Contrary to Predictions, a New Brookings Institution Report says Africa Has Fared Better than Most of the World in Fighting COVID-19. Will Yurugu Richcraft and Socialist Distancing Cause a Reversal?
/From [HERE] This week, the Africa Growth Initiative at Brookings released its annual Foresight Africa report, a detailed look at the top priorities for the continent and recommendations for African and global stakeholders to create and support a strong, sustainable, and successful Africa. These charts come from the new report, but are only a few of the many items that illustrate key challenges and opportunities for the continent. Click images to enlarge.
In his chapter on building a new public health infrastructure for Africa, John Nkengasong, director of the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, notes that Africa has experienced fewer cases and deaths from COVID-19 relative to richer parts of the world due in part to quick containment actions and coordination among governments. “However,” he says, “if we only look at SARS-CoV-2-related morbidity and mortality, we miss a large part of the pandemic’s impact and of the underlying vulnerabilities it exposes.”
In their chapter on preserving gains in human development in Africa through and after the pandemic, Jakkie Cilliers (program head, African Futures & Innovation, Institute for Security Studies) and Stellah Kwasi (researcher, African Futures & Innovation, Institute for Security Studies) write that despite the apparently low direct mortality impact of COVID-19 in Africa, “many more Africans will likely suffer due to the impacts that follow reductions in health and other government expenditure,” and that a decade of development progress could be lost, especially on reducing extreme poverty. Nevertheless, Cilliers and Kwasi point to a number of factors that with the right policies and implementation could help Africa “leapfrog” in areas like education, health care, and economic inclusion and productivity.
In his chapter on how COVID-19 can bring the public and private sectors together in Africa, Edem Adzogenu, chairman of the Executive Committee of AfroChampions Initiative, observes that micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) provide 80% of youth employment on the continent, but are facing severe challenges during the pandemic. One in five of these businesses is going bankrupt, 40 million people are falling into extreme poverty, and foreign direct investment is declining. “For African economies to survive these shocks,” Adzogenu argues, “policymakers and private sector actors must work more closely together than ever before,” including working together to smoothly implement the African Continental Free Trade Area.
Africa's long wait for the Covid-19 vaccine. Hoarding by wealthy nations, funding shortfalls, regulations and cold chain requirements have slowed the process of rolling out the vaccines. "The world is on the brink of a catastrophic moral failure and the price will be paid with lives and livelihoods in the poorest countries," warned WHO head Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus yesterday. [MORE] Isn’t WHO yurugu’s partner in genthanasiastic and genocidal efforts?
According to FUNKTIONARY
Richcraft – the sorcery of greed—the use of violence, laws, deception, theft, secret oaths, and oppression to snatch and hoard resources from and gain power over the vast majority of people’s lives through the widespread use of this vicious concoction of nefarious, lethal, legal, and demonstrably devious power. (See: COP, Gangbanking, Privilege, Aristocracy, Corporations, Usury, Power, Oppression, Violence, Greed, Deception, GIMME!, Political Money, Cultural Induction, GEO-Dollars, Control, The Pathocracy & Poor)
Socialist distancing – the ever-expanding and increasing disparity between the haves and the have-nots until the Socialist (i.e., monopoly capitalist) Welfare State becomes the Farewell State—farewell to your rights, your family, friends and even your life through Plandemics (Coronavirus), $camdemics (Corporate State turned Surveillance and Nanny State), 5G bio-weaponized eugenics, starvation, vaccinations, civil unrest, genocide and other nefarious LWO (Last World Order) activities that will greatly reduce the world’s population by 2030. Before Social Distancing, we were experiencing the effects of “Socialist Distancing”...the ever-widening separation between the “haves” (holders) and the “have-nots” (held-back) due to “monopoly capitalism” (centralization of credit in the hands of the State) which by wide academic recognition is the core attribute of communism / socialism, in fact, it is the 5th plank of the Communist Manifesto. The litmus test to any political system is what is used as “money” and who controls (monopolizes) its “issuance.” Labels just don’t cut it. Think deeper...learn to access the underlying reality behind the truth veneer you’ve been conditioned to hold or have been told. (See: Plandemic, $camdemics, Vaccines, Coronavirus, “Monopoly Capitalism,” Exchange, Economics, Matrix Capitalism, Political Money, GEO-Dollars, The Farewell State, Trapitalism, Cultural Induction & COVERT-19)