Court Docs Reveal Phizer/FDA Knew the Vax was Killing and Injuring People at a High Rate in Early 2021. Phizer Hid Info Essential to Informed Consent and Falsely Claimed Vax is “safe and effective”

[Attorney Aaron Siri asked, ‘let gets this straight, the federal government shielded Pfizer from liability.  Gives it billions of dollars.  Makes Americans take its product.  But won’t let you see the data supporting its product’s safety and efficacy.  Who does the government work for?’]

From [AARON SIRI] and (Natural News) and [HERE] Two months and one day after it was sued, and close to 3 months since it licensed Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine, the FDA released the first round of documents it reviewed before licensing this product.  The production consisted of 91 pdf pages, one xpt file, and one txt file. You can download them here or or

Said documents that show Pfizer and the FDA knew in early 2021 that pfizer’s mRNA vaccines were killing people and causing injury.

Previously, the FDA repeatedly promised “full transparency” with regard to Covid-19 vaccines, including reaffirming “the FDA’s commitment to transparency” when licensing Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. 

Additionally, under Title 21, sub-chapter F of the FDA’s own regulations, the agency “is to make ‘immediately available’ all documents underlying licensure of a vaccine.”

In August and immediately following approval of the vaccine, more than 30 academics, professors, and scientists from the most prestigious universities requested the data and information submitted to the FDA by Pfizer to license its COVID-19 vaccine. 

The FDA’s response?  It produced nothing.  So, in September,a lawsuit was filed against the FDA on behalf of this group to demand this information. 

The FDA then asked a federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data and information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.   That is not a typo.   It requested 55 years to produce critical information on the vaccine and otherwise withhold it from the public. 

A federal judge in Texas denied the request and ordered that the 329,000 documents from Pfizer be released at a rate of 500-page-per-month, albeit with redactions. Said process of court ordered transparency will occur at a snail’s pace. Meanwhile, people’s lives are being ruined over vaccine injury and vaccine coercion, as the data is slowly released, the truth painstakingly exposed.

The documents reveal the FDA tried to conceal widespread vaccine injury and death from Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine.

In the first three months of the vaccine’s rollout, there were voluntary reports of 1,223 deaths and over 42,000 adverse reports spanning a total of 158,893 adverse reactions. One of every 37 reports was DEATH! This data was only from vaccines that were administered between December 1st to February 28. The data was collected from the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, France, Spain and a host of other nations.

Pfizer knew that their vaccine was killing and injuring people at rates never seen before in the history of vaccinology, yet the FDA helped the fully-indemnified pharmaceutical cartel conceal this information and achieve full licensure with their Comirnaty mRNA vaccine. The two entities conspired to withhold critical, life-and-death medical information that is essential for informed consent, and continue to allow dangerous inoculations to cause unprecedented levels of nervous system disorders, cardiovascular events and autoimmune reactions. It should have been pulled from the market.

The true number of vaccine injuries and deaths that occurred in this three-month time span and thereafter is unknown. Nevertheless, even these numbers — already quite shocking, given the FDA’s insistence that mRNA vaccines are “safe and effective” — barely scratch the surface of the damage and deaths caused by these vaccines. “Reports are submitted voluntarily, and the magnitude of underreporting is unknown,” says Pfizer on page 5.

In the documents, Pfizer admitted there was no data on the vaccine’s effectiveness or evidence of safety for children and pregnant and lactating women. Nevertheless the government pushed the vaccine for pregnant women and children anyway. According to the documents, the FDA also knew in advance that the vaccine could sicken and kill patients who were later infected with covid — in what was referred to as “Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease, including Vaccine-associated Enhanced Respiratory Disease.”

Three times as many women damaged, compared to men

Shockingly, the document reveals that more than three times as many women were damaged by the Pfizer vaccine, compared to men. There were 29,914 adverse events recorded in women, with just 9,182 recorded in men. It is not known whether the same number of men and women took the vaccine, but this number exposes the very real possibility of a gender-specific vaccine damage risk that the FDA went to great lengths to cover up.

Anecdotally, most of the neurological damage we’ve seen in people who have been damaged by the vaccine — convulsions, numbness, pain, etc. — has been depicted in women, not men. It looks like the FDA knows the mRNA vaccine exhibits a disproportionate, gender-specific damage profile that also affects women in terms of spontaneous abortions (also covered in the report).

Pfizer told the FDA its mRNA covid vaccines can cause “enhanced disease” by making covid worse

Also to the shock of many observers who are just now digging into this smoking gun document, Pfizer told the FDA under “Safety concerns” (section 3.1.2) that its mRNA injection could cause, “Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED), including Vaccine-associated Enhanced Respiratory Disease (VAERD).”

This means the FDA knew the vaccine could sicken and kill patients who were later infected with covid.

Under the label of “missing information,” Pfizer also told the FDA that it has no information about “Use in Pregnancy and lactation” nor covering “Use in Paediatric Individuals < 12 Years of Age.”

“Vaccine Effectiveness” was also listead as “Missing information” by Pfizer.

In other words, Pfizer told the FDA its vaccines could kill people and that it had no information about vaccine effectiveness, yet the FDA fraudulently pushed the vaccine as “safe and effective” anyway. Pfizer even told the FDA that it had no safety information about use in pregnant women, yet the FDA (and Fauci, the CDC, etc.) all pushed the vaccine for pregnant women, despite the utter lack of safety information.

Based on this document, it appears that the FDA itself has been neck-deep in a criminal conspiracy to hide the truth about vaccine injuries and deaths while granting usage approvals to the very same corporations that openly told the FDA its products were killing people.

Note, too, that the entire corporate media complex has lied from day one, falsely claiming the vaccine has killed no one. They are, of course, complicit in this vaccine holocaust.

Spontaneous abortions, neonatal death and other effects on pregnant women

In the section labeled, “Use in Pregnancy and lactation,” the report discusses reports of the mRNA vaccine being linked to:

spontaneous abortion (23), outcome pending (5), premature birth with neonatal death, spontaneous abortion with intrauterine death (2 each), spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and normal outcome (1 each).

Notice that “spontaneous abortion” represents by far the highest number in these reports. In other words, the FDA knew this vaccine would kill unborn babies, but they pushed it on pregnant women anyway.

All mRNA vaccines must be immediately halted, and FDA bureaucrats must be indicted and arrested

This confidential document — just the first of thousands yet to be released — reveals two critical things:

1) The FDA committed criminal fraud and misrepresentation in approving mRNA vaccines as “safe and effective.” This means top FDA decision makers must now face arrest and criminal prosecution.

2) The mRNA vaccine was known by Pfizer to be deadly even in its first three months of emergency use. This means Pfizer is also complicit in the continued deaths of innocent victims, as Pfizer itself should have pulled its deadly vaccine and halted all sales and distribution.

The definition of a “vaccine” had to be completely changed in order to market and license these new mRNA injections. The clinical trials did not use proper diagnostic standards, did not study viral transmission, all-cause mortality, nor compare rates of severe illness. The process also ignored the myriad of health issues imparted by the vaccines, some of which are deliberately life threatening. The clinical trials relied on positive PCR testing rates (that have been proven fraudulent) and non-specific symptoms of mild illness in a small time period. This is how the vaccine makers came up with their flimsy vaccine efficacy rates, which have fallen into negative territory, when real world vaccine effectiveness is configured.