Parroting his Master’s Dogma, Halfrocentric Clone Kareem Abdul-Jabber Criticizes Lebron for Not Promoting Experimental, Useless COVID Injections that Kill/Harm People and are Shielded from Liability
“KAREEM GONE.” From [HERE] NBA legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar asked LeBron James to make his stance on the COVID-19 vaccine clear due to his influence on the African-American community.
“I don’t talk about other people and what they should do. We’re talking about individual bodies. We’re not talking about something political or racism or police brutality. I don’t think I personally should get involved in what other people do for their bodies and livelihoods … I know what I did for me and my family … But as far as speaking for everybody and their individualities and things they want to do, that’s not my job,” James said in September.
Kareem penned an article, parroting his masters about how COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted the African-American community, at least in part due to their distrust of vaccines.
This past weekend, James posted the above meme on his Instagram account, comparing COVID-19 to the flu. Apparently, Kareem’s masters Big Tech, Big Pharma, Authority [aka Uncle Brother, Crimeth Inc., Doggy] and their Dependent Media needed what they think is an influential Black spokesperson to censor Lebron, so they trotted Kareem out to do so. The usual authoritarian playbook calls for bignorant, propaghandi to attack the person’s character and never to actually discuss COVID injection facts and research in contention. That is, Kareem didn’t refute Lebron’s contention that in reality COVID is like the Flu or an overblown plandemic. Rather, Kareem just shadowboxed Lebron for his white masters. Well done, negro. This has been the pattern with any celebrity figure, white or Black who dares to criticize or remain neutral to Big Pharma’s deadly COVID injections.
Big up to BronBron for taking a risk against the vested interests. Contrary to SNigger Kareem, in reality:
All-cause mortality soared only shortly after the declaration of the COVID-19 “pandemic,” not before
Figure 1: All-cause mortality in New York city and in Texas, before and after the declaration of the COVID-19 “pandemic” by the WHO (red vertical line). A sharp yet short-lived spike occurred in New York City immediately after the declaration, whereas no such event manifested itself in Texas. Before the declaration, all-cause mortality for the winter 2019/20 had been tracking significantly lower than two years before; the higher mortality rate during that previous winter season was due to a worldwide outbreak of influenza that was not declared a pandemic. Graphics taken from Figures 8 and 10 in [4].
Rancourt has examined the correlation in time between the WHO’s declaration of the “pandemic” and all-cause mortality in various jurisdictions [4]. Immediately after the declaration, there occurred a sharp peak in all-cause mortality in some jurisdictions, but not in others; this discrepancy is illustrated in Figure 1 for New York City and Texas.
Common sense and historic precedents suggest that a deadly virus pandemic would not respect international or state borders. Furthermore, if the virus had indeed been both deadly and truly novel, the wave of deaths in New York should not have subsided within such a short time period as is apparent from Figure 1. Thus, as Rancourt convincingly argues, any peaks in mortality were most likely caused by government malfeasance, which led to consequences such as the rapid spread of the infection in senior homes. In the case of New York, this has led to the filing of criminal complaints against former governor Andrew Cuomo.
Mortality due to COVID-19 is very low except in the frail and elderly
In the vast majority of people (≥ 99.8% globally), an infection with SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19, is non-lethal [5–7]. It is typically a mild to moderately severe illness with a case fatality rate similar to that of influenza (see again Figure 1 for context). The relationship of COVID mortality with age is illustrated in Figure 2. Panel A very clearly shows that mortality is vanishingly small in the young and middle-aged. Moreover, even among the elderly, almost all fatal cases occur in people with co-morbidities. In Italy, the average age at the time of death was above 80 years, and only 0.8% of all fatal cases suffered from none of the 10 most common co-morbidities [8]. University of Hamburg forensic pathologist Prof. Klaus Püschel reviewed over 100 autopsies on patients at his institution whose deaths had been ascribed to COVID-19, and he concluded that not one of them had died due to COVID alone [9].
Figure 2: COVID mortality, number of cases, and infection fatality rate by age group. A: Total cases reported to the Robert Koch Institute as of July 13þ, 2021, and mortality per age group, based on 2018 census numbers [10]. B: Infection fatality rates by age in various countries. Adapted from Figure 3 in [11].
The collective findings can be summarized as follows: in otherwise healthy persons of all ages, COVID-19 poses a negligible risk of death or of severe disease with irreversible harm.
The misconception of the “pandemic” was implanted and perpetuated with inappropriate testing practices
From the very beginning, the number of COVID “cases” was artificially inflated by the inappropriate use of the PCR test. There are two key aspects to this misuse of the technique:
the calibration of the method is inadequate; in particular, the number of amplification cycles is excessive;
the application of the PCR test to healthy (“asymptomatic”) people, for example in connection with travel. This could not but generate a large number of false positive test results, which were then elevated to “cases.” [MORE]
According to FUNKTIONARY:
SNAGs - $nitch-ass Negroes Aiding Governments. 2) COINTEL-BROs. 3) Smile Negro And Grin—while I put it in. SNAGs are coin-operated piece-activist sniggering infiltraitors from the native Black American community. SNAGs are on the stroll, exacting Black life as the toll, while klandestinely on the rogue "government" payroll. Dumb-ditty dumb where the hell do these sorry-ass sellout Negroes come from? When you see them, go and give them some—or at least a piece of your mind. It's easy to heckle and hyde, but why do we seem to always let self-hating sucker-perpetrating Negroes electric slide? SNAGs are Negroes who run from the fabric, the very essence of their Afrikan heritage struggle, culture and consciousness, and run to support the psychopathological dominant minority elite European global racist-supremacist mindset and Agenda along with its narcissistic projections and population control objectives (genocide and eugenics). The more you pull at a snag, the more problems it causes—hence, you have to cut it off from the garment so it will cease causing constraint and strain on the integrity of the fabric of Afrikan consciousness and liberation. Don't just run them off, cut them off. SNAGs get dealt with! SNAG's are responsible for facilitating agents of various "government intelligence" operations in successfully accomplishing the "wet jobs" (assassinations) and downfall of some of our most cherished leaders, luminary thinkers, uncompromising revolutionaries and lovers of justice for all humanity. SNAGs come in all shapes, colors, sizes and forms within the Black American community but they all share one common thread—self-hatred. Some of the less known but high-exposure SNAGs were Alex Haley (who covertly worked his roots on Malcolm X), Ernest Withers (civil rights photographer and FBI informant), and Justice Thurgood Marshall (also snitching and informing on the Right-Reverend Martin L. King, Jr.), not to mention another "Reverend" from Memphis, TN who was involved (along with Jesse Jackson) in the orchestration of King's assassination. SNAGs have also been known to be complicit in both successful and botched assassination schemes plotted and executed by the shadowy characters within and behind the veil of the Corporate State and its wet-works black operations spy agencies. (See: COINTELPRO, FBI, CIA, Manhood, Snigger, Sigma Pi Phi, Coin-Operated, Racism White Supremacy, HO-Method, Infiltraitors, Wet Jobs & Piece-Activist) [MORE]