'Placebo Syndrome: mindless obedience, commercialism, sinsationalism and servitude to the disco-sadistic purveyors of the spanktronic DeathForce (creating/operating w/in the zone of zero-funkativity)'

With regard to master’s mindless, magical masks protecting us from the biological weapons he made, here is a link to a selection of clinical research and expert opinion on their ineffectiveness and health risks.

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Placebo Syndrome – mindless obedience, commercialism, sinsationalism and servitude to the disco-sadistic purveyors of the spanktronic Death-Force, e.g., CrimethInc., Religious Dogma, and the Corporate State (creating and operating within the zone of zero-funkativity—a metaphor for life-negating impulses, memes and actions). 2) the faceless dull sameness generated by belief, conformity, belonging and fear. The Placebo Syndrome allows / affords one theopportunity to feel the hypocrisy of being someone other than yourself, living another’s script not your own. (See: Sir Nose D’Voidoffunk)

$crapitalism: in-fighting over the crumbs scattered on the dirt floor of the dirt-poor dropped by the monopoly capitalists and transnational statists at the table of plenty where you’re not invited

According to FUNKTIONARY:

$crapitalism – in-fighting over the crumbs scattered about on the dirt floor of the dirt-poor of society dropped by the monopoly capitalists and transnational statists at the table of plenty where you’re not invited, precluded, excluded and can’t have any. Through Corporate re-feudalization of the global population, too-late monopoly capitalism removes more and more people off the table of negotiation of self-determination or inclusion as the hungry, poor, destitute and disenfranchised scurry in economic injustice and judicial victimization through a haze of scarcity-based confusion. “Find the malefic forces that are encroaching upon your life and threatening the planet. It’s the very strange abstract amorphous entity called the corporation…we are converting a planet from substance to abstraction. The currency system, globally is an abstraction. We are destroying a whole planet, the lives of future generations for an abstraction. That’s a disease—and we have to address that.” ~Dick Mock. (See: Monopoly Capitalism, Gangbanking, Corporations, Gross Income, Labor, Property, Freedom, Oppression, Scarcity, Cultural Induction, Symbiocracy, GAME, BITS, Racism White Supremacy, COW, Justice, Public, Masses, Granfalloon, Statism, Fascism, Political Money, Usury, CrimethInc. & Greater System

“The Law” is the cruelest animal in the jungle because contrary to propaganda it’s enforcement is arbitrary and capricious. -FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

law” – so-called, is invariably completely lawless; it is a joke, a cynical coverup for the fact that authoritarians are really plain old criminals with or without costume(s). “The Law” is the cruelest animal in the jungle because contrary to propaganda it’s enforcement is arbitrary and capricious. (See: Judicial Victimization, Holodeck Court, Democracy, Common Law, Statutory Law, Judges & BAR Association, Corporate Fiction & Attorney)

ostrich syndrome – pretending that there is nothing on earth but benevolent humans does not guarantee immunity from destruction or bodily harm - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY

ostrich syndrome – pretending that there is nothing on earth but benevolent humans does not guarantee immunity from destruction or bodily harm. (See: Doctrine of Exclusion, Gangbanking, Weiteko Disease, Yurugu, Status Quo, Conservative, White Supremacy, Cooperative Federalism, Doggy & Citizen)

The Greater System: Doggy. In the Greater System, no one is allowed to live, only to lie - FUNKTIONARY

As defined in FUNKTIONARY:

The Greater System – Doggy. In the Greater System, no one is allowed to live, only to lie. (See: Greater System)

Greater System – accumulated negative energy (thought-forms) responsible for creating self-limiting competitive analytic belief systems (CABS) programmed to keep us out of the reality of the present moment by our illusions from the past. 2) the Syndrome. Being misaligned with affinity in the Present guarantees retention in and detention by your PBS (programmed belief system) channeling your oppression. The Greater System exists but cannot be seen—composed entirely of stratified, mortified, and constricted human energy—the product of life-force that lives from a paradigm of scarcity, focused on survival, security and greed sought by or achieved through constraint, conformity and fear. The Greater System creates sacred cows (casualties of war slaughtered). However, it is Doggy that creates the conditions from which you declared war upon yourself. (See: Doggy, Indoctrination, Conditioning, Placebo Syndrome, Predictive Programming, MOB, Collective Unconsciousness, Scarcity, Fishbowl, Holodeck Court, Law, Humanity, The Truth, Religion, Thought Forms & CABS)

Probable cause: 'a code phrase for probably cause you’re Black. Why did you get detained or pulled over by the sneak-police (unmarked party patrol car)? Probably cause you’re Black or DWB'-FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Probable cause – a code phrase for “probably ‘cause you’re Black.” Why did you get pulled over by the sneak-police (unmarked party-patrol car)? Probably ‘cause you’re Black or DWB. Why were you being held as a likely suspect? Probably ‘cause you’re Black. (See: Judicial Tyranny, DWB, BOP, PIC, Racial Profiling, Spatial Profiling, US & Justice)

Granfalloon as Defined in FUNKTIONARY

Granfalloon – an empty representation, of which one cannot even positively aver that it is even a concept. All Corporate State fictions (stationary bandits) are “created” by its creators as a psychological retro-virus in people’s minds as if it were a real (existential and volitional) entity, the sole purpose of which is to command, mediate, control and subdue the natural inclinations of a sleeping people who do not understand (know) themselves in order that they may silently rob them of their property and mind—under the Great Brain Robbery. The Constitution is a putative agreement or covenant to which you were neither a signatory nor interested party. The Constitution made provisions for the establishment of a Congress. Congress never formally created the so-called Internal Revenue Service as a duly formed agency of the United States of America. The Secretary of the Treasury never created revenue districts in the States of the Union. Internal Revenue Service was never granted authority to tax income of American citizens (or citizens of the United States of America, not U.S. citizens or subjects of Congress) earning money within the 50 States of the Union. The word “income” is not explicitly defined in the Internal Revenue Code (although it is implicitly defined by the most basic of accounting principles, i.e., cost. The income (“money”) that you earn is simply hypothecated “credit” created as iconic numbers within yet another fictitious corporate entity known as a bank. When every foundation is imaginary, alienation becomes desirable but impossible. You can elude the “authorities” but you cannot escape that which simply isn’t real or has no reality to begin with—so just what are any so-called “authorities” agents of anyway? Where are the office and the oath of office? Never fight (oppose) things that are not or ‘what is not’—as you will stratify your energy and dissipate your life-force while paradoxically strengthening what-is-not. Determine whether something has a real existence or whether it is just an absence. If it is an absence—a granfalloon—then don’t fight with “it,” seek the thing of which it is the absence (for), find it and handle your business accordingly. (See: Reification, Stationary Bandits, Territorial Gangsters, Voting, Doggy, Somnamnesiac, Sleepwalking, Corporate State, Income, “Government,” President, SimCult, Authority, Grand Juries, Tax Invasion, “Credit,” Hegelian Banking, Holodeck Court, Judicial Victimization, Statutory Oppression & The Flag)

Endependence – the beginning of self-determination, self-reliance and Self-realization ending dependence on objective truth, abstractions, reification, granfalloons, father figures/organized religion

Artillery by the undeceiver, KEVIN “RASHID” JOHNSON

As defined in FUNKTIONARY:

Endependence – the open declaration of the beginning of self-determination, self-reliance and Self-realization that spells the end to dependence on objective truth, abstractions, reification, granfalloons, father figures and organized religion.

PROP: People Running On Programs. W/few exceptions, we have all become Rolebots acting out our expectations communicated to and created within our psyche by society and the dominant culture -Dr Blynd

According to FUNKTIONARY:

PROP – People Running On Programs. You have been programmed. With few exceptions, we have all become “Rolebots” acting out our expectations communicated to and created within our psyche by society and the dominant culture. Prop is truncated for “propaganda.” We are “rolebots” (mechanical slaves to our programming) with our body-minds thinking, talking, and acting along conditioned paths (with predictable outcomes) unable or unwilling to edit or even remove (override) our head-tapes and deviate from our subroutines. (See: Rolebot, Cultural Conditioning, Religion, Indoctrination, Predictive Programming, Ideology, Language, Habits, Zombie, Slaptivity, Naptivity, Programming, Tradition & Approval)

enemy – one who prefers the simplicity of hatred to the complexity of understanding. Anything done in a uniform and in unison is a potential enemy or aggressor. - FUNKTIONARY

According to "FUNKTIONARY:

enemy – the only one is the common one, i.e., energy (life-force) fragmentation of the Control Process via the Greater System and Doggy which has unconsciously metabolized within you. 2) one who prefers the simplicity of hatred to the complexity of understanding. Those who re-make us into and reduce us to merely a number is the enemy. Anything done in a uniform and in unison is a potential enemy or aggressor. In this country, and around the world for that matter, so-called “government,” under Statism, has reduced life to a board game, not that everybody can play, but that everyone must play. The counterfeit reality of the game called “Money,” has us serving it rather than it being subservient to us. Unjust weights and measures, abstracts life out of living and robs us of our freedom, dignity and life’s simple pleasures. My enemy said to me: “Love Your Enemy.” And I obeyed him and stroked my Ego. “The best way to get rid of an enemy is to speak well of him everywhere. What you say will be repeated to him, and he will no longer have the strength to harm you—for you have broken his mainspring. He will still be (a campaign in the ass) against you, but without vigor or consistency, for unconsciously he will have ceased to hate you. He is conquered, though unaware of his defeat.” ~M.E. Cioran. Overcome ignorance and enemies are banished. Man has no enemy but ignorance—mainly ignorance of True Self. Our enemy is the unobserved side of ourselves. False personality compels us to correspond to what it takes itself to be. When will we ever be free from our greatest unrecognized enemy—that is, the person we imagine ourselves to be? Everything you realize within yourself frees you from other people. Moreover, the more you see in yourself, the more you see in other people too. “The timetables keep turning—you got the both ends burning up, and all the lies you’ve been learning—they keep your future on hold.” ~Mos Def. (See: Asleep, Control Process, True Self, False Personality, Greater Work, Buffers, Positive Ideas, Corporate State, Cities, Taxation, Taxtortion, Control, Ignorance, The Greater System, Iron Rule, Consciousness, Political Money, Gangbanking, Enemego, Self-Remembering, Individuation, Overcome, GIMME! & Oppositionalism)

Orderlies: 'ordained authorities trained by the Pathocracy to use your mind against you imperceptibly and repeatedly. 2) wardens of the prison planet, your invisible masters' - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Orderlies – ordained authorities—those who are trained by the Pathocracy how to scientifically use your mind against you imperceptibly and repeatedly. 2) wardens of the prison planet serving the will of the global elite—your invisible masters. The Orderlies have been duped into and charged by the overruling Pathocracy for the implementation and orchestration of an eventual electronic matrix system of active brain chipping, mind-alienation, genetic modification and population control. Those dressed in authoritative costumes—doubling as uniforms—are kept the most uninformed. The Orderlies implement all the insidious things the Pathocracy conjures up through their foundations and think tanks to constantly plague and depopulate the masses around the world. Orderlies are recruited and vetted for a psychological propensity for inflicting untold strife in (and between) life participants viewed as the profane or “useless eaters” by the overruling dynastic-aristocratic pathological elite. The operatives in and behind government (i.e., orderlies) want and need us to be afraid and invest heavily in creating docile fear-ridden citizens. Orderlies’ primary responsibility is fidelity to the overruler’s status quo and whose primary responsibility to global racism white supremacy is to console us for our boredom within it and our bondage to it; to deflect our attention away from the reflection of the marvelous in other’s eyes who have escaped it or exposed it for all to see—if not directly—at leas indirectly in the eyes of those who are free—who indulge in what its like to finally be Tasty-Free, i.e., so free that anything that doesn’t constitute freedom registers on your tongue as budding tyranny which is immediately reduced to spittle and dislodged with a scorn of putrid disdain—even the aftertaste wreaks of pain. This planet is imprisoned by much stronger bars than iron and steel—mental bars of obedient acquiescence far exceed the reach of metal. The orderlies are the same everywhere (like in the movie “The Matrix.”) Do we have the courage to see them and overtake them—raising our level of awareness, resistance and collective consciousness at the same time? Only crime will tell. Holla! (See: Good Shepherd, Pathocracy, Matrix, Eugenics, Chemtrails, Police, Bureaucracy, The Dark Majesty, Law Enforcement, Iron Rule, Golden Rule, Greater System, Conformity, Obedience, Rut & Realitrix) ordinality – the order in which a number is placed or appears. (See: Cardinality, Digits & Numerals)

Newspaper – propagandizing through misinformation, disinformation and myth-information. - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

newspaper – propagandizing through misinformation, disinformation and myth-information. “The function of a modern newspaper (not necessarily its intended function but certainly its effective function) seems to be to tie up the senses and the mind in a consideration of abstractions, conventions, and other mind-born structures which have no reality other than which we grant them. The Dow-Jones. The Executive, Legislative, Judicial, and the Candle-maker. The Federal Reserve, the Floating Dollar—these abstractions and conventions were, once upon a time, conceived of as means for dealing with certain realities around us. But the newspapers make them realities unto themselves: no longer the means of our prevailing but the ends that insulate us from a more real world.” ~George Sibley (former newspaper editor). (See: Granfalloons, RUT, Memes, Censorship, Propaganda, Schooled, Education, Have-Nots, Sojournalists, Soldier, Conservative, MEDIA, Unlearning, “Credit” & Dollar)

Militia – the last remedy for the non-merchant denied remedy by the merchant courts and police. Militias protect the unalienable rights of free men and women. - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY

Militia – a lawful organization outside the control of organized (and unorganized) crime under the direct control of non-merchants formed for the purpose of hands-on remedies for the prevention of violence where there is no “money” to be made (advantage). 2) the last remedy for the non-merchant denied remedy by the merchant courts and police. 3) combat shooting clubs that keep the fetid and flagituous elements (rogue agents and bad actors) in and behind “government” a tad bit nervous. Militias protect the unalienable rights of free men and women. You are more likely to be visited-upon by the “authorities” of whatever stripe more than a would-be robber. Both have the same intention—to take you and/or your property by force. While violence is never the answer, protecting yourself and defending your rights, family, dignity, property and honor is the solution for lawless encroachment by those sworn to uphold the law and those who could care less about you, the authorities, or the law to begin with. “Stop right there! Drop your weapons and let me see your hands in the air—and wave them like you’re in despair.” ~Arnecca DeWoods. Never forget Ruby Ridge. (See: Force Continuum, Gun Control, Startle, Fascism, Rights, Justice System, Unalienable Rights, Police, Law Enforcement, Authorities, Orderlies, Game Warden, Jehovah Witness Protection Program, Surveillance State, Nation- States, Political Boundaries, Free-Range Slavery, Territorial Boundaries, Waco “No-Knock,” The Greater System, WACO, Longevity, Faction, Authority, Government, Granfalloon, Legislation & Second Amendment)

“Good Guys” vs. “Bad Guys”- a Corporate State psy-ops ploy to emotionally polarize sheople—fixing their opinions and placing the Corporate State on the side of the “good guys” - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY

Good Guys” vs. “Bad Guys” – a Corporate State psy-ops ploy to emotionally polarize sheople—fixing their opinions and placing Corporate State on the side of the “good guys,” thereby guarantee itself subliminal approval in the mushed minds of the mind-controlled masses. 2) a mass psychological technique used to induce recalled indoctrinated responses in a prescribed manner ensuring no contrarian or alternative view outside of the either/or paradigm served by the Corporate State through its left fist (media). (See: Predictive Programming, Pathocracy, Indoctrination & Media)

'Nation –a legal fiction superimposed on people by commercial interests for the perpetuation of force over freedom and theft of life, liberty, labor and land with immunity and impunity.' - FUNKTIONARY


Nation – (law) a legal fiction (Corporate State) superimposed on the dwellers upon the land (country) by commercial interests for the perpetuation of lawlessness (force) over freedom (phfree association and absence of rule) and theft of life, liberty, labor and land with immunity and impunity. 2) a historical artifact or invention. The erected demarcations between languaculture, politics and economics are as artificial as the disingenuous that employ, evoke or invoke their existence. The modern distinction between nation and society is that while the former may be ordered (and ordered around)—the latter orders itself. Originally, nation meant simply a gathering of people and their interrelated kinfolk living in a certain area that had nothing whatsoever to do with geographical boundaries—it was the people that comprised the nation, not the landscape and its parameters defining the people. Nat is the root word for both nature and nation. Since the rise of stationary bandits, territorial gangsters and the legal fictions they have created to perpetuate them, nations have become synonymous with Corporate States, ideological propaganda, thought control and oppression. (See: Legal Fiction, Stationary Bandits, Tyranny, Voluntiered Slavery, Corporate State, Society, “Government,” Languaculture, Culture, Rulership, Territorial Gangsters, Taxtortion, Property, Free-Range Slavery, Citizenship, Involuntary Servitude, Statutory Oppression & Feudal)

officialies - official lies of the state, lying in state, restating or reinstating a lie. If your conditioning is sophisticated enough, the lies will be inaudible, undetectable and forgotten by you

According to FUNKTIONARY:

officialies – official lies of the state—lying in state, restating or reinstating a lie. If your conditioning is sophisticated enough, the lies (both the obvious and more subtle ones) will be inaudible, incomprehensible, and undetectable to you. The way to turn lies into truth is to “officialize” them through the mouthpiece of the Corporate State of denial. All “governments” lie and spy on each other first, and then it lies and spies internally on the suspected-until-found-guilty members of the hapless body-politic. Figureheads of state can move their mouths forever, but the lies sound just the same.

Cop Mantra– “Stop resisting, stop resisting, stop resisting." A pretense and precursor to murder by patrolling predators. In Addition to body-cams, Cops Should Be Under Surveillance 24/7- FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY

Cop Mantra – “Stop resisting arrest, stop resisting arrest, stop resisting arrest.” A pretense and precursor to murder. Everything cops say or do (including life-ending, life-wrecking abuses and/or rage-inducing bullying they routinely inflict on innocent people with impunity) needs to be looked at with extreme suspicion. Cops (patrolling predators) not only need to wear body-cameras, but they also need to be under surveillance 24/7. “If one million cobras were set loose on our city streets, wouldn’t you think it proper to know where each one was and what it was doing all the time?” ~Fred Woodworth

lawless society – a socio-juristic human-relation configuration where law is upheld and deified over humanity. If you fear its advent, you’ll certainly never recognize its presence - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

lawless society – a socio-juristic human-relation configuration where law is upheld, codified, and deified over humanity. If you fear or worry about its advent, you’ll certainly never recognize its presence. 2) a Police State of the Overruling Class.

Conopoly – economic and political frauds in the form of deceptive foreign and domestic policies of G-8 “nations" and the organizations that control and direct their destinies. - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Conopoly – economic and political frauds in the form of deceptive foreign and domestic policies of G-8 “nations” and the organizations that control and direct their destinies. At its base, conopoly is run on monopoly capitalist orthordoxy. The con has four primary layers: the con of Corporate State, the con of citizens, the con of “money” or “monetized debt,” and its counterpart, the con of income taxation. All four cons are interrelated and each requires aspects of the others for the Con to work and continue unabated in the furtherance of concentration of economic power in the hands of a controlling dominant elite or Pathocracy. The Con requires fictitious entities sanctioned in and by fictions of law. Under global conopoloy, it is assumed by the conning controlling elites that no one has unalienable rights, i.e., under any and all “governments” no one has the right to be simply left alone. You must comply, conform, submit, register in order to be recognized as being legit. It is also assumed, no matter where you are born, you are subject to a political jurisdiction and its written statutes and regulations. (See: Scamouflage, Corporate State, S&M Banking, Fictional Reserve, “Government,” “Monetized Debt,” Taxtortion, Economatrix, Political Money, Electriconomy, Blockchain, “Creditory Lending” & Gangbanking)

Tyrant Paradigm, Tyrant and Tyranny Defined in FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

tyrant-paradigm - the assertion or assent to certain concepts, idea, memes, words, patterns of thinking, attitudes, beliefs, and convictions that give rise to coercive political systems. It includes the notion that the tyrants (territorial gangsters) are so omniscient and omnipotent that they can prevent natural persons from living free. The words that constitute the tyrant paradigm are enemy outposts in your mind. Tyrants "own" the minds of their oppressed victims to the extent that victims hold contents of the tyrant-paradigm in the minds. The tyrant-paradigm consists of the "construction of systematic thought" and "the systematic pattems of thought" that give rise to coercive political systems. (See: The OCTOCON, Territorial Gangsters & Reactions)

Tyrants - there are none; only tyranny exists. How can one man or woman rule a multitude against their will except through mind-control and word-conditioning control? "Find out the exact amount of injustice any people accept, and you will find out the exact amount of injustice they receive." -Freddy D. "The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it." -John Jay, Castilian Days II, 1872. (See: Tyranny, Terms, "The Law," Dictatorship, Corporate State & Fascism)

tyranny - the miscarriage of self-government. 2) the absence of ethical anarchy. In our system, tyranny must have an accomplice. The perpetrator by intent must be accommodated by the perpetrator by consent. The former initiates, the latter accommodates. Of all tyrannies, the greatest is the tyranny of the ego-mind. "If the government is allowed to place a tax on what is a natural right it can raise that tax to the point where that right has been effectively destroyed. That is tyranny."" Butcher's Union Company v. Crescent City. "No man, no group, and no nation has the right to any man's individual freedom. No matter how pure the motive, how great the emergency, how high the principle, such action is nothing but tyranny. It is never justified." -John W. Parsons. Tyranny Law #1 - Any power that can be abused will be abused. Tyranny Law #2 - Abuse always expands to fill the limits of resistance to it. Tyranny Law #3 - If people don't resist the abuses of others, they will have no one to resist the abuses of themselves, and tyranny will prevail. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime, and the punishment of his guilt. -John Curran. Retaining and exercising the unalienable right to distribute one's own property and wealth without restriction is the only guarantee of freedom from tyranny. (See: Labor, Anarchy, Appropriation, Income Taxes, IRS, Bill of Rights, Property, Freedom, Self-Determination, GIMME!, Autotyranny, Matrix, Organizations, Private Services & Liberation)