COVID Vaccines Killed More People In 2021 Than All Other Vaccines Killed in 32 Years

From [HERE] Year 2021 will go down in history as the year of unprecedented lives destroyed by experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

What I am going to report here at the end of 2021 is that using the U.S. Government’s own data, available to the public (at least at the time of publication), proves conclusively that more people died and were injured by the experimental COVID-19 shots than all other vaccines combined for the past 32 years.

I am going to refer to these COVID-19 experimental injections as “vaccines” since that is how the industry and the U.S. Government refers to them, even though this new class of drugs injected into people does not meet the classic definition of a “vaccine” prior to this year.

I am going to keep this report very simple, and focus on only two data points of the experimental vaccines: reported cases and deaths.

There are other data points that were headline news in 2021, such as the unprecedented amount of fetal deathsfollowing these experimental vaccines, as well as the record number of people suffering and dying from heart diseasefollowing the injections, but we are just going to look at cases and deaths in this report, and I am going to expose some government data that I have not previously reported that will leave no doubt that 2021 was America’s holocaust.

The Globalists and their puppet politicians are guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity, and if the people do not rise up and take these criminals down, things are only going to get worse in 2022.