Newspaper – propagandizing through misinformation, disinformation and myth-information. - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

newspaper – propagandizing through misinformation, disinformation and myth-information. “The function of a modern newspaper (not necessarily its intended function but certainly its effective function) seems to be to tie up the senses and the mind in a consideration of abstractions, conventions, and other mind-born structures which have no reality other than which we grant them. The Dow-Jones. The Executive, Legislative, Judicial, and the Candle-maker. The Federal Reserve, the Floating Dollar—these abstractions and conventions were, once upon a time, conceived of as means for dealing with certain realities around us. But the newspapers make them realities unto themselves: no longer the means of our prevailing but the ends that insulate us from a more real world.” ~George Sibley (former newspaper editor). (See: Granfalloons, RUT, Memes, Censorship, Propaganda, Schooled, Education, Have-Nots, Sojournalists, Soldier, Conservative, MEDIA, Unlearning, “Credit” & Dollar)