Floyd Mayweather (whose success doesn't depend upon elite whites) Stands w/Kyrie Irving Over his Vaccine Refusal while Showcase Blacks Pretend Healthy Athletes are Dangerous and Parrot Their Masters
/From [theFinalCall] Kyrie Irving and all NBA players have it better than most Americans when it comes to understanding the deadly impact of the COVID-19 “vaccine.” Every night they play before massive crowds cheering their every move. Brother Kyrie plays for the Brooklyn Nets at the 17,000-seat Barclays Center arena.
Every game, whether home or away, he can look around and see the appalling number of people killed by the COVID-19 “vaccine.” It is a gruesome sight. This is the number of people who were, for the most part, living normal lives. Then came the virus and with it the deadly vaccine and takeover of the minds of the people by the most relentless, suffocating, corporate media campaign in U.S. history.
According to the CDC’s own calculations, at least 17,128 Americans have been killed by the “jab” that Fauci and his depopulation plotters have deployed and forced into 190 million arms.
The NBA is filled with Black men in exemplary physical condition. They have reached that level of athletic proficiency by supporting their God-given talent with diligent and disciplined self-care for their overall health. They are acutely aware of the effects of the government poison. Beyond the homicides, 26,200 Americans have been permanently injured; 84,000 hospitalized; 92,000 have required urgent care after receiving the shots. That stunning number of reported deaths and injuries represents just one percent of the actual number—most deaths and injuries from the COVID killshot are unreported.
“DOLLY WANT A CRACKER?” MASTER SAID SO, MASTER SAID SO. guess what? FUCK A SNAG - $nitch-ass Negro Aiding Government. 2) COINTEL-BROs. 3) Smile Negro And Grin - while I put it in. 'SNAGs are coin-operated, sniggering negroes on the stroll who support the psychopathological dominant minority elite European global racist-supremacist mindset and Agenda along with its narcissistic projections and population control objectives (genocide and eugenics). [MORE] (pictured Above; SNAGS on ESPN perform for their masters in The Spectacle. THEY ARE all THE OPPOSITE OF SELF-MADE, UNDEFEATED BOXING LEGEND FLOYD MAYWEATHER. Fuck all pictured above IN ESPN’S SNIGGER SHOWCASE, PROMOTING BLACK MEDIOCRITY ON BEHALF OF RWS AND OBEDIENCE TO AUTHORITY)
Furthermore, FUCK A COIN OPERATED SAMBO ROLEBOT (Showcase Black) . According to FUNKTIONARY
Sambo - a self-loathing Negro lacking self-knowledge. "A willing slave gets upset if you refuse to acknowledge his or her master. Usually when people say 'act responsibly,' what they mean is: 'cowtow to the conforming lies we call truths.'" -George Battailles. The old saying still holds true: "The value of a dollar, will never, ever drop as low as the standards of some miseducated self-hating Negroes to obtain it." (See: Sniggers, Mentacide, Self-Hate & Slavery)
shenanigger - a Negro (neo-lawn-jockey) who carries out Step-n-Fetchit type activities/actions (shenanigans) for the dominant immoral majority (the psychopathic white power semi-organism), i.e., the Rhodes, Rothschild, Anglo Saxon Zionist power clique, unknowlingly at the expense of him/herself and knowlingly at the expense (sell-out/buy-out) of his people and culture. (See: McNegro, Coin-Operated, The Moteasuh Tribe, Sambo & SNigger).
Players know they are part of the notorious NBA plantation system that cares only for the profits owners can wring out of Black bodies. Commissioner Adam Silver, who has no perceptible athletic talent and no medical education at all, has determined that on his plantation “it’s perfectly appropriate that…cities have passed laws that require people who both work and visit arenas to be vaccinated. That seems to be a responsible public health decision.”
Black players have balked at taking medical advice from the profit-driven administrator, and several powerful NBA athletes have refused to become public guinea pigs for him and the team owners. The Lakers’ Kent Bazemore was clear about how he Eats to Live: “I do everything I can to strengthen my immune system, with hours upon hours of cooking, preparing my meals at home, really being conscious of what I put in my body and taking care of my health.”
He continued, “My family has a history of heart disease and all these different things, and I’m trying to turn that around for my lineage. So, I’m taking it upon myself to do everything I can to keep my immune system strong and live a healthy and long life.” Bazemore ultimately took the lethal shot but “seemed to imply that signing with the team was contingent on his agreement to be vaccinated.”
A powerful few say they will not be forced to take the injections nor bullied into disclosing their vaccination status, a stance that puts these superstars in the company of the highly educated. According to a Carnegie Mellon study of vaccine attitudes, the highest “vaccine hesitancy” was “among those with a PhD.” It is the most intelligent of players who are refusing to risk their lives to enrich Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson and further the Depopulation Agenda. For that they face threats of suspensions, terminations, fines, and media harassment.
Golden State Warriors star Andrew Wiggins applied to the NBA for a religious exemption from taking the 17,000-death shot and was summarily denied in a rude public statement designed by Silver to send a chill through any other players who might also seek exemptions: “The NBA has reviewed and denied Andrew Wiggins’ request for religious exemption. Wiggins will not be able to play in Warriors home games until he fulfills the city’s vaccination requirements.”
Silver added, “Unvaccinated players who do not comply with local vaccination mandates will not be paid for the games they miss.” Silver chose to scoff at Wiggins’s commitment to his religious principles, offering a vivid reminder of the righteous stand boxer Muhammad Ali against the satanic killers of his day. Wiggins adheres to what God has mandated: fighting disease through fresh air, sunlight, and nutritious foods—all of which boost immunity to a virus with a near 100% survival rate.
Wiggins also said no one in his family is vaccinated. “It’s not really something we believe in as a family. I’m 26. I have two kids. I want more kids. I’m trying to do something that will generate as much money as I can for my kids and my future kids, trying to make generational wealth.
This is a significant observation on the part of a young man in his twenties. But it is no coincidence that Andrew Wiggins is a conscious man driven by a set of spiritual principles and dietary laws. He is the son of Chicago Bulls’ Mitchell Wiggins, whose teammate Darius Muhammad brought to the Final Call Building along with other members of the Bulls back in the early 1980s to hear the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
After he succumbed to pressure and took the injection, a rueful Wiggins no doubt expressed the feelings of many fellow athletes: “I feel like the only options [were] to get vaccinated or not play in the NBA. Hopefully, it works out in the long run and in 10 years I’m still healthy….[G]etting vaccinated, that’s going to be something that stays in my mind for a long time. It’s not something I wanted to do, but kind of forced to. I guess you don’t own your body. That’s what it comes down to. If you want to work in society today, then I guess they made the rules of what goes in your body and what you do. Hopefully, there’s a lot of people out there that are stronger than me and keep fighting, stand for what they believe, and hopefully, it works out for them.”
Teammate Draymond Green addressed the pressure being applied to these multi-million-dollar athletes: “I think there is something to be said for people’s concern about something that’s being pressed so hard. Like, why are you pressing this so hard? Like, so much, just pressing and pressing and pressing. I think you have to honor people’s feelings and their own personal beliefs—and I think that’s been lost when it comes to vaccinated and non-vaccinated.
And it kinda sucks that that’s been lost, because you’re essentially not giving anyone…you say we live in the land of the free? Well you’re not giving anyone freedom because you’re making people do something, essentially. Without necessarily making them, you’re making them do something. And that goes against everything that America stands for, or ‘supposedly’ stands for.” [MORE]