formally request a Justice Department investigation of the Police Department. Pamela Walker, Mr. Walker’s mother, had attended the State of the Union address in February, at the invitation of Ms. Sykes.
“We’ve seen it too many times,” Ms. Sykes said in a statement. “A routine traffic stop ends in death, and a family and community mourn the loss of a son. A brother. A friend. A neighbor. As this country and community reckons with another tragic death, we find ourselves yearning for a justice system that protects us all.”