"$camdemics:" Turning COVID Fear & the Culture of Obedience to Its Advantage, Police Nationwide Use Drones to Surveil the Public
/“TYRANT NANNY.” UNDECEIVER JEREMY LOCKE TALKS ABOUT THE PROCESS OF TYRANNY. Robert HIGGS explains, “directing fear in a society is tantamount to controlling that society.” Larken rose states, “almost all oppression via propaganda is based upon scaring people, and then presenting a false choice where the people can choose either to do what you want them to do, or face some unknown (often purely fictional) horror.” LYSANDER SPOONER EXPLAINS THAT ALL GOVERNMENTS RULE THROUGH AND CREATE LAWS THROUGH SOME FORM OF “EMERGENCY” OR CONSPIRACY.
MassPrivatel observes “All across the country, law enforcement is using the pandemic as an excuse to use Chinese-made drones to monitor the public. Which breaks EVERY promise law enforcement has ever made regarding the use of drones. (More on that later.)
A recent Miami Herald article revealed how police are using Chinese-made DJI drones to monitor the homeless and check a person's temperature.
"Last month, police departments in Daytona Beach and Connecticut unveiled what was initially touted as a potential new tool against a pandemic: drones capable of taking a person’s temperature from 300 feet in the air."
The article, written by Charles Rabin, said that both agencies stopped using thermal imaging drones after civil liberty groups warned that police drones have essentially become “Big Doctor” in the sky.
Drones to reduce Daytona officers contact with citizens and detect fevers to keep officers safe
Monitoring a person's health is protected under federal law thus posing the question, "Are drone readings, even with sophisticated infrared sensors, a trustworthy way to protect public health without violating individual rights?"
But none of that matters to American law enforcement.
In Florida, the Daytona Police Department has found a way to justify using drones to check a person's health.
"But after public backlash, Westport police killed the plan before it was activated. And police in Daytona Beach clarified that the technology hasn’t been used to seek out random fevers in public spaces. Daytona Beach Police spokesman Messod Bendayon conceded the drone had been used but not to search public spaces for random fevers."
The Daytona Police Departments' justification for using drones is intentionally misleading. Either police are using thermal imaging drones on the public or they are not. Their is no middle ground when it comes to using drones to invade the public's privacy.
An article in the Daytona Beach Journal revealed just how misleading the Daytona Police Department has been about using drones to monitor the marginalized.
"When the homeless do gather in groups, the police department’s drones have swooped in to ask them to disperse, Buck James, executive director of Halifax Urban Ministries said.
A comment made by Tom Sherick, who’s been homeless in Daytona Beach on and off for six years, was a little more revealing. “Sometimes people driving by will see you and give you food, but the cops try to shut it down,” Sherick said.
Ask yourself, could the police also be using drones to monitor motorists who stop to feed the homeless?
According to a recent article in The Appeal, the Miami Police Department has arrested 30 percent of the homeless population for not practicing social distancing and breaking curfew.
"On March 27, Miami area officers arrested two homeless men for unlawfully using a dairy crate—a Florida law that effectively allows police to arrest homeless people for sitting. "
In the seven weeks since Miami-Dade County issued their stay-at-home order, the police have arrested 3,526 homeless people.
The COVID-19 excuse to target the homeless and invade our privacy appears to be in full swing as police use drones to warn people to social distance. [MORE]