Petition for Grand Jury says 86% of COVID Deaths Weren’t Caused by COVID; Fed Authorities “Hyperinflated” Deaths/Cases/Hospitalizations by Changing Death Certificate Rules and Incentivizing Hospitals
/PLANDEMIC. From [HERE] A petition for a grand jury filed in a federal court in Oregon by 2 Oregon state senators and a doctor claims federal authorities defrauded taxpayers over 3 trillion dollars and caused various harms by “hyperinflating” the number of COVID deaths, cases and hospitalizations. The suit seeks to empanel a citizens federal grand jury to indict federal authorities from the Trump and Biden administrations.
The petition was filed on March 7, 2022. The government filed a motion to dismiss on August 28, 2022 and petitioners filed their response on September 12, 2022.
The grand jury petition names the following defendants: Rochelle Walensky (CDC Director), Xavier Becerra (HHS Secretary), Brian Moyer (NVSS Director), Alex Azar (former HHS Secretary), and Robert Redfield (former CDC Director).
The petitioners are Dr. Henry Ealy, Senator Dennis Lithicum and Senator Kim Thatcher.
Court filings explain that “Respondents altered the instructions for the completion of death certificates without going through a lawful process with mandatory public comment and federal oversight. This change caused COVID-19 to be identified as the cause of death when the actual cause of death was from a pre-existing comorbidity. The result was that 88.6% to 94.0% of deaths reported as COVID-19 were not, in fact, caused solely by COVID-19.” Supporting documentation to the filing estimates that the actual death count from COVID-19 is 54,000 people not 890,000.
The petition also documents various ways the federal government manipulated case counts with useless PCR testing and manipulating guidelines. According to the petition, under manipulated guidelines “a single cough of undetermined origin [is] sufficient to diagnose a patient as COVID-19 positive. Even without confirmatory symptoms or lab testing, a patient with a single cough can be included in data collection such as for cases, hospitalizations, and even as a COVID death….”
The petitioner’s response motion states;
“Respondents illegally created a system of diagnosis that inflated the number of COVID-19 cases that counted as unique “new” cases, multiple positive tests from same person. Respondents simultaneously proscribed the PCR test for diagnosis with fundamental defects that resulted in high rates of false positive results were additionally counted as unique “new” cases.
Further, Respondents created financial incentives for medical facilities inflate the number of COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.
Federal data collection is subject to exacting controls for accurate data collection, analyses and publication. Respondents flouted these rules to create a system that inaccurately inflated COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. These intentional acts of data fraud were used to panic the public into going along with unprecedented government seizure of power via emergency declarations based upon the fraudulently inflated data.”
Specifically, the petition explains the following;
Summary of Facts
The Petitioners allege that the Defendants violated federal law with respect to data integrity for COVID-19. The Petitioners allege that the Defendants failed to ensure, and/or willfully manipulated data being collected, analyzed, and published.
The Petitioners allege the Defendants’ violation of federal law led to a significant hyperinflation of COVID-19 case, hospitalization, and death counts, which was subsequently used to defraud the US Taxpayer out of at least $3.5 Trillion dollars in misappropriation of public funds between 2020 to 2022. For comparison, the US federal government typically allocates a maximum of $25.3 Billion annually in response to infectious disease with similar hospitalization and death rates. (Please refer to Exhibit M for detail and citations of COVID economic impact).
The Petitioners further allege that the Defendants:
utilized the Medicare/Medicaid insurance reimbursement systems to
financially incentivize compliance by hospital administrators, medical
insurance billing specialists, and medical professionals
that the publication of inaccurate data constitutes willful misconduct by public officials to intentionally defraud the American people and misappropriate US Taxpayer dollars, and
that the actions of the Defendants constitute fraud, reckless and negligent misrepresentation, and breach of fiduciary duty and public trust.
Public officials have the implicit duty to tell the truth, and that duty is only more magnified during a time of crisis.
Violation of Federal Laws
The Defendants Redfield, Azar and subordinates, without notification to the Federal Register or initiating oversight and public comment, as required by the Administrative Procedures Act (“APA”) and Paperwork Reduction Act (“PRA”), unilaterally changed how data was defined, collected, analyzed, and published exclusively for COVID. In doing so, the Defendants compromised the accuracy and integrity of all COVID data including cases, hospitalizations, and deaths leading to significant hyperinflation of all COVID data in clear violation of the Information Quality Act (“IQA”). (Please refer to Section 1 below for detail)
Acts of Criminal and Willful Misconduct
The Defendants Redfield, Azar, Moyer, and subordinates allegedly committed acts of willful misconduct by instructing medical professionals to emphasize COVID as the primary cause of death and simultaneously deemphasize comorbidities and other relevant causes of death data beginning on March 24, 2020, and again in April 2020. Further, the HHS financially incentivized hospitals to comply with the CDC’s and NVSS’s instruction by offering a greater financial reimbursement to hospitals for patients with Medicare/Medicaid health insurance coverage. According to the HHS, from April through July 2020, Medicare/Medicaid patients made up 274,000 of the 294,770 patients hospitalized due to COVID when compared against the CDC’s COVID-Net hospitalization database.14,15 With an estimated 92.9% of COVID hospitalizations in the age 50 and older demographic relying on Medicare/Medicaid for coverage, this makes accurate diagnosis essential for recovery and insurance reimbursement. Additionally, decisions to provide significant bonus compensation to hospitals appears to be an attempt to coerce hospitals into compliance and participation in the for-profit insurance fraud scheme authored by the HHS, CDC, and NVSS. (Please refer to Section 1 below for detail)
Communication of Fraudulent Data that Adversely Influenced and Continues to Influence Public Health Policy at National, State, & County Levels
The HHS, CDC and NVSS significantly hyperinflated COVID data which has had a demonstrably harmful impact upon citizens in each state. National, state, and county COVID public health policies have been based on published CDC COVID data and the complicity of state level public health directors, who by and large failed in their duty to ensure that requests made by the CDC and NVSS for COVID data collection would not lead to significantly inaccurate case, hospitalization, and death data. The root cause of the COVID plague that has gripped this country for more than two years can be best understood in how data has been illegally manipulated by the Defendants, now spanning two administrations. A lie told for years is no less a lie, even if that lie has been unfortunately accepted as truth. Defendants Walensky, Becerra, and Moyer have elected to continue to collect and publish fraudulent COVID data based upon the illegal practices of their predecessors Defendants Redfield and Azar. Additionally, Defendants Walensky and Becerra, in an effort to coverup the failures of the experimental COVID inoculations to prevent infection, intentionally terminated all publication of surveillance data for ‘vaccine breakthrough’ (aka ‘vaccine failure’) on October 30, 2021, one month prior to the beginning of exponential rises in ‘vaccine breakthrough’ cases, hospitalizations, and deaths nationwide. ‘Vaccine breakthrough’ occurs when a ‘fully vaccinated’ person contracts COVID despite being ‘fully vaccinated’. This is key data used to assess the efficacy of the experimental COVID inoculations. In the place of real numbers of confirmed ‘vaccine breakthrough’ cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, Defendants Walensky and Becerra have promoted a new fraudulent metric termed ‘vaccine efficacy’ that groups partially vaccinated individuals with unvaccinated individuals and refers to the group collectively and misleadingly as ‘unvaccinated’, which again constitutes data fraud. That the COVID data being published has been defined and collected in violation of federal law and that a new administration has continued to perpetuate these violations, we allege this constitutes acts of willful misconduct that has harmed millions of citizens across our great nation physically, emotionally, and economically.
The image above displays 5 columns of COVID data published through February 6, 2022.
Looking left to right, column one displays that COVID death count published by the CDC. This is the total number of deaths published using the March 24th, 2020 COVID Alert No. 2.
The 2nd column displays a projected value assuming that soft audits of all death certificates would be similar to what occurred in Santa Clara & Alameda Counties and produce a 25% reduction in death counts.
The middle column displays the projected maximum reduction in death counts if a full audit of all records was based upon the 2003 death certificate reporting handbooks published by the CDC and still in use for all causes of death except COVID. It is important to note that the CDC states as of February 6, 2022 that, “For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death.” This statement has remained unchanged since at least July 2021.
The 4th column is the total number of deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) as of February 4, 2022.
The 5th column is the estimated number of actual deaths based upon the case filing filed by attorney Tom Renz in the US District Court of Alabama on July 19, 2021, which asserts under penalty of perjury that data being reported to VAERS is significantly under reported by a factor of 5 at the very minimum.
Collectively, this graphic contends that a full audit of all COVID death certificates could reveal that more people have died in connection with the experimental COVID inoculations than due to complications from the SARS-CoV-2 infection had federal laws not been violated, hyper-inflating COVID data published by the CDC. [MORE]