Analysis of COVID Deaths by Country Income Levels: The higher the income, the higher the deaths. The higher the income, the higher the vaccinations. The higher the vaccinations, the higher the deaths

From [JOELSMALLEY] The higher the income, the higher the deaths. The higher the income, the higher the vaccinations. The higher the vaccinations, the higher the deaths.

It’s a curious thing that the higher the income level of a country, the higher the number of COVID deaths they experienced.

In terms of the high income countries, the ratios of upper middle, lower middle and low income countries are 100:39:16:3 respectively.

I say curious because you would think that higher income countries would have better resources to deal with a public health emergency? I wouldn’t dare suggest that the countries as a whole are more intelligent. You mean to tell me that all those sophisticated traffic light and one-way systems didn’t “beat the virus”??

It’s perhaps not so curious that the same pattern plays out in terms of COVID vaccination rates.

The vaccine is up to 100% effective in reducing COVID mortality (allegedly). This is the last claim, the pro-vaxxers cling to now that transmission reduction is well and truly debunked.

Inevitably, given the significant “inequality” between the rich countries and the poor in terms of vaccine availability and administration, we should, therefore, expect to see a massive reversal in COVID deaths in the post-vax period.

But we don’t.

The ratios post-vax are 100:60:25:4 (compared to 100:39:16:3). The upper middle income countries have massively caught up the high income countries but they attained the same level of vaccination. That’s not supposed to be how it happens!

The low income countries have attained a mere 12% of the vaccination rate of the high income countries but their relative COVID death rate has only risen by a relative 1%. When you factor in that the high income countries ought naturally to have lower relative death given the magnitude of the excess in the pre-vax period, this, again, is not exactly a ringing endorsement of vaccine effectiveness.