An Endless Series of VAX Shots will be required to Keep Govt-granted privileges, Enrich Big Pharma, Give Authorities More Control and Access Over People to Inject Nonsense Into their bodies

From [FREEDOMARTICLES] Being fully vaccinated is painted by the MSM (Mainstream Media) as a civic duty, a moral responsibility and ‘the right thing to do.’ Putting aside the outrageous propaganda involved in that claim for a minute, let’s focus for now on what that even means. What is fully vaccinated? 1 shot? 2 shots? 3 shots (2 shots plus a booster)? 4 shots? The answer not only depends where you are but when you are. Many Israelis protested when their government required a 4th COVID vax shot for them to keep their vaccine passport (called a Green Pass) valid. Perhaps it finally dawned on them that being fully vaccinated was going to be something whose definition their government, not they, decided. But it’s not just about location, it’s also about what point in time you’re occupying. Fully vaccinated means different things at different points in the scamdemic. That’s the whole point: the term fully vaccinated is designed to mean whatever the New World Order (NWO) controllers want it to mean at any given time.

Washington Post Spells out the NWO COVID Agenda: You Will Never Be Fully Vaccinated

In an article published on October 22nd 2021, the Jeff Bezos-owned MSM Washington Post tries to explain away the very basis for why it was telling people to get vaxxed in the first place. It’s one of countless contradictions in the official COVID narrative (see others here) which, if it were a high-school student, would have scored an F for internal coherency and logic. One of the dominant and prevailing mantras of the COVID plandemic has been “vaccination is the only way out of this” and “the vaccine is the path back to normalcy.” Truth be told, gene-modifying vaccines are the path to the New Normal, part of the WEF’s Great Reset (a rebranding of the NWO) through introducing nanotechnology into people’s bodies. The idea that COVID vaccines are the only way out relies on so many assumptions, such as that the virus exists, that Big Pharma vaccine manufacturers had a real specimen of it when they made the vaccine, that COVID is a new disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 and many more. Remember, even Big Pharma companies have admitted that the vaccine was never designed to stop COVID transmission or stop serious COVID infection.

The Washington Post admits the definition of “fully vaccinated” is a moving target:

All of this boils down to, essentially, an ongoing attempt to define “fully vaccinated.” Who is “fully vaccinated” against covid-19, and for how long? The honest answer is that the target is moving before our eyes. Until 2021, “fully vaccinated” was not a standard phrase, any more than “fully married” or “fully graduated from college.” Typically a person is considered “vaccinated” or “unvaccinated.” … Early this year, as coronavirus vaccines began to become available to the public, the term was useful … Ten months later, abundant new evidence has actually made it less clear whether our vaccine regimens should consist of one, two or three doses. Currently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says people are fully vaccinated “2 weeks after their second dose” of Pfizer or Moderna, or “2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine” such as Johnson & Johnson. This definition is already obsolete; as of last month, the agency also recommends third doses of the Pfizer shot for high-risk groups after six months. Soon the recommendation is expected to extend to everyone over 40.”

Being a MSM rag, of course, it continues by trying to justify the unjustifiable, blaming those around the vaccinated person. Blaming the unvaccinated has become a significant COVID trend in the last few months:

What I’d like to focus on, however, is not the MSM’s constant blame of the unvaccinated, but rather its admission that you can never be fully vaccinated, which paves the way for an endless series of shots required to keep up your “immunity passport” or government-granted privileges. This enriches Big Pharma, provides more control to government (by giving them a way to shut out disobedient citizens from society if they fail to repeatedly comply) and provides the NWO controllers more access to people’s bloodstreams, and thus more opportunity to inject and nanotech and alien-like lifeforms into people’s bodies.

The CDC’s Definition Trickery: Changing the Meaning of Vaccination and Vaccine

Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), was recently reported to have said that her agency “may need to update” its definition of fully vaccinated against COVID. However, it’s important to note that the CDC has already been engaging in definition trickery and manipulation throughout the scamdemic. One example is that it insists on defining those who have taken the COVID vaccine as “unvaccinated” if it is only 14 days since they took it. This way, if those people get injured or die from complications or adverse effects, they are counted in official statistics as unvaccinated injuries or unvaccinated deaths. ‘[MORE]