POLL - "Presumption Of Legislative Law. People do not realize how enslaved they actually are. They have become used to their involuntary servitude for the presumed good of the people." - Dr. Blynd

According to "FUNKTIONARY:

POLL - Presumption Of Legislative Law. People do not realize how enslaved they actually are. They have become used to their involuntary servitude for the presumed good of the people. Let's take a quick poll: "If you are forced against your will to do anything, are you any better off than a slave? Is the presumed authority that is forcing you then your master? If you are being forced to labor to make extortion 'payments' for the assumed operating expense of 'government,' can you actually convince yourself that you are still free?" (See: Slave, Public Opinion, Legislation, Statutory Oppression, Lawmakers, Legistraitor, Language, Involuntary Servitude, Legislator, Rights, Liberty, Freedom, Suspended Sentence & Voluntiered Servitude)