Day Two at the RNC: Kindergarten Night

Kindergarten night at the Republican National Convention was enlightening.  We learned that American media is bedazzled to the point of dumbstruck awe by the sheer, strategic brilliance of a high school football rally and the comforting guidance of a cub scout den mother. Arnold is Arnold. Laura is a nice woman. The day after American bombs killed eight villagers in Afghanistan, serving to remind us once again that the nation that christened the Bush war on terrorism remains in chaos, the first lady pays tribute to her husband's liberation of girls and women in that forgotten and forsaken land. Perhaps someone (like Vaclav Havel) should inform her that there is no freedom in a war zone. Perhaps the first lady should remind her husband that it is only good manners to finish what he started. Perhaps they both could use a history lesson for we have left Afghanistan in the same deplorable condition that existed before the Taliban took over: In the control of warlords who have no interest in democracy or the rights of women. [more ]