How Did Haiti Defeat COVID w/Only 3% “Vaccinated” and No Lockdowns, Masks, Social Distancing or Full Hospitals?” Less than 1000 Dead from COVID in Poor Country w/11 Million People who Disbelieved Hoax
/Chart and data from [JOEL SMALLEY] and [MORE] According to FUNKTIONARY
disbelief – a natural effect or a subconscious effect, of having a functioning critical mental faculty. The critical mental faculty is the ability to discern truth from among falsehood and lies, reality from truth, substance over symbol, realities over granfalloons, danger in the apparent midst of “peace,” inherent spirituality over Corporate religion, inherent rights over adherent rights, etc. 2) a mental state where reasoning has not been transcended. 3) when our perceptions of what actually exists misrepresents (do not agree or align with) what actually exists. Disbelief is the faculty that causes a rabbit for instance to refuse to cross a meadow to get a drink. Although the meadow looks peaceful and safe, it can’t believe it actually is safe; it may be under surveillance by a hawk or a hunter. Disbelief is when something we believe should exist does not agree with our perceptions of what actually exists. Disbelief can be shocking but awe-full (full of awe) and, is the key to the door of disillusionment which is the threshold of enlightenment—the porch of paradise. (See: “Paranoid,” Granfalloons, Belief Systems, Reification, Atheism, Agnosticism, Theology, Knowingness, Convictions, Core Beliefs, Predictive Programming, Political Power, Iron Rule, Techgnosis, Unrealized Man, Psychological Reversal, Belief & Faith)