Clearing the Atmos-Fear Created by Weiteko about COVID Shots that Has Destroyed Voluntary Consent, Bodily Autonomy, Respect for Human Dignity and Prioritized Society Over Individuals to Commit Biocide
/THE ABOVE FLYER IS FROM AIM, THE AWAKEN INDIA MOVEMENT . The complete flyer with annotated citations is [HERE] OR CLICK ON THE ABOVE
According to FUNKTIONARY:
Weiteko Disease – the Caucasian’s patapathetic and pathological fascination with the exploitation and control of nature and exploitation and genocide of his fellow man . 2) Death-force. (See: Caucasian, Western Civilization & Yurugu)
biocide – the attempted annihilation of all life, which is the intent of Doggy and CrimethInc. (See: Doggy & CrimethInc.)
fear – an obstacle illusion. 2) amputated thinking in the presence of the apparent unsolvable; in volitional forms—the attempt to escape a perceived threat to structural integrity; the flight half of flight/fright survival behavior. 3) the recognition and acknowledgment of powers and forces superior to those of your own. 4) a withholding of love from ourselves, and often from another. 5) obsession without embracing. 6) the denial that you are one with each other and with your universe (Interbeing). 7) that which governs (rules) the majority in communist Corporate States, in the U.S.S.A, and in the former USSR (KGB IRS CIAIO). 8) the memory of pain. 9) a state of disquiet, of powerlessness and apprehension. 10) the tax which conscience pays to guilt. 11) the urge to protect and project. 12) reaction to ignorance. 13) inverted faith. 14) the tax that conscience pays to guilt. 15) negative future expectations of one’s positive expectation (outcome) going unmet. 16) a signal of the strain arising when our desires conflict with our actions. 17) an emotional separation from Source. Fear is simply the lack of awareness of God-Self Presence, which in its highest vibration is Love. Since fear (both functional and abstract) is both proximate and distal common denominator of most dysfunctional and destructive human behavior, it is paramount that we make the fear conscious and address it in deep and skillful ways towards opening the Heart-Center. Fear is pure energy, it is nothing more than being in a new situation, and however, our response to fear translates into the lack of overstanding coupled with feelings of inadequacy, disconnection and unpreparedness. Fear is the mother of hatred and is typically encountered when you think or feel you have no control. Fear also coalesces in minds as a perpetual cloud of gloom—it is the sign that you are attached (identified with) matter. Whoever identifies with matter consequently identifies with fear. To the degree (extent) that you realize the existence of the True Self, you are an initiate in the Greater Work toward realizing the Unique Self. The only potentially constructive aspect of fear is the fear of fear itself—which can be transformative. It has the potential to force us to abandon all illusions of security and begin retroactively revising and proactively editing our truths to renew the fruits of our experience while reformatting our operational frames and filters. Fear claims the same cognitive ability to see and hear, to experience as palpable what is not actually present. Fear is nourished, if not amplified, by the exquisitely unique human imagination. Too much of human learning has been relegated towards the attempt to manage the abstracted fears of human vulnerability and bodily death (mortality). Abstracted fear (ego-manufactured fear rooted in our imaginative capacities), not the species-appropriate fear of actual (specific) threats in the immediate environment, is the fundamental issue which generates much social, economic and political behavior in society. Nothing beneficial or real can grow out of fear—you have to grow-up and outgrow fear itself. Only those who fear the truth lie. Only those who fear reality quote the truth. Ponder this quote. “Let us not correct ourselves out of fear, but let us never fear to correct ourselves.” ~William Safire. Remember always, fear is an idea you are holding, not an experience you are having—due to your conditioning. If you follow the sensation that triggers the thought pattern of fear, you will begin to realize there is no correlation between what you thought and the reality of it otherwise. Instead of an outlook, fear generates a paranoid kind of “look-out” on life. Fear is not only generative; it is regenerative and accumulative in nature (carrying countless generations accrued in the semantic payload of the word). The perspective is that of an isolated, dejected, rejected and separated sense of an isolated personal self. “If you have fear, you have no need to think of punishment. Fear itself is punishment enough. Similarly with hope. Intense hope leads easily to fear that the hope may not be realized. To feel that one possesses something may at any moment lead to fear of deprivation.” ~Idries Shah. Beloved, there is no such thing as fear—only those who succumb to and suffer in his or her own projection of it. Fear is not encoded into our genes, but exists on the surface of our genes in the protein sheaths that cover the DNA. Fear is mimetically encoded in the epigenetic layer of our chromosomes. All who refrain from dealing with their fears will live in their fantasies. Fear is like a stalker, and with an unseen cloak it can overtake you into fretful psycho-emotional disrepair. So let’s elude, and never feed into (include), or submit to its despair. If you live in fear, you have never really lived. Hark! “The End is Rear!” Fear lives in our heart, mind and experiences, but it does not exist of its own accord—fear itself has no life. Fear is a parasitic thought barricading our hearts. As we feed it and feed into it, fear seems to take on a life of its own. So much that appears to be real isn’t. Only love is real, it is eternal, making itself felt and known in time as the very pulse of the Divine. The only reality is love—all else is a simulation or aberration of it. Fear is of your own making; love is the building block and cornerstone of this manifestation also called God’s creation. Fear is unreal, impermanent, and thus can be accurately considered an illusion. It is an egoistic reaction; it is based on the ingrained but fundamentally false notion that you are separate from others. Fear operates through our stories. Our stories how we perceive ourselves. Our stories around how we perceive others. Our stories are full of want (lack). And because of the lack we naturally fear because we feel that we are missing something. There’s something that’s not there. But you can’t always close your eyes from the things you don’t want to see, sometimes you have to face the lack in the pitch black. So instead of registering the goodness of what is not there which causes an opening, we register what’s not there from the perspective of lack which makes us defensive, constrictive and fearful. We fear that what we know is there deep within. But we fear what we cannot behold. So we move away from response to what we are directly knowing and we engage the fear in not being able to see which separates us more from that deep inner knowledge.” ~John de Ruiter. Shedding fear is creating no separation based on resistance by the Light towards the dark. Fear is nothing more than the Mind reacting to one of its imagings. Fear is a negative frequency that undermines acceptance because it is an emotion that creates responses that attempt to alter the divine perfection of the experience. It is a primitive emotion that Nature has propagated to protect this body, which you mistakenly take yourself to be. Remain aware, alert and vigilant, lest the mind’s positive intent hijacks the Heart’s content. Only what is divine is real and everlasting—all else is impermanent and changing according to its nature. “Flaming eyes of people’s fear—burnin’ into you. Many men are missing much, hatin’ what they do. Youth and truth are making love—dig it for a starter. Dying young is hard to take—selling-out is harder.” ~Sly Stone. Emerson once said “Do the thing you fear, and the death of fear is certain.” Fear is a false prophet; it pretends to know the future, but it only echoes the superstitions of the past. It is the self-erected barrier between God and True Self. The ladder of truth brings fear in two ways: at the bottom, we worry if the ladder will hold us. At the top, we’re afraid to let go. You reach the God-Self-Divine when your last fear has vanished—and your last truth. With fear, guilt and belief we build a hole (hollow) life on it. Banish fear and guilt and see the shining edifice that can be built. Your energy field clears after fears that produce judgment, limited thinking, envy, and restricted feelings have been identified, resolved, and then dissolved. (See: Stories, Judgment, Perceptions, Fright, Attitude, Acceptance, Control, Scarcity, Consciousness, SOIL, Responsibility, Possessions, Self-Image, Hope, Lack, Group Seven Centers, Entity, Fantasy, Weiteko Disease, Positive Intention, Impersonality, Anger, The Past, Dreams, Love, Christ Consciousness, Attachment, Suffering, Nightmare, Hatred, Expectation, Solar Plexus, Initiation, Subconscious Mind, Separation, Unknown, Beliefs, Unknowable, O.D., Judgment, Guilt, Belief Exams, Suicide, The Future, Resistance, Intellectual, Addictive Demand, Doership, Discernment, Colonized Mind, Pain, Anxiety, Scarcity & Unsucking)
F.E.A.R. – False Evidence Appearing Real. 2) Forfeiture Endangers American Rights. 3) Familiar Escape Avoidance Reoccuring. 4) Fake Experienced As Real. Fear invokes our reptilian brain—fight or flight—response that leads to two possible actions: (Flight mode) – Forget Everything And Run, or (Fight mode) – Face Everything And Rise. How we respond is a choice we all have. Fear is not of the unknown, but of losing the known and one’s investment therein. Fear is often disguised as procrastination. Fear often hides behind foolishness and fear often represents the status quo. Fear plays a much larger role in our decision making than most would like to admit. There’s fear of failure, fear of being left out, fear of acceptance, fear of success, fear of being exposed, fear of being alone, fear of ego-death, fear of dying, fear of being wrong, fear of being unpopular, or just a fear of change. Fear is rampant, wears many faces and is at the bottom of many decisions that the fearful routinely make. Fear-based thoughtforms, behaviors, and thought patterns drain your energy and inhibit you from freeing, clearing, and rechanneling the requisite energy necessary to face the unknown. Fear is a formulated lie, a lopsided perception distorting, clouding or veiling the hidden implicate order and balance. We’re living in a four-lettered world—FEAR! Self-Realization neutralizes fear at its root before its permutation and permeation at the cellular level. “Conutatis Maledictis flammis acribus addictus.” “We fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them.” There’s no place to hide but there is a place we can run—follow me out of the ashes and into the Sun. (See: Acceptance, Human Beam, Wholeness, Judgment, Unknown, Light, Enlightenment, Fright, Ignorance, Pathocracy, Self-Awareness, The Past, Self- Observation, Opinion, The Crowd’s Clothes, Self-Image, Self-Importance, Deep Awake, Self-Cultivation, Shine, Resentment, Fearlessness, “Assemblage Point,” Kensei, Clarity, Death Concept, Money, Substitute Life, Unconditional Love, Self-Realization, Primordial Fear, Kenosis, The Future, Memory, Representation, Understranded & Courage)