Mega-Rich Got So Much Richer During Manufactured Pandemic the English Language Didn’t Have a Word to Describe it. FUNKTIONARY Calls it "Richcraft" Thru a "Plandemic" and "Socialist Distancing"
/According to FUNKTIONARY
Richcraft – the sorcery of greed—the use of violence, laws, deception, theft, secret oaths, and oppression to snatch and hoard resources from and gain power over the vast majority of people’s lives through the widespread use of this vicious concoction of nefarious, lethal, legal, and demonstrably devious power. (See: COP, Gangbanking, Privilege, Aristocracy, Corporations, Usury, Power, Oppression, Violence, Greed, Deception, GIMME!, Political Money, Cultural Induction, GEO-Dollars, Control, The Pathocracy & Poor)
Socialist distancing – the ever-expanding and increasing disparity between the haves and the have-nots until the Socialist (i.e., monopoly capitalist) Welfare State becomes the Farewell State—farewell to your rights, your family, friends and even your life through Plandemics (Coronavirus), $camdemics (Corporate State turned Surveillance and Nanny State), 5G bio-weaponized eugenics, starvation, vaccinations, civil unrest, genocide and other nefarious LWO (Last World Order) activities that will greatly reduce the world’s population by 2030. Before Social Distancing, we were experiencing the effects of “Socialist Distancing”...the ever-widening separation between the “haves” (holders) and the “have-nots” (held-back) due to “monopoly capitalism” (centralization of credit in the hands of the State) which by wide academic recognition is the core attribute of communism / socialism, in fact, it is the 5th plank of the Communist Manifesto. The litmus test to any political system is what is used as “money” and who controls (monopolizes) its “issuance.” Labels just don’t cut it. Think deeper...learn to access the underlying reality behind the truth veneer you’ve been conditioned to hold or have been told. (See: Plandemic, $camdemics, Vaccines, Coronavirus, “Monopoly Capitalism,” Exchange, Economics, Matrix Capitalism, Political Money, GEO-Dollars, The Farewell State, Trapitalism, Cultural Induction & COVERT-19)
From [CHD] The word “billionaire” didn’t even exist until 1844. Fifty years later, we got “multibillionaire.” And for the next 127 years, that was enough.
But in 2020, while the working class faced near-record unemployment during the COVIDpandemic, the wealthiest Americans faced a different problem. Some of them had gotten so rich, there was no longer a word to describe just how rich they were.
That’s why I want to bring you one of the newest additions to the English language: “centibillionaires,” people with $100 billion or more.
What’s it like being one of history’s first centibillionaires? It’s hard to even imagine, but let’s try it by comparing them to the less fortunate. By which I mean just … regular … billionaires.
If you’re a regular billionaire, you can afford a private jet. If you’re a centibillionaire, you can afford a brand-new Gulfstream jet every single day for more than 10 years. (Not sure what you’d do with a new Gulfstream every day — maybe give one to each of your closest 4,000 friends?)
A regular billionaire would struggle to buy their own professional baseball team. Sad, I know. But a centibillionaire could easily buy every team in the entire major league.
If you’re a regular billionaire, you can donate to your alma mater and get your name on a building. If you’re a centibillionaire, you could single-handedly give every teacher in America an $8,000 raise for five straight years.
Of course, that’s not all you could do. $100 billion is enough to wipe out all the medical debt in the United States. Or provide permanent shelter for every homeless person in America. Or buy COVID vaccines for the entire world.
Basically what I’m saying is, $100 billion is a lot of money.
More than two and a half million times what the average American worker makes in a year.
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So here’s the big question. Are these centibillionaires so rich because they work two and a half million times harder than the average American? Are they really 100 times smarter than the typical billionaire?
I don’t think so. The reason for the rise of centibillionaires is that for decades, wealth hasn’t trickled down, it’s gushed up, all the way to the very top.
That’s not an accident. As it turns out, the system that the super-rich themselves carefully crafted and lobbied for, benefits… the rich!
And while you may not own more private jets than your average centibillionaire, you probably do pay a higher tax rate.
And thanks to legal loopholes and the Trump tax cuts, when the wealthiest Americans die, they get to pass on most of their centibillions to their kids tax-free.
We’ve got two choices as a country. We can tax the richest Americans fairly, and invest that money in ways that benefit all of us.
Or we can keep doing what we’re doing, and watch as centibillionaires get even richer while the rest of us get left behind.
If you think wealth and power are too concentrated in the hands of a privileged few now, just imagine what a few more years of trickle-down nonsense will bring.
Of course, it won’t be all bad. At least “trillionaire” is easy to say.