If You Were Palestinian Would You Trust the IsrAlien Government to Give You a Vaccine? Infections are Low in the West Bank/Gaza, w/only 2,723 cases and No Reports of a Hospital Crisis Due to COVID
/From [HERE] The Palestinian Authority has received another 150,000 doses of vaccine from Pfizer, as most Palestinians remain unvaccinated, PA Health Minister Mai al-Kaila says in a statement.
Around 100,000 doses will be sent to the Gaza Strip, al-Kaila says.
According to al-Kaila, some 2 million vaccines have been distributed between the West Bank and Gaza at this point. However, health officials have said vaccine uptake has been low, with many Palestinians declining the shot.
Ramallah has also been rocked by repeated scandals centered around the coronavirus vaccine. Before the shot was made available in the West Bank, senior officials, their children, and even the Palestinian soccer team allegedly got first dibs.
The PA was also widely criticized by Palestinians for a deal with Israel in June in which Jerusalem would loan millions of soon-to-expire Pfizer doses to Ramallah. In exchange, Israel would get fresh doses of the vaccine that the PA had already purchased, but which were set to arrive later. The PA withdrew from the deal after widespread public backlash.
Recorded coronavirus infections remain low in the West Bank and Gaza, with only 2,723 active cases. But health officials warn that relatively little testing is being done, meaning that the virus could be spreading widely undetected. However, BW could find no reports of Palestinian hospitals being in crisis due to COVID.
According to FUNKTIONARY:
eugenics - the science of African extermination and of the gene that produces a people (ethnicity) with the object being African and melanated peoples of the world. 2) the science of Racism White Supremacy. Eugenics is a bogus pseudo-science founded by English psycholologist Francis Galton, used for purposes of white supremacy tactics made popular by Hitler in Nazi Germany but practiced earlier in the U.S.S.A. 3) the maniacal (Yurugu-istic) philosophy of using genetic manipulation to create a better organism, better race or even a so-called master race by a lone totalitarian Dictator or a group of evil men under the veil of a Corporate State, i.e., Social Eugenics. 4) the racist belief held by many Caucasians that Africans and descendants of Africans are biologically moribund---and consequently were deficient in native or inborn intelligence and that the lack of intelligence would likely lead to a decline in the nation's collective intelligence. 5) the antidote of the Caucasian's unconscious fear of a Black Planet. 6) the artifice of attempting to make people appear to be other than they are. 7) the propaganda that African people should be done away with---exterminated. The name 'eugenics" was coined by the white psychologist Francis Galton. The triune objectives of Eugenics is selective ethnic genetic annihilation, population control (or depopulation), and selective breeding by a pathological strain of DNA. Eugenics essentially means, good white genetic stock; the selective breeding of white people and the mass extermination of African people. Mass incarceration, the homosexuality agenda (depopulation) grew out of the Eugenics movement. Read "War of the Weak." Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race" by Edwin Black. (See: Genocide, Yurugu, Recombinant DNA, U.S. Sterilization Laws, Freemasony, Theosophy, Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments, Planned Parenthood, Neuropean, Weiteko Disease, Racism White Supremacy, Similac, P.I.C., Caucasian & Inferiority Complex)
Eugenocide- Neuropean-style genetic ethnic cleansing. (See: Yurugu, Fascism, United Nations & Weiteko Disease)
JUST ANOTHER MONDAY IN DEMOCRATIC ISRAEL. Jerusalem Municipality demolishes two-story building in Silwan, East Jerusalem leaving 2 families with 7 people homeless
Israeliens - imposter (pale interloper alien) Hebrews—Eastern European stock Caucasians who adopted the philosophy, myths, fables, and traditions of the so-called "Jews" while living in Russia—masquerading as if they had any genetic or historical ancestry and cultural heritage to the Afrikan Hebrews, the Afrim people, who occupied Canaan (Palestine) from ancient times. 2) those who currently are occupying Palestine (the land of Canaan), colonizing and killing its rightful descendants, historic owners and dwellers), and are undeniably alien (foreign—not aboriginal) to that land. 3) imposter Hebrews originating from the Pale of Settlement in Kazzarian Russia currently an occupying force (militarily holed-up and propped-up by US financial support and British skullduggery) in occupied Palestine. 4) alien Jews—Pinchbeck Hebrews. Israeliens are East Europeans with no genetic or actual historic ties whatsoever to the land now called Palestine. Israeliens have brainwashed (and fooled themselves and many others into believing this historical lie and propaganda that they are the descendants of "Jews" (a misnomer for African Hebrews, itself a misnomer for the Afrim people). Anyone with a modicum of research skills, knowledge of basic geography, philology, and an unbiased-by-religious-myth mind can easily confirm or validate this fact for his or herself. Both so-called Sephardic and Askanazzim "Jews" are not historically tied to the Afrim. It's not that Caucasians who have adopted the "Jewish" religion shouldn't have a place to live—but how about suggesting relocating where they came from—the hills of Russia, and not on another peoples" land. You don't invade (break into) someone's house (property) and expect them to just go away and not fight to get it back (despite how much force, murdering, deception, and propaganda that is brought to bear to justify such wrongful invasion and genocide). Psychological repression is both invisible and reflexive. (See: Zionism, USS Liberty, Gulf of Tonkin, Genocide, Immigrant Human, Evolution, Caucasian, Pilgarlick, El & Judaism)