Speaking Truth to Power, Shaq said 'Mandates are Wrong.' Power Ignorantly Responded (thru Dummy, Nischelle Turner); the Unvaxed Somehow Put the Vaxed at Risk. [Injections Don't Stop or Prevent COVID]

From [CHD] and [Infowars] NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal publicly declared Thursday that in his opinion no one “should be forced” to take a vaccine, and hit back at a reporter who claimed that Americans are not being made to take shots.

Speaking on his podcast, Shaq said “Look, I encourage everyone to be safe and take care of your family; I do. But there are still some people that don’t want to take it. And you shouldn’t have to be forced to take something you don’t want.”

When his CBS reporter guest Nischelle Turner tried to argue that vaccine mandates do not constitute forcing people to take the shots, O’Neal disagreed.

“It is forced. Because if the man don’t take it, the man gonna get fired,” he shot back.“I’m gonna probably get in trouble for this,” O’Neal added, suggesting a hypothetical situation where a fictional co-worker of “Entertainment Tonight” co-host Turner is ordered to get vaccinated.

Shaq stated “Say Nischelle, your sound guy at ‘ET’ been working there 10 years. That [job is] all you know. Let’s just say ‘ET’ puts out a new policy: If you don’t get the vaccination, you’re going to lose your job,” O’Neal said, adding that he believes it is not just for people to have choose between their livelihoods and “going against [their] morals”.Turner said she “wholeheartedly disagrees” with O’Neal, stating “You’re not just affecting yourself, you’re putting the public at risk and it’s a public health issue.”

“You work for a private company, bro,” Turner asserted, adding “We’re a capitalist society. It’s a free market society. If you don’t want to follow that company’s policy, then you follow yourself on out the door.”

“I’m with you on the rules because I’m a rules guy,” O’Neal responded, adding “But I do feel sympathetic towards people who have to make that kind of decision.” 

“I don’t,” Turner replied “not when you’re putting other people at risk.”

As defined in FUNKTIONARY:

dummy - a wooden puppet or programmed dupe that only speaks when spoken through. 2) one seeming to act independently but in reality controlled by another. -Webster's Dictionary. I know it's hard for most people to imagine themselves as dummies, but the reality of our circumstances painfully underscore this sad fact. How else could it be that for eons, centuries, and even up to this day, that the elite few rule, fool, divide and terrorize the many? If we imagine that we are free, we won't ever suspect or imagine we are dummies. Seeming to be free and actually experiencing, i.e., load testing, your alleged freedom are two different things altogether. As long as we seem to be free (despite all the facts to the contrary), it is most trivial to be manipulated and conned into doing the will of another against your own vital interests. If and whenever one is willing to overcome denial and accept his or her apparently free condition as false or an abject delusion, then the strings of control that have been (mis)guiding you will begin to become noticeable or perhaps even felt. What part of you has been complicit in ''pulling the strings" of the puppet master as the fat lady sings another stanza from the star-spangled banter? (See: Politician, Borg, Zombie, Proxymoron, Jehovah's Witness Protection Program, Dummy Return, True Believer, Perceptions & Disciple)