As you Can Clearly See That’s Definitely Damar Hamlin Hiding His Face from the Camera with his Hoody Up, Shades On and a Mask Over his Mouth and Nose. Media Liars Continue to Think and See for Sheeple
/According to FUNKTIONARY:
Sheople – economic prey. 2) those who are both sheep and asleep. 3) people who mindlessly let others do their thinking for them. 4) people who are not in control of what they allow themselves to come to believe in. 5) people who have not taken personal responsibility to question their belief, faith, the content of truth, the nature of subjective reality. 6) those who watch major misinformation and propaganda television networks presumably for news that is factual. Sheople blindly follow a path where reality is excluded from the process. Are you the shepherd, or the flock? Are you the prisoner, or are you the lock? Sheople line up to get fleeced at the Baa Baa Shop. Scientific studies have found that it takes a minority of just 5 per cent of what they called “informed individuals” to influence the direction of a crowd of a minimum of 200 people. The remaining herd of 95 per cent follow without even realising it. The coziness of millions of others just like you give you a false sense of safety, but there is no life worth living where reality isn’t the glue. Sheople are those whose eyes the shepherd has pulled the wool over. Will the sheople ever wake up and see the light? Na aa aa. (See: Internal Revenue Service, Authority, Regalia, Obedience, Judicial Victimization, Mind Viruses, Jury, Psychological Reversal, Memes, Shephard, Eugenics, Danger, Intellectual Incest, Faith Paradox, Cultural Induction, Belief, Conditioning, Fear, Gun Control, Holodeck Court, Slavery, Property & Predatory Economics)