Only Barbarians Would Handcuff a Corpse. Akron Cops Handcuffed Jayland Walker After Shooting Him 60 Times. According to the Autopsy report, His Body Arrived Cuffed at Coroner's Office
/According to FUNKTIONARY:
authoritarian – any humanthropoid who has been reared and formally educated (in form over reality, iron rule over golden rule, coercion over contract, and law over humanity) in such a manner that at the normal time of maturity, character structure has become impuissant and ineffective. 2) a humanoid—a human still operating as a creature from its animal instincts, not its human potential. (See: Political Power, Iron Rule & Golden Rule)
authoritarians – the great unweaned of the world. 2) violentists. 3) ‘reality-violaters.’ 4) uniform (costume-wearing) and non-costume wearing purveyors of the absolute worst crimes against humanity. 5) the coercive class within an economic and social caste-based society. While the State is a military formation, it is first and foremost a fruit of justice—not to be confused with (or extrapolated to imply or mean that) justice is a seed of the State. There is a high correlation between justice systems and the development or proliferation of the State. (See: Justice, Government, Political Power, Iron Rule, Conflict, Tyrannolaw, Control, BOG, Statists, Power, Tyranny, Force Continuum, Psychopaths & Violence)
From [HERE] Jayland Walker was handcuffed behind his back when his body arrived at the coroner's office to be processed as part of the investigation into the officers who shot and killed him in Akron last week, according to a medical examiner's report that was reviewed by CNN.
The preliminary report by the Summit County Medical Examiner's Office contains several pages of thumbnail photos showing Walker dead and handcuffed at the scene and after his body arrived at the coroner's office.
The photos also contain evidence of lifesaving efforts, including what appear to be tourniquets and bandages attached to and lying around his body.
CNN was granted permission to review the report after making a formal request, but was not allowed to make copies of its contents per office policy.
A final autopsy report will be turned over to the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigations, which is investigating any criminal wrongdoing by the officers. The autopsy report will be part of what the state attorney general's office considers for presenting a case to a grand jury.
Walker was killed in the early morning hours of June 27 after he fled what police said was an attempted traffic stop, leading officers on an 18-minute car chase and then a brief foot chase. It ended after he quickly stopped and officers believed he was reaching toward his waist, and "felt that Mr. Walker had turned and was motioning and moving into a firing position," officials have said.
Eight officers fired dozens of bullets resulting in more than 60 gunshot wounds, officials have said.
Photos taken at the medical examiner's office hours after the shooting show Walker in the body bag and subsequently on the examining table. The photos show dozens of gunshot wounds from his ankle to his cheek on both sides of his body.
Photographs in the report also show items such as Walker's driver's license and a bloodied set of handcuffs.
The Walker family attorney on Tuesday said he was sickened after watching the bodycam footage. "It's devastating to see a young life taken in this rabid, crazy way," Bobby diCello told CNN.
"He was unarmed and I'm going to echo exactly what the (police) chief said: Each one of those bullets -- and there were over 90 of them -- have to be accounted for and have to be shown to be meaningfully shot."