According to the UK Health Agency (UKHSA) The Vaccinated Accounted for 61% of all New COVID cases, 66% of all hospitalizations and 81% of all deaths in the UK

From [HERE] With the emergence of an alleged new variant that the UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid said “may evade the current vaccines”, despite also saying “that is why you should get your boosters” in the same sentence, we felt it was best to take you on a journey through three months worth of UKHSA Covid-19 data to show you why the unvaccinated population have absolutely nothing to worry about, but the vaccinated population have everything to fear. 

You’ve most likely been seeing headlines like ‘Worst Ever Covid Variant’ in the mainstream media, such as this one from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded newspaper ‘The Guardian’. 

The mainstream media, trying to once again frighten the nation into compliance with inevitable Draconian restrictions, has failed to informed you that this alleged new variant was first discovered among four individuals, each of them fully vaccinated. 

Current trends suggest that the unvaccinated will no doubt be blamed for the emergence of this new variant, and the onslaught of propaganda designed to sway the nation into supporting a lockdown of the unvaccinated will probably now pick up pace. 

But is this justified?

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) publish a weekly ‘Vaccine Surveillance’ report containing statistics on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status across England over the past four weeks. 

Their latest report, published Thursday November 25th covers data on infections, hospitalisations and deaths from Week 43 to Week 46 of 2021 (October 25th – November 21st).

The report reveals that there were 833,332 recorded Covid-19 cases, 9,094 Covid-19 hospitalisations and 3,700 Covid-19 deaths from October 25th to November 21st. Of these the unvaccinated accounted for 39% of all cases, 34% of all hospitalisations, and 19% of all deaths. Whilst the vaccinated accounted for 61% of all cases, 66% of all hospitalisations, and 81% of all deaths.

Source Data

But a more detailed look at three months worth of Covid-19 data published by the agency reveals that projections show the fully vaccinated were already in for a very rough winter prior to the alleged emergence of the “worst ever” Covid-19 variant. Infections rates are already much higher among the fully vaccinated, and the case-fatality rate is frighteningly worse than what is being seen among the unvaccinated population. 

We used the following reports for our analysis –

Covid-19 Cases

The following chart shows the total number of cases over four week periods from August 30th to November 21st 2021 as per table 8 of the Vaccine Surveillance reports. [MORE]