So-Called New COVID “Variant" was Simulated in Israel Weeks before it was “Discovered" [“in reality there are no variants of COVID. They are all computer simulations of specific gene sequences"]
/the editor of Health Impact News states, “The flames of “COVID fear” are being stoked again, as the Big Pharma Globalists unleash their new plan to increase profits and exert more tyrannical control over populations by using their corporate media and puppet politicians in an attempt to extend the false “COVID pandemic.”
Within just a couple of days after announcing that a “new variant” has been discovered in Africa, Big Pharma has now promised the world that they are rushing to rescue everyone with new drugs and new vaccines to fight this “deadly new variant.”
What kind of people are still watching this Hollywood-like scripted show and actually believing it is true?? [MORE]
From [HERE] Two weeks before this current new variant suddenly appeared in Africa and started making the news cycle, Israel, which has been Pfizer’s human laboratory to test their COVID shots, ran a “war games” simulation to prepare for a “deadly new variant” which at the time had not yet been named. They called this future variant “Omega,” and the simulation was carried out on November 11, 2021.
Dozens of top officials took part in what Prime Minister Naftali Bennett called a COVID-19 war exercise on Thursday to gauge the country’s preparedness for the next wave of the pandemic.
“We are starting an unprecedented event here,” the prime minister said at the start of the exercise – “not only on an Israeli scale but on a global level. We are conducting a war exercise to prepare for a new variant that does not even exist yet.”
The “Omega Exercise,” as Bennett called it, was held in the format of a “war game,” the Prime Minister’s Office said. Bennett has regularly referred to the “Omega strain,” the next harmful COVID-19 variant that has not yet been discovered. A war game is a game of the mind; no physical exercises took place.
Bennett said that Israel has surfaced from the Delta wave without locking down, proving that “with proper management, the pandemic can be defeated.” (Full article – and thanks to the Robin Monotti, Dr Mike Yeadon & Cory Morningstar Telegram Channel for pointing this out.)
Africa is Chosen to be the Source of the New Variant Scam
Up until now, Africa has been an enigma to the Globalists’ narrative on the COVID-19 plandemic, as the continent has the lowest rates of COVID-19 vaccination, while also having the fewest amounts of “COVID-19 deaths.”
Ryan McMaken of the Mises Institute reported:
Since the very beginning of the covid panic, the narrative has been this: implement severe lockdowns or your population will experience a bloodbath. Morgues will be overwhelmed, the death total toll will be astounding. On the other hand, we were assured those jurisdictions that do lock down would see only a fraction of the death toll.
Then, once vaccines became available, the narrative was modified to “Get shots in arms and then covid will stop spreading. Those countries without vaccines, on the other hand, will continue to face mass casualties.”
The lockdown narrative, of course, has already been thoroughly overturned. Jurisdictions that did not lock down or adopted only weak and short lockdowns ended up with covid death tolls that were either similar to—or even better than—death tolls in countries that adopted draconian lockdowns. Lockdown advocates said locked-down countries would be overwhelmingly better off. These people were clearly wrong.
Undaunted by the increasing implausibility of the lockdown narrative, the global health bureaucrats are nonetheless doubling down on forced vaccines—as we now see in Austria—and we continue to be assured that only countries with high vaccination rates can hope to avoid disastrous covid outcomes.
Yet, the experience in sub-Saharan Africa calls both these narratives into question: Africa’s numbers have been far, far lower than the experts warned would be the case.
For example, the AP reported this week that in spite of low vaccination rates, Africa has fared better than most of the world:
[T]here is something “mysterious” going on in Africa that is puzzling scientists, said Wafaa El-Sadr, chair of global health at Columbia University. “Africa doesn’t have the vaccines and the resources to fight COVID-19 that they have in Europe and the U.S., but somehow they seem to be doing better,” she said….
Fewer than 6% of people in Africa are vaccinated. For months, the WHO has described Africa as “one of the least affected regions in the world” in its weekly pandemic reports.
Yet disaster for Africa has long been predicted for several reasons even beyond the availability of vaccines. For instance, it is known that lockdowns are especially impractical in the poorest parts of the world.
This is because populations in places with undeveloped economies can’t simply sit at home and live off savings or debt. Rather, these people must go out into the world and earn a living on a day-to-day basis. Starvation is the alternative.
Moreover, much of this work is done in the informal economy, so enforcing lockdowns becomes especially difficult.
It was also assumed covid would be especially deadly in Africa due to the fact many large households live in small housing units.
But that “conventional wisdom” flies in the face of the reality of covid in Africa, which is that there have been fewer deaths. (Full article here.)
But this new fake variant has been reportedly found in South Africa, with the supposed first detections coming from Botswana. The variant now has a name, Omicron, and while the corporate media is hyping it up and creating fear over it, the people in Africa themselves are not concerned.
Paul Joseph Watson of Summit News reports:
The new ‘Omicron’ variant of COVID-19 was first detected in four people who were fully vaccinated, according to a public statement by the Botswana government.
The new variant, which some claim is three times more contagious, was initially discovered in Botswana before it spread across South Africa.
The news was met with global alarm, prompting financial markets to plummet and new travel bans to be put in place.
According to a public statement by the Botswana government, the new mutation was first discovered in four people who had received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.