Real Trial for a False Flag? GOINTELBRO Guilty in "Waukehsa Attack" After Uncontested Trial With No Attorney, No Cross Examination, No Objections, No Investigation, No Witnesses, No Motions or Defense
/According to FUNKTIONARY:
AFRO-INTELPRO - an FBI created, CIA and NSA backed, black-on-black infiltration and snitch network. AFRO is the acronym for Africans For Revolution Only. The intelligence operatives infiltrate revolutionary organizations to disrupt and foment confusion, terror and distrust within the ranks of those organizations not unlike COINTELPRO. (See: SNigger)
GOINTELBRO – Government Operative Incognegro Notifying The Enforcers Liberating Blackamerica’s Racist Oppressors. A Gointel-bro is a sorry-ass sophisticated hanky-head, coin-operated, Sam-Bohican, Snigger on the payrolls of the F.B.I. (or any other alphabet threat agency) as an undercover informant to foment divisiveness in Blackamerica’s ongoing centuries-long struggle for socioeconomic advancement as a people. Sniggers are equal in intent, and bound by the same flaw—covertly soul-selling out the potential self-determination of his people for the sake of his Massa’s overtly racist, statist or fascist law. (See: Snigger, COINTELPRO, Sambo, Black Flask Brigade, BOHICAN & Coin-Operated)
Hoax - a mirage that appears as believable, popular (and marketable) as Jesus, as tempting as sin, and as captivating as a sweet taboo---without its consequences and side-effects too. The illusion of truth seems real--the "reality" of the reel (the Passing Show)--the surreal. The two most pervasive hoaxes we put over on ourselves is ego and money--neither have any existence. (See: Passing Show, Mirage, Rolling Mirror, Objectivity, Ego, Money, Utopia, Kansas & Alice in Wonderland)
From [HERE] A jury found Darrell Brooks guilty of six counts of homicide for driving into a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wis., last year.
The verdict, reached Wednesday, comes less than a year after Brooks allegedly plowed through police barricades and drove a red SUV along the local holiday parade route in November 2021, killing six people and injuring dozens of others.
Prosecutors charged Brooks, a 40-year-old Milwaukee resident, with six counts of first-degree intentional homicide, as well as dozens of other charges related to recklessly endangering safety, in relation to the attack. The 12-member Waukesha County jury found Brooks guilty on all 76 counts Wednesday.
First-degree homicide in Wisconsin is classified as a Class A felony, which carries a penalty of life in prison. [MORE]
The Dependent Media left out the fact that he had no attorney for his trial.
There is a clear pattern here with some false flags; Dylann Roof had an uncontested trial (no attorney during his criminal trial), the Parkland shooter had no actual trial because he pled guilty and then had a sentencing hearing (mischaracterized by media as a criminal trial) and Alex Jones’ multiple cases all concerned default judgements and damages hearings- not actual contested trials on the merits where the underlying event (the false flag) was established with findings of fact in an adversarial setting by a jury.
Here, without an attorney, “Darrell Brooks'’” (or whoever he is) murder trial was an uncontested mock trial. That is, no real pre-trial investigation or discovery by “the defense” took place. No meaningful jury selection occurred. No pre-trial motions were filed to exclude evidence or statements. His identification was not properly contested. During trial no meaningful skilled cross examination took place, no meaningful objections to hundreds of government requests and questions took place, there were no meaningful challenges to hundreds of government exhibits, no foundations for evidence were laid, no authentication of evidence was necessary, any and all hearsay and double hearsay was admissible, no actual defenses were asserted, no witnesses testified on his behalf, no legitimate criminal defense or theory of the case was set forth and more - just like on a TV show. Thus, a real trial for this false flag didn’t take place. Nevertheless, the media carries on otherwise with its theater for your mind – intended to make you believe that the underlying event occurred without ever having to actually prove it.
Allegations are allegations and the proof in totalitarian systems - ‘who needs to actually prove a set of facts during an adversarial trial when you have “beliefs” and dogma? Almost like faith based COVID vaccines: they’re safe because the media said so and they know because the government told them. The media simply parrots the police version of events. Anyone who questions the police or government narrative or seeks actual details is a conspiracy theorist. Lawyers call this burden shifting in court. And this is with all things, not just false flags - for instance, just ask the liberals who claim to sincerely and genuinely believe the veracity of Herschel Walker’s anonymous accuser despite the fact that they’ve never seen or heard “her” and have no rational reason to find “her” credible. How does one acquire such a jesusized belief in an anonymous person or invisible and unheard person ?
Due to the contrived nature of the evidence and weird timing of the incident, Waukesha feels synthetic and should be suspected as a false flag operation conducted by the government until proven otherwise. If Crimethinc and The Pathocracy would create deadly COVID injections for the purpose of genthanasia and and collude with The Dependent Media to promote biocide with lies, then surely It would have no problem executing 6 white people at a X-Mas parade.
During the week of Thanksgiving and after the conclusion of multiple race related criminal trials involving white male defendants, we were presented with Mr. “Darrel Brooks” or “Darrell Brooks” and his conduct in a 90% white city of Waukesha. At the time of the incident observe the common name and generic look in which he can be easily confused with many other middle-aged light skinned Black males with long dreadlocks covering much of his head and a beard concealing much of his face. Dood looks and sounds like police or an actor not a rapper. Is the driver on the grainy video actually “Darrel Brooks?” No one will ever know.
What’s missing is cell phone video evidence of the actual incident – although there were probably hundreds of people present with their cell phones recording the parade, there appear to be only a few videos [HERE] and [HERE] of the incident – which is not normal but very common in false flags. Like other false flags, Brooks’ alleged “intentional murder planning” is undermined by having no getaway plan, which we deduce due to the existence of a silly pre-arrest video from “a neighbor” – apparently “Darrel Brooks” planned to run people over during a holiday parade, crash the car, flee on foot and either catch an Uber to escape or outrun the police. Just days after the incident, the government completed its investigation and concluded he intentionally ran people over – probably based on his rap lyrics or an unproduced manifesto or diary perhaps to be released during the trial. Like other false flags, less than 7 days after the incident we had an open and shut case - no need for a trial anyway, allegations are the evidence to tyrants and their slaves.
Less than a week after it happened the media supplied us a ready made bio for “Darrell Brooks” containing info (faster than court pre-trial services) about childhood upbringing (not dissimilar to the readily found unauthenticated manifestos or diaries found in other false flag episodes), how his ex-girlfriend feels and a slick headshot photo (like ISIS press releases). The media has stated he is a rapist, depicted him as a serial criminal who is unreformable (because Blacks are inherently criminal) [MORE] and said he is a welfare recipient. We are told he is an auto-coon rapper (an unsigned artist of course “promoted” on a YouTube channel (formed days after the incident, probably by the government). In his video he apparently showcased the same Ford Escape he used to kill as a prop in a music video (an auto-coon rapper with a Ford Escape? Silly, only police think like this. Reminds BW of the “Black rapper” from SD allegedly found on the battlefield in Syria fighting for ISIS, confirmed of course by “his tweets”). The media also explained he hates Trump and white people (hate white folks? Although his conduct has been objectionable, there is no hate on display in court in hours of footage where he is clearly seeking approval from and trying to please the white judge and white courtroom staff, like a puppy, child or servant– this is beggar conduct, racists find it flattering). According to the media and the police, Brooks had a history of social media posts advocating for violence against white people, he rapped about being a "terrorist" and a "killer,” he was a "black nationalist” (when white people say that what does it mean? If it means living separate and apart from whites then could he do that in 90% white Waukesha?), a member of the Black Hebrew Israelites (is there a branch in Waukesha, which is 3% Black?), and believes in black supremacy (right, like a prisoner believing he is the warden) and so on [MORE]. Based on the generic profile he probably also loves fried chicken, watermelon, collards, white woman, rims, cereal etc. All this leads the believer to believe that he ran people over because they were white. Racists are presupposed to believe that Waukesha occurred in the same way that Black folks are presupposed to believe Dylann Roof killed people in a Black church with little to no non-testimonial and objective evidence.