"We Hated 9/11" and other Bush LIES

  • Bush and Co. can shed all the tears they want on the podium, but 9-11 was their wet dream and they reacted with a racist and imperial ferocity that makes Americans and world people less secure today than ever.
The third big Republican Convention lie is an indirect one, collateral to lies one and two. It claims that Republicans think 9/11 was a regrettable national tragedy - a sad and tragic moment in American history. Again and again, Republican officials and speakers will speak in highly emotional terms about the horrible events of September 2001, making reference to the lives that were lost on the terrible day. Beneath this show, the dark reality is that Republican leadership and especially the White House foreign policy cabal was delighted by the carnage. For them the jetliner attacks were a great windfall, a coveted "opportunity" (Bush's word and Condaleeza Rice's too), a "blessing" (Rumsfeld)...the "new Pearl Harbor" that they craved and found enormously useful - by pre-arranged design, many think - for acting upon their underlying lust and longstanding schemes to expand empire and inequality at home and abroad. [more ]