Gun Sales w/Credit Cards are Now Tracked w/a New Code [in The Spectacle freedumb advocates believe criminals lawfully buy guns, leave guns at crime scenes and gun registration is used to solve crimes]
/RESEARCHER JOHN LOTT EXPLAINS, “The idea behind a registry is that guns left at a crime scene can be used to trace back to the criminals. Unfortunately, guns are very rarely left at the scene of the crime. Those that are left behind are virtually never registered—criminals are not stupid enough to leave behind guns registered to them. In the few cases where registered guns were left at the scene, the criminal had usually been killed or seriously injured.” LOtt further explains that crimes are rarely if ever solved by registration [MORE] and Very few criminals legally purchase guns themselves. [MORE]
According to FUNKTIONARY:
gun ban – the precursor to servitude. Enslavement is like old age; it creeps up on you. Banning guns to reduce crime is like banning sex to reduce rape. If guns supposedly cause (or encourage) crime, why are we arming police officers? The same people who fear firearms in the hands of the people also fear information in the minds of people. Information bans (censorship) only affect people who desire to think for themselves. The methodology of the gun-grabbers is simple; pick any group, and with the help of the press, abolish their rights. Then pick another group and abolish their rights, etc. Those who meet publicly to defend their right to life should not take threats idly. While threats to anyone’s safety should not be tolerated in public meetings, being public about your arms (within non-slave states—right to open carry) and your intention to defend your rights is your best protection against lawlessness, even or especially lawlessness by government agents. [MORE]
The Spectacle – a constructed reality; the concrete inversion of life; via the autonomous movement of the apparently non-living. 2) the mirrorization of the noumenon into the phenomenal universe without understanding or overstanding it as such an objectivization in duality. The Spectacle is not a collection of images but a social relation among people mediated by images. The Spectacle is a theoretical construct—a tool for explaining many things about society; how people live vicariously through the dominant images of production, consumption and power relations. It is the thoughtforms in which people create, contemplate and consume mediated by images of what-life-is, so that they will forget how to live radically for themselves. It is the totality of images and illusions that alienate people from living, its the primary production of modern societies. It is ideology materialized. It is the social relations that are mediated by the mass media; it is what makes people apathetic and reduces them to inactivity. It is what prevents people from realizing what their collective problems are and dissolving them. It is what perpetually absorbs people into activities that prolong their misery. It is the mediated stream of unreality that channels desire-energy against itself, producing a separate world, a pseudo-world apart form one’s self-history—from all those powerful institutions of Self-actualization. It is what motivates people to live a pseudo-life in submission to products and machines, basking passively in the acceptance of oppression, to blindly do what is manifestly against their own self-interest, to pollute the land they love and the air they breathe—it is a fundamental sickness of modern societies superimposed over and aided by the “Rolebots” (clones and drones) of Corporate State. It is the mass media and the propaganda from the pure war machine and the military prison industrial police state complex. It is Doggy, the double-bind of not knowing real from unreal, (hypereal) or what you say from what you want. It is the mass objectivization and unholy marriage (union) of the Beasthood with the Syndrome, leaving people fragmented, separated, isolated, alienated, fascinated, pixelated, dilated, intimidated, exasperated, mediated, concatenated, weak, docile, dependent, submissive and uncritical. “The Spectacle is the ultimate commodity in that it makes all others possible.” ~Scott Bukatman. “Without the slightest hint of suppression or intolerance, the spectacle ensures that the appearance of real dissent precludes its real appearance.” ~Sadie Plant. (See: PIC, Commodity, Screen, Maya, Pseudolife, The Passing Show, Rolling Mirror, MEDIA, Materialism, Funktionalize, F-Prime, Meta-Frame, Naïve Realism, “Dream,” Trance, Emergency, Consumers & Doggy)
From [HERE] Visa Inc., V -1.06%▼ Mastercard Inc. MA -0.58%▼ and American Express Co. AXP -1.95%▼will add a new merchant category for firearms retailers, a victory for freeDumb advocates who have pressed the financial industry to do more to disarm the public.
The new merchant-category code was recently approved by an international entity that sets standards for the payments industry.
Merchant-category codes, or MCCs, are four-digit numbers that networks use to identify types of merchants by the goods and services they sell. Card networks assign specific codes to many kinds of specialty merchants, such as fast-food restaurants, bars and bicycle shops.
Until now, gun shops were often categorized as specialty retailers or durable-goods sellers—categories that include a much broader collection of companies. [MORE]
Natural News states “The Democrat left has found another way to infringe on the constitutional rights of Americans, this time attacking two amendments with the same initiative, and they are using their woke international and corporate allies to do it.
Specifically, leftists associated with the International Organization for Standardization’s Registration and Maintenance Management Group met last week to discuss a proposal already adopted by the country’s largest payment processor, Visa, to attach a special code to the sale of firearms so they can be tracked under the lie of “public safety.”
So, with one proposal, these international leftists have convinced American payment processors to infringe on Americans’ Second Amendment rights and their Fourth Amendment right to privacy.
The company claims that the new classification will allow for easier tracking of firearms sales as a means of helping to prevent mass shootings, according to The Associated Press. But of course, gun rights advocates see the move as a huge encroachment on the legal sale of firearms by left-wing activists who, 10 minutes ago, were complaining about a ‘woman’s right to privacy’ having been taken away by the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade.
“The (industry’s) decision to create a firearm-specific code is nothing more than a capitulation to anti-gun politicians and activists bent on eroding the rights of law-abiding Americans one transaction at a time,” said National Rifle Association spokesman Lars Dalseide.” [MORE]