Fauci Caught Going to Door to Door Lying to Black People About COVID Shots: Consent to Medical Experiments Obtained by Inducement, Coercion, HalfTruths, Nondisclosures, etc is Fraud, Battery or Murder

A newly surfaced 2021 video of Dr. Anthony Fauci going door to door with an entourage that included SNigger Muriel Bowser, the Mayor of DC has gone viral two years later. Bowser, a black rolebot in service of elite white liberals, functions as his “jungle guide” through the black neighborhood. The video shows Fauci making various misrepresentations, lies, omissions and half-truths in attempt to induce Black residents to take deadly COVID mRNA shots. Said experimental injections have no benefit and are harming and killing people globally in a slow motion extermination of humanity. In the short video most residents appear to pass the “IQ test” - that is, they reject Fauci and his rolebotic companion’s deceitful invitation to take genocidal COVID shots. Nevertheless, untold millions have been induced, coerced or tricked into taking said injections, thereby destroying their individual physical and mental integrity. [MORE]

According to FUNKTIONARY:

biocide – the attempted annihilation of all life, which is the intent of Doggy and CrimethInc. (See: Doggy & CrimethInc.)

genocide – the intentional decreasing of the people of a given population or asili, particularly in the interests of another population or value-system that wishes to control the resources of the victims. 2) the-cide-show of the World Health  Organization (WHO). Blindness to economic reality has placed mankind in a very precarious position. Our freedom and very lives depend on how (and how soon) we resolve resource misapplication and inequalities. (See: Population Control)