'TIP-O-ROO: The Insidious Proclivity Of Reporting On Others. Why bemoan Big Brother when we lie, snitch on and convict each other? Totalitarian times call for snitches and victimless crimes.' D-Blynd

According to FUNKTIONARY:

TIP-O-ROO – The Insidious Proclivity Of Reporting On Others. Big Brother and the agents of the rogue Corporate State rely, heavily of course, on their tight game of fear and propaganda called “Tip-O-Roo.” Totalitarian times under friendly fascism call for snitches and victimless crimes. Why bemoan Big Brother when we lie and snitch on, and then summarily convict each other? If there is a live flesh and blood victim—report it, an actual crime has been committed, if there is no victim, abort it, don’t report it—as you can only distort it, i.e., the reality that no living breathing being has been harmed. (See: Big Brother, “Dr. People,” Corporate State, BOP, PIC, Doggy, Justice, Natural Law, Greater System, Juries, SNAGs & Fascism)

The Constitution is Not a Pro-Freedom Document. Its Purpose Wasn't to Protect Rights but to Create a Centralized Authority, which is a Betrayal of the Ideas in Declaration of Independence- Larken Rose

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Constitution – black magic on white paper. A constitution is never better than those subscribing to it. Some of the worst tyrannies have been built on the under-structure of an almost perfect constitution. A government is what it acts out, not what it philosophically portends—not what it pretends. (See: Government, Genocide, Slavery, Communism & Aggression)

constitutions – pseudo-religious legal fictions (covenants). Constitutions must be claimed as limitations on those woefully subject to them: the Corporate State (“government.”) Constitutions are illegal fictions posing and imposed as involuntary and unilateral covenants on those who never signed (as a contract not only as a witness) a contracting agreement to it, typically amended every 20-50 years and abolished every 100-250 years; and, also, are legal fictions as covenants to those who do sign a contract granting consent to be governed by the construction of the intent of the meaning and wording therein. 2) unilateral contracts by and through legistraitors who gain power to create legislation and exploit the less cunning.

Constitution for the United States of America – an Iroquois Nation inspired Admiralty instrument grafted by Masonic influenced individuals resulting in the compilation of a secretly drafted document created to protect its special class of composers, i.e. “We the People of the United States,” (“We the People” meant the founding Framers ONLY and the Maritime-Admiralty corporation called the “United States” being a specific noun, i.e. place, fiction, because it had no specific geographical place at the time), which by law has no binding authority on anyone who did not sign the document. The Constitution is a lawful guideline for the “government” to follow, not for the dwellers upon the land (the populace) to follow. The general populace is subject only to the primary law, which states that you cannot create damage, infringement upon the rights of others, an obvious danger to others. 2) a Maritime-Admiralty corporation of a distinct class of People, trying to abrogate\obligate an unalienable right of people not so inclined to participate with/in by voluntarily contracting to it. 3) A document that was more conspired than inspired based on fraudulent intent. [MORE]

Constitutional Rights – mythical rites and contractual privileges; the so-called “government” has constitutional rights, i.e. 5th & 6th Amendment rights (powers), etc., you don’t. The Constitution did not and does not give (or bestow upon) anyone any rights. The Constitution and the so-called Bill of Rights for that matter, merely prohibits agents of the government from abrogating or abridging rights people already have or imagine they have (that one was naturally born with). An abstract fictional entity “government” cannot give you any rights, and even if reality was inverted to accommodate this illusion, anything functionaries of a “government” pretend to give they can take away, and the definition of rights is inherent things that cannot be taken away. The constitution is a document declaring law written to set up a government-cum-religion. The only relation the document has to human liberty is establishing means with which to control or muzzle it. Unalienable rights neither start nor stop at the revolving doors of the federal courtroom. One’s imagined “rights” are those that are unalienable allegedly or putatively guaranteed and poorly protected by the so-called “Constitution for the United States.” Only American Citizens as distinguished from “citizens of the United States” arising under grant issued by Congress and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, possess whatever unalienable rights they imagine having protected by the Constitution. No natural person has “Constitutional rights,” that is a pervasive misnomer—there is no such puppy. (See: Jim Crow, American Citizen, Congress, Habeas Corpus, Jurisdiction, Due Process, U. S. Constitution, License, Rights, Privilege, Cooperative Federalism, Privilege, Rights, Voting, Corporate State, Homeland Security, Citizen of the United States, American Citizen, Holodeck Court, Anarchy & PATRIOT Act, SSN, Unalienable Rights)

cloutlaw – any member of the Overruling Overclass who covertly schemes or overtly acts without impunity and sans accountability (above the Lex and below the radar of jurisprudence). - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY

cloutlaw – any member of the Overruling Overclass who covertly schemes or overtly acts without impunity and sans accountability (above the Lex and below the radar of jurisprudence). 2) the financial juice (if caught) to get let loose (get acquitted). 3) the jet set—set free from accountability. 4) the necessary pull to pull oneself out of deep-dish trouble.

pixelated: the condition of humans constricted by thought and inhibited by emotional thought forms into a boxed-in picture prison; imprisoned vision, screened-off from the clarity of reality- Dr Blynd

According to FUNKTIONARY:

pixelated – the condition of humans constricted by thought and inhibited by emotional thought-forms into a boxed-in picture prison; imprisoned vision, screened-off from the clarity of reality. We spin around ourselves a cocoon of clear mental images (and idols) but our absence of the knowledge of the essences (the reality of emptiness behind the appearances) keeps them fuzzyunfocused— mentally trapped within the square box of the pixel. (See: TINT)

pixelated people – those with optical options but no insight in sight; fuzzy foresight, hazy hindsight, but no vision whatsoever. 2) L-7 squares. 3) those who unknowingly ride the acquired, inculcated L-7 trains of thought in daily life of dull routine, laborious drudgery, hopelessness and slogans. 4) fishbowlers—with a fish-head profile. With neither the courage to face life (in reality instead of in truth), nor the insight to renounce (the ego, not the world), neither the mental stamina to live (authentically), nor the intellectual vigor to enquire (unto the True Self), neither the imagination to believe (despite its center cut lie), nor the daring to disbelieve (a conviction still the same)—half-ass, half-amazing—utterly deluded, the pixelated populace. (See: Fisbowlers, Recall Button, Cosmic Schoolhouse, Dogma, Nimbus Truth & DYOG)

‘The Media: the Spectacle Cabal who love freedom of the press, but abhor free speech. An arm of government owned by the Pathocracy. Their Matrix Reality and Your Imprisonment Couldn't Exist w/o it

According to FUNKTIONARY:

The Media – the Spectacle-Cabal who love freedom of the press, but abhor freedom of speech. The Media is the Fourth Estate of Government (created, owned, administered and controlled by Pathocrats). It is one of the most essential arms of “government.” They couldn’t give you their Matrix Reality without it—likewise they couldn’t keep you imprisoned in it without it. The News Anchor holds down the Ship of State at the Port of Lies. How is it that shareholders of Media conglomerates also sit as anchors and bring you their master’s views as if it could ever be objective or news? “The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” ~ Malcolm X. (See: Television, Perception, MEDIA, Senses, CON, Normal, Pathocracy, NEWS, Corporate Media, Control, COG & Pixelated People)

"Sacred Cow(ards)– the Police, who can't stop crime, never have and never will. If we trade the insecurity of freedom and liberty for the illusion of security we won't have liberty/freedom/security"

According to FUNKTIONARY:

sacred cow(ards) – the Police—who cannot stop crime—never have and never will. If we allow ourselves to trade the insecurity of freedom and liberty for the illusion of security enforced by paramilitary employees of “government,” then we will neither have liberty, freedom or security. (See: Police, Force Continuum, COPS, STOP, Force & Violence)

denizen – the legal term for one not voluntarily in servitude through citizenship, and alien, and not in business, therefore nonresident. 2) commonly referred to as “Americans.” - FUNKTIONARY

As defined in FUNKTIONARY:

denizen – the legal term for one not voluntarily in servitude through citizenship, and alien, and not in business, therefore nonresident. 2) commonly referred to as “Americans” (as opposed to “U.S. citizens.”)

Debt is an ingenious substitute for the chain and whip of the slave-driver. Debt used as money does more than stimulate/shackle those who labor in an economy, it also compels them to conform- Dr Blynd

As defined in FUNKTIONARY

debt – (Latin) debeo, meaning “I owe;” obligation to pay; the undelivered (not received) portion of an exchange. Debt is an ingenious substitute for the chain and whip of the fascist slave-driver. Debt used as “money” does more than stimulate and shackle those who labor in an economy—it also compels them to conform and make them behave. People construct their own financial cages with bars of debt, usury as a lock, interest being the key, and the warden a loan ranger “bankster,” and there is no parole for those on debt-rolls of debt-row. We really don’t fully comprehend debt nor its implications as a conduit for exchanges. The power differential of debt and compound interest is mind-numbing. Our global economic system is based entirely on bank created imaginary debt-proliferation—exacerbating the complexity, velocity and magnitude of socioeconomic, environmental and psychological problems the world over while devaluing the notion of any holistic or meaningful life. Debt-based so-called “monetary systems” are a parasite and plague to natural economies and voluntary exchange. Debt extends and pretends forever (the imaginary exponential debt expansion system). Debt is a word which almost no writers and mendicant-minded pundits on monetary theory and practice seem too definite. Running into debt (secret slavery) is not so bad, it’s just that running into your alleged creditors can be embarrassing—despite credit being no thing. Debt-as-money (imaginary demand) is in reality nothing more than the illusion of wealth. When what we use as (if it were) “money” is imaginary debt, there can be no freedom. (See: Debth, “Credit,” “Monetized Debt,” UCC, Co-Surety, FRACTURE, Thing, Political Money, IRS, Flag Money, Cultural Induction, Gangbanking & Debtonation)

adherent rights - privileges granted by an apparent or putative authority at the expense of one's inherent or unalienable ‘rights.’ FUNKTIONARY

As defined in FUNKTIONARY

adherent rights – privileges disguised as so-called “rights” created by men via deceptive word-manipulation in written form called “symbolaeography,” and legal documents. 2) privileges granted by an apparent or putative authority at the expense of one's inherent or unalienable ‘rights.’ (See: Inherent Rights & Rights)

Propaganda is used as subversion, which is the undermining of the loyalties of significant social groups and their transference to the symbols and institutions of the aggressor-oppressor- FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

propaganda – a psychological technique and means by which the lawless confound the lawful (dwellers upon the land). 2) any message intended to influence whether true or false. 3) disinformation used as programming that in its absence wouldn’t stand up itself nor stand up for itself by itself. 4) the over-preponderance of a certain message that is designed to impose certain forms and frames of reference and patterns of thought the objective of which being to subjugate a people. The Jesuits were the ones who invented the word and the first to systematize its practice. Propaganda is memes distributed with an external anchor and an embedded carrier; it is linguistic obfuscation, misdirection, and purposeful deception in public rhetoric to accomplish plutocratic ends of wealth centralization and power through mind-control of the masses. Propaganda is to be used as subversion, which is the undermining or detachment of the loyalties of significant social groups and their transference to the symbols and institutions of the aggressor-oppressor. “It is a political necessity to destroy the African consciousness of colonialized Africans or African people.” ~Dr. Amos N. Wilson. As for the minds of the general public, the most sinister part of The Matrix in which we now live is that you have been cajoled and convinced to suppress your own free will and surrender to the manipulators who control not just your mind, but your entire reality. Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda, explained: “If we understand the mechanisms and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it... We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of... In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons—who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” “Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of a corrupt government (all forms are) entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one's self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.” ~Michael Rivero. (See: Public Relations, Memes, Mind Viruses, Dance of Truth, Absolute Truth, Human Language, Memetics, Good & Evil, Confusion, False Flag Operation, Nine-Eleven, MEDIA, Propagenda, The Truth, Subvertilizers, Evolution, Religion, State, ESP, Predictive Programming, Symbolaeography, Voting, Elections, Orderlies, Critical Thinking, Colonized Mind, Corporate State, “Government,” “Rolebot” & Reification)

I love Bakunin but He is an impractical philosopher. He praises anarchism: no government, armies, police or courts. And I agree with him. But he had no idea how to make his dream into a reality -Osho

Osho Rajineesh

From The Rebel, Chapter 11



Azima, I love Bakunin and his philosophy of anarchism, but he too, is an impractical, unpragmatic philosopher. He simply goes on praising the beauties of anarchism: no government, no armies, no police, no courts. And I absolutely agree with him. But he had no idea and no plan for how this dream could be made into a reality.

Looking at man, you will need the government; looking at man, you will need the police. Otherwise there will be a multiplication of murders, rapes, thefts... life will be a chaos. Anarchism would not come, only a chaos. People would start making gangs, those gangs would exploit the weaker people and life would not become better, it would become worse.

Bakunin’s anarchism is a utopia, a great dream. I don’t talk about anarchism. My own understanding is if we can transform man, if we can bring more and more people to meditation, if we can make more and more people unrepressed, living an authentic, natural life, sharing their love, having a great compassion for everything living, a reverence for life itself....

These individual revolutionaries, these individual rebels are not just political rebels, they are also rebelling against all the past conditionings. Mostly they are religious rebels; they are finding their own center of being. There are more and more people who are becoming individuals who can rejoice, and who are not going to betray the earth; who are not in favor of any unnatural way of life preached by all the religions. If these individuals spread around the world like a wildfire, then anarchism will be a by-product, not the goal.

For Bakunin it is the goal. He hates governments so much – and he is perfectly right in his hate, because governments have been doing so much harm to the individuality of people. He is against all laws, courts and judges, because these are not to protect justice, not to protect the weak, not to protect the victim – they are there to protect the power, the establishment, the rich. Behind the name of justice, they are enacting a tremendous conspiracy against man.

And Bakunin has no idea why men become rapists, he is not a psychologist. He is a great philosopher of anarchism. The future will owe tremendous respect to people like Bakunin, Bukharin, Tolstoy, Camus, because although they were not very scientific thinkers at least they created the idea. Without providing the foundation, they started talking about the temple.

My whole effort is not to bother about the temple but to make a great foundation; then, to raise the temple is not difficult. Anarchism will be a by-product of a society which is free from religions and religious superstitions; which is psychologically healthy, non-repressive, which is spiritually healthy, not schizophrenic, which knows the beauties of the outside world and also the inner treasures of consciousness, awareness. Unless these people exist first, anarchism is not possible; it can come only as a by-product.

In America, they are so afraid of the anarchist that when they interviewed me for my immigration into America, this was also a question, that I should commit, in writing, that I am not an anarchist. I said to the man who was doing the interview, ”I am not an anarchist of the category of Bakunin, Bukharin and Tolstoy, but I have my own anarchism. And you need not be afraid about it, because anarchism is not my goal; my goal is to create individual rebels.”

The idea of rebellion is not new, but the idea of rebellion combined with enlightenment is absolutely new – it is my contribution. And if we can make the majority of humanity more conscious, more aware, with a few individuals reaching to the highest peak of enlightenment, then their rebellion will bring anarchism just like a shadow, following on its own accord.

All Government and All Rule Are Always and Inherently Immoral and Evil - Gary Barnett

From [GARYBARNETT] Accept and understand that all government is evil. Accept and understand that all who allow and support government are supporting evil. There is no such thing as a good government. There is no such thing as a necessary government. There is no such thing as a limited government. There is no such thing as a benevolent government. There is only government, and government in all its false ‘glory,’ is nothing more than pure, corrupted violence. It is the creator and protector of theft, slavery, murder, genocide, and democide; nothing more and nothing less. The religion of government should be abolished, so worship not at the altar of this wicked institution.

The celebration of government must end. Asking permission of government to grant favors of ‘freedom’ must end. Petitioning government to indulge some over others must end. Picking a master, singing songs in praise of the state and all its institutions, and worship of the military, must end. The entire political class as a whole are the lowest and most vile of men, and should be categorically shunned without exception. Obedience to the state in every form should cease to exist, and only the individual should garner any respect.

Stefan Molyneux said correctly, and I paraphrase, that July 4, (‘Independence’ Day) was a celebration of giving our political masters independence from their conscience, morality, consequences for evil doing, and basic social and economic reality. The fireworks displayed that day are the tears of the children’s incinerated futures, and that for the slave class that are the masses, the songs of death were easier than the questions of life. This realty explains that no independence, and no freedom or liberty, can be achieved at the hands of government, and that sanctioned tyranny is the only result of allowing any ruling class to exist.

Sandy Hook: a staged CAPSTONE false flag media psy-ops event. 1st responders turned away from the crime scene where 26 people allegedly were murdered. Sandy Hook never happened. Sandy Hoax did


Sandy Hook – a staged CAPSTONE false flag media psy-ops event. Medical personnel and first responders turned away from the crime scene where 26 people allegedly were murdered. Sandy Hook never happened. Sandy Hoax did.

Psychic blockade: the sleep-inducing spellforce of vast indoctrination, mind-control propaganda and social conditioning (the trinity of consensus trance) to compel conformity in the masses FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY

Psychic blockade – the sleep-inducing spell-force of vast indoctrination, mind-control propaganda and social conditioning (the trinity of consensus trance) responsible for compelling conformity in the masses. 2) the collective capitulation to the powers that be within the confines of a conscripted social reality. (See: Greater System, Indoctrination & Programming)

belief pushers: those who call on their victim-followers to protest studies, facts, information, inner work, experience, knowledge, etc. that do not support their established dogma. FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

belief pushers – those men and women who call on their victim-followers to protest studies, facts, information, inner work, experience, knowledge, etc. that do not support their established dogma. You can never get rid of a belief by having it killed by another one! The realization and knowledge of the nature of what we imagine being God is fundamentally different and qualitatively much more than simply believing. “Reality heals the mind. It not only clears out the wrong information but it also regenerates your ability to think. When you live the lie you get used to believing in things that you subconsciously know aren’t true. You get used to believing lies that other people tell. You get used to believing contradictory information. When you think about reality you learn how to be more discerning. You learn to tell when someone is trying to bullshit you. Reality removes the leaches that are sucking your mind dry.” ~Marc Perkal. Belief is like a taboo—both respected and self-alienating. (See: Dogma, Reality, Awakening, Sacred Moment, Belief-Systems, Sacred Question, Bullshit, Vaccime, Dualisms, Sin, Holy Crossover, Memetics, Belief Space, Indoctrination & FUDGE)

“Government” – a shamanic sham, something “created,” propped up for everyone to beseech and blame simultaneously; a cartoonic escapegoat for Hidalgo, Doggy and the CrimethInc All-Stars. - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Government” – a shamanic sham (as all prime corporate fictions are)—something “created,” propped up for everyone to beseech and blame simultaneously; a cartoonic escapegoat for Hidalgo, Doggy and the CrimethInc. All-Stars.

Governments – transitory mental contrivances (repressive fictions) established (“conjured”) by the dominant minority elitists (conniving few) as a covenant (belief system) for the sole and tacit purpose of creating the systematized mechanisms and smokescreens to ensure living off the labor-energy of (and therefore amass wealth and out-live) the many (masses) without their overstanding of the theft and violence taking place, or with sufficient patriotic brainwashing and fascist propaganda, that any theft or enslavement has taken place at all. (See: Corporate State, Territorial Gangsters, Taxtortion, Statism, Property, Stationary Bandits, Free-Range Slavery, Labor, “Credit” & CrimethInc.)

Government” – Latinized Greek (“Gubernatio” = control; and from the Latin “mente” = mind; “The control of the mind.” 2) an abstraction (hoax) created for the sole purpose of making theft respectable and mind-control acceptable. 3) the societal manifestation of mass individual psychological reversal, i.e., the statutes, regulations, agencies, and agents (so-called bureaucrats) needed to threaten and shrink one’s comfort zone. 4) a granfalloon. 5) a fiction supported by those who kill on command and steal on demand under the guise of “protecting” their victims. Government is lawlessness (monopolized violence) mindlessly respected and accepted as law (open threats); politics is the way to enable and circumvent the law. The outworking of history consistently demonstrates that government will, in spite of the Bill of Rights, arrogate all power to itself eventually, if the people don’t act to prevent it. You have rights alright, just don’t get caught exercising them, O.K.? “Government” is simply, unequivocally, and always initiation of force or coercion and nothing else. Official “government” is disorganized, politicized; centralized; canonized and revered initiation of force, but it is no less initiation of force and coercion than any unofficial singular action of the same offensive or violent content. “Government” is an abstract infinite entity acting as a possessive noun. There is not a single line in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, or any governmental document that states that a natural person will be left alone as long as she or he does not impose upon another or others. By commission and omission, all official decrees make clear that a human is regarded as owned property or resource of the god called “Corporate State.” It is controlling the lives, energy and property of others that requires coercive force and this is its sole function. Endorsing the lie of an imagined abstract collective interest supports the very concept that gives rise to all covert and overt oppression. “The government never of itself furthered any enterprise, but by the alacrity with which it got out of the way. It does not keep the country free. The character inherent in the American people has done all that has been accomplished; and it would have done somewhat more, if the government had not sometimes got in its way.” ~Kirkpatrick Sale. The wayward notion that government redistributes wealth is widely held as sacrosanct as it is patently false. There are redistributes aspects, sure, but that’s as close as it gets. “As long as government is allowed to exist, it will everywhere keep growing and getting worse. Nearly everything that “governments” do (i.e., those with wholly symbolic roles “running” it, and who perform acts in its name) is grounded in fear. Government will cease to exist when people cease to grant it legitimacy—in other words stop believing in it, stop looking to it for solutions to problems in their lives, and stop supporting it.” ~Fred Woolworth. Government has failed at every attempt in 6,000 years of recorded history. Government atrocities—carried out by irrational functionaries, economic hit men, soldiers, diplomats, emissaries, etc., under every possible flavor or form of government—have littered the bloody pages of recorded history. Government is indisputably the greatest purveyor of murder, mayhem, genocide, exploitation, rape, forced starvation, pillage and chaos in the annals of humanity. Government does not need to be abolished; merely rendered obsolete through seeing it for what it truly is—a prime manufacturer of poverty, brutal oppression, violence, coercion, conformity and fear. The monetary genius E.C. Riegel once wrote that petitioning to government is like writing to Santa Claus. Government has created its own necessity by making people (its fictitious subject-citizens) fearful of the violence it creates by the effects of its very existence—in the form of violent criminals and external aggressors. “Government is men and women providing services on a compulsory basis; pay or get shot. To be legitimate they would have to drop their guns and provide their services on a voluntary basis. However, the moment they do so, they cease to be a government. That’s quite the conundrum.” ~Marc Stevens. Government is at the root of the cycle of violence—you run to it for protection and run from it out of fear for your life. The Slaughterhouse is to cattle as “government” is to people. “Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.” –U.S. “President” Ronald ‘McDonald’ Reagan. “The only idea they have ever manifested as to what is a government of consent, is this—that it is one to which everybody must consent, or be shot.” ~ No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority, Lysander Spooner. Men and women calling themselves “government” violently impose themselves on victims labeled “citizens,” and “ordain” scriptures called “laws” that define the way “government” sanctions business as a crime by providing services over the barrel of a gun. What exactly is “government?” Have you ever seen a “government?” While there are varying degrees, “government” very simply is “one man violently controlling the life and property of another man.” In some places this violent control is “decreed” to be for the latter’s “own good” and “protection” and hailed as the “best system in the world.” Because it’s based on violence, there are no “states” or “nations,” “states” being “voluntary associations.” You may recognize that violent control over a man’s life and property is what we like to call—slavery. Slavery is a form of “government,” and in most cases, if not all, synonymous with “government.” Govern means control, not protect. Have you ever noticed the word “protect” is mysteriously not included in any definitions of govern? “govern.” To direct and control; to regulate; to influence; to restrain; to manage. State v. Ream, 16 Neb 681, 683.” ~Ballentine’s Law Dictionary, page 530. Just as there are no legitimate governments (power, jurisdiction and control over), there is no political “money” or currency (token) that isn’t counterfeit (by its very nature). With government (“stationary bandits”), the final assessment is always: “Fear for your life and pay tribute to the overrulers or else.” For subjugated people, given the choice of losing your wealth or your life, most choose to sacrifice their wealth in the form of exactions, i.e., tribute-cum-taxation. Whatever governments have, they must take by force or stealth or as conquerors in war. The operatives of government must draw their revenues out of the properties, capital goods and values created by and through the golden-rule relationships of men, and since there is no automatic ceiling on their power to seize, the sovereign powers have always, sooner or later, destroyed the wealth and freedom of the world and thus themselves succumb to their predictable and inevitable demise. Government everywhere fastens itself on the backs of its victims. Rulers sustain their predation at the reluctant and fearful consent of the victim (garnering faux legitimacy)—a direct vestige of the Divine rights of kings trickbag. (See: Fear, ROGUE, Iron Rule, Free-Range Slavery, Property, Slavery, Conquest, Anarchy, Granfalloon, Political Money, Public Service, Jurisdiction, Subjugation, RICO, Violence, Standing, Statism, Fascism, Citizens, Authority, State, Gangs, Stationary Bandits, Territorial Gangsters, U.S. citizen, Taxtortion, TIN-Man, Allegiance, SSN, Power, Authority, Hierarchy, Holodeck Court, Constitution, Taxation, Corporate State, Murder, Ecocide, Political Monetary Units, Programming, Oppression, Privacy, Surveillance State, Control & Colonized Mind)

Government – (as commonly misunderstood)—a communal exchange of autonomy for appearance of order (peace via coercion), expanded over time, with the option of exercising violence being reserved to those who define and provide an illusion of order through force and fear. 2) a coercive institution—dysfunctional force and veiled violence. 3) the compelled enforcement of involuntary society. The Corporate State)—a fictitious entity (mental aberration or abstraction) and thus a non-producer of wealth, but masquerading as the prime merchant. 4) human failure programs that stay (hold off) maximumissness and depend on the support (stealing then redistributing wealth) of its subject-victims. 5) ‘organized’ coerced support of selected monopolized services. 6) licensed, sanctioned and legalized criminal activity. 7) a sticky residue on your shoe. The whole idea of government is this: If enough people get together and act in concert, they can take some and not pay for it. Any government represents a crucial compromise with freedom and distortion of reality, and no reified abstraction (however crafted by crafty corporate cartoonists) can protect anyone from any and all danger. The feudal subject-King relationship is exactly the same as the federal citizen-Government relationship. “That government is best which governs not at all; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have. Government is at best an expedient; but most governments are usually, and all governments are sometimes, inexpedient. The objections that have been brought against a standing army, and they are many and weighty, and deserve to prevail, may also at last be brought against a standing government. The standing army in the U.S. is only an arm of the standing government put into action only after the economic hit men and “jackals” (wet-ops) return home unsuccessful in their missions to earn their booty off dirty intrigue commissions. The government itself, which is only the mode which the people have chosen to execute their will, is equally liable to be abused and perverted before people can act through it.” ~Henry David Thoreau (slightly adapted). Government was formed with one major and one minor purpose—the major purpose being to protect the wealth of the wealthy; and the minor purpose being to prevent the non-wealthy from becoming wealthy and subjecting them to the dictates of statutes (written laws—not common law). Government is itself an evil—an abstraction given artificial life for the ostensible purpose of preventing certain conditions from arising, these conditions being the product of injurious behavior (actual injury) on the part of other persons as well as autonomous freedom (ownership of one’s body, mind and labor) of those subjugated to force, exploitation, jurisdiction and control. Government is that group of people who hold the generally tolerated monopoly on acceptable violence. “It is a function of government to invent philosophies [and sophistries] to explain the demands of its own convenience.” ~Murray Kempson. Until people wake-the-spell up to a higher level of individual and collective consciousness, government so-called will remain an unnecessary, yet banefully suffered evil to battle the evil that itself breeds as a matter of course. The creation and imposition of government is the compelled pressure to conform to what is common, established, unoriginal, unacceptable, and ultimately inimical to all, whether reinforced by law, lethal force or acculturation. Throughout history many intelligent thinkers all around the world have tried to contemplate or design some way to have “government” and freedom too. Failing miserably and repeatedly to find one either in practice or in theory, it is time for intelligent human beings to give way to beings of higher consciousness using sagacity and sapience to finally realize that: 1) “government” itself is a deadly mental contrivance and immanent threat to their freedom; 2) there is no way to prevent “government” from constantly increasing its power and eroding freedom; 3) “government” itself being a reification (deadly cartoon) will vanish when the illusion on which it rests dissipates. This goes for all brands and flavors of “government” across the ideological spectrum. Violence (against statists) makes government appear legitimate. Robert LeFevre made the distinction between what he called true and artificial government. True government, he pointed out, is the function of self-government regulated by the customs ofour culture, our habits and manners, our institutions like the family, our workplaces, and social organizations. Artificial government, by contrast, he said, is the “institution that steals our property, restricts our freedom, and endangers our lives in the name of protecting us.” Non-violence and non-cooperation exposes government for what it is: a gang of killers, thieves and liars. Artificial governments do not protect the people they subjugate and control; on the contrary, they control, kill, maim, spray from the skies, lie, steal, harass, wrongfully imprison, torture and spy on them. It is high time for the nature of “government” itself (not any particular brand on the violence spectrum) to be fully and plainly overstood and be regarded as an enemy—for it is truly our enemy. Freedom is the enemy of the State and our enemy is the State. Government is deadly force deified and reified then superimposed (falsified) on non-consenting, clueless and passively willing duped-victims alike. “The concept of some people telling other people what to do results in corruption of a fundamental kind the instant it is enacted into reality. All officials of government are corrupt because they draw their pay from people who are forced under dire threats to pay them.” ~Fred Woolworth. The “agents” of “government” have in mind for you what you have in mind of it. I find it odd that people trust the “government” when the functionaries of “government” don’t even trust them. How does it feel to get “felt-up” in a “pat-down” while opting out of the pervert’s dream—full electronic undressing body scan at airports? The only true government is self-government. “There’s no government like no government.” Grow up and let Freedom Reign like it never has before in the history of the world. Let the Funktionary disinfect and decolonize your mind. But until then, we get the government we deserve—New World Order—same old stinky lies. “This monstrous lumbering murder machine known as the government has become a self-service operation. It services itself. The people representing you are representing themselves or the vampires who own them. Your government is not just inefficient, venal and a crack whore for the corporations. Your government is dangerous and out to get you. These people aren’t fooling around and we shouldn’t be either.” ~Les Visible. “Government is always the most successful gangster.” ~Alan Watts, (cognitive dissident Anglican Priest). “I am 44 years old and have never known any government but fascism and take it as a matter of course that they are out to get me. That is their job.” ~Don Smith, (cognitive dissident freedom activist) R.I.P. We don’t violently overthrow government, rather we silently and organically outgrow it in its current form as we know it. Where there is no energy for conflict upon which to feed, it starves itself into oblivion or becomes malnourished to the point of ineffectual irrelevance. (See: Violence, Bureaucracium, Voluntiered Slavery, Holodeck Court, Pathocracy, Technique, Self- Government, Cooperative Federalism, Slavery, Taxation, Labor, “Money,” Anarchy, Privilege, Eugenics, Force Continuum, Capital Punishment, “Wet Jobs,” Corporate State, Nation-State, Granfalloon, Soldier, Citizen, Human Resources, Screwed, Constitutional Protections, Backside Economics, Territorial Gangsters, Property, Liberty, Freedom, Merchant, Tort-Feasor, Bureaucrat, Taxtortion, Exaction, Conformity, Voting, Rights, Declaration of Independence, Private Services, Elections, Declaration of Interdependence, Techgnosis, PlayForce, Monopoly Capitalism, Inspiration, UCC, ROPE, Electriconomy & U.S. Constitution)

Crimethlnc is a geo­political agreement among territorial gangsters to share power over looted differential wealth of people's labor, minds, lands and natural resources - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Crimeth Inc. - an elite class of intergenerational financiers and psychopathic human parasites. Crimethlnc. is a faction of men and their legal fictions created in this Matrix by those who make them rob widows and orphans, who take your sons and daughters into pre-emptive corporate invasions and occupations of foreign lands, who kill the innocent, jail the just, mine the womb of your daughters, devour the weak, terrorize and falsely imprison political activists, traumatize the oppressed, and covet the wealth of all. 2) Back-on-Track crime. 3) the twisted empty-souls of humanity's invisible oligarchy. Crimethlnc. is a geo­political agreement among territorial gangsters to share power over looted differential wealth of people's labor, minds, lands and natural resources. The objective pay-off is still empire no matter the condition of the ecology or many people expire. (See: Doggy. "Credit" & Reification)

cloning: the process by which educators expose students to a restricted diet of State sanctioned paradigms producing docile acquiescent citizen-subject victims (sheeple),Dolly want a cracker. Dr Blynd

According to FUNKTIONARY

cloning – the process by which educators (indoctrinators) of the Corporate State expose students to a restricted diet of State sanctioned paradigms or personally endorsed information—producing docile acquiescent citizen-subject victims (sheeple)—Dolly want a cracker. The holographic nature of DNA allows mad scientists backed by corporate pirates to clone animals and humans. (See: Shells, Sheeple, DNA, Holographic Principle & Negative Energetic Frequencies)

legitimate government- an oxymoron. There's no such thing outside of authentic autonomous Self-government. Did you sign any document or constitution now used as a pretext to obtain authority over you?

According to FUNKTIONARY:

legitimate government – oxymoron. There is no such thing as legitimate government (representative or participatory) outside of authentic autonomous Self-government. Were you a signatory to any document now used as a pretext to obtain jurisdiction and compelled performance over you? (See: Constitution, Anarchitect, Democracy & Corporate State)