Crying w/o Tears, Deluded White Cop Tells White Jury He Was Being Dragged by Unmoving Car in Murder of Sam DuBose
/"A mind that is filled with belief is a mind which can project anything according to the belief. When you see things always remember this." [MORE] In the presence of Blacks racists cannot see things as they really are. Racism white supremacy is a virus in the mind. [MORE]
Here, racist suspect officer misperceived reality and "believed" he was stuck to a moving car and was being dragged by it - b/c a Black man was present. His beliefs were actually delusions or misperceptions. [on cross he admits he misperceived being stuck to Black man's car- See video below at 1:45:51]. (Racists also believe they must act genocidally towards non-whites in order to survive. [MORE] and [MORE].) When the mostly white jury view the video will they see what is right in front of them with their eyes or will they see things only with their minds? [It Would Be Better If They Had No Eyes. At least there would have been no possibility of misunderstanding.] Don't hold your breath in racist system.
Some Racist Cops are Actors & Masterful Liars. [Just Cry & Tell White Jury You Were Scared of Black Man]. From [HERE] A crying white University of Cincinnati police officer on trial for the second time in the killing of an unarmed black motorist said on Friday that he feared for his life during the traffic stop when the shooting took place.
Officer Ray Tensing, 27, shot once, hitting 43-year-old Samuel DuBose in the head after stopping him for a missing front license plate on his car in July 2015, a body camera worn by Tensing showed.
Tensing, who is white, was charged with murder and voluntary manslaughter in a retrial of the case. A mistrial was declared last November in the first trial after jurors could not agree on a verdict.
Like the previous trial, the jury is mostly white: Nine whites and 3 African Ameircans (9 women and 3 men). [MORE] His previous jury was composed of 10 whites. [MORE] [Yes nearly all white in a City that is 45% Black. [MORE]]
Tensing fired his gun after DuBose started his car. Tensing stated that DuBose had begun to drive off and that he was being dragged because his arm was caught in the car. Prosecutors alleged that footage from Tensing's bodycam showed that he was not dragged and a grand jury indicted him on charges of murder and voluntary manslaughter. The encounter was captured on video and set off protests.
During the white cop's tearful testimony on Friday at the Hamilton County Courthouse in Cincinnati, Tensing, dressed in a dark suit, said that DuBose was evasive during the traffic stop and attempted to speed away.
"He just mashed the accelerator to the floor," said Tensing, who paused occasionally to wipe his eyes with a tissue. "I protected my life," Tensing said when asked by prosecutors if he had served and protected DuBose. Tensing said repeatedly that he shot to "stop the threat."
On July 19, 2015, Mr. Tensing pulled over Mr. Dubose’s 1998 Honda Accord a few blocks south of campus for having no front license plate.
Body-camera video released by prosecutors shows that Mr. DuBose shows the officer the missing license plate which was in his glove box after Tensing tells him he pulled over for not having a front tag. Mr. Tensing then is asking Mr. DuBose for his license and Mr. DuBose acknowledges that he does not have one with him after looking for it. DuBose says "I have a license, just run my name." He then says "I thought I did [have my licnese]. What did you pull me over for?" Tensing says "Again, the front tag." Dubose responds, "But it is not illegal to not have a front tag in Cincinnati." As if he did not hear, the officer asks again "do you have a license on you?" and then asks, "Are you suspended?"
Tensing, who seems confused about what to do next starts to open the driver's door and orders DuBose to remove his seat belt. DuBose pulls the door closed, starts the engine, and puts the car in drive. Within the next few seconds, Tensing reaches into the car with his left hand, yells "Stop! Stop!", draws his pistol with his right hand, and fires once striking DuBose. Sources differed as to whether the car was moving before the shot was fired. According to the § Kroll Report, "it is difficult to determine with precision how much, if at all, the car moved [prior to the gunshot], but whatever movement may have occurred appears to have been minimal."
After firing, Tensing falls away from the vehicle which accelerates as he and two other officers run after it. After travelling about 400 feet, the vehicle collided into a telephone pole and came to a stop. After the officers reach the car, the video shows DuBose inside with a gunshot wound to his head.
Then Cop Starts Lying. In bodycam footage, Tensing repeatedly tells other officers that he was dragged when his arm became caught in the car, possibly in the steering wheel. In the police report that he filed after the incident, he stated that he was dragged, forcing him to fire his weapon. Through lawyers, he released a public statement that he was afraid that he would be run over. He was allowed to view the video before making a police report.
On July 29, authorities released Tensing's bodycam video, which, according to prosecutors, shows that Tensing was not dragged.
Black Man's Car Did Not Move Until After Cop Shot
A report by a risk-consulting firm hired by the university said that the video showed that Mr. Tensing was not being dragged, that the car had barely moved before the gunshot was fired and that Mr. Tensing had made several critical errors — including drawing his gun and reaching into the car.
UCPD officers [white] Phillip Kidd and David Lindenschmidt arrived at the scene just after the gunshot, and their bodycam footage shows Tensing getting up off the pavement. According to County Prosecutor Joe Deters, neither officer stated in his official statement to Cincinnati police that he saw Tensing being dragged. Officer-in-Training Lindenschmidt, who had started working in the field only that month, made what have been called "rookie mistakes" in picking up Tensing's fallen flashlight and moving Tensing's vehicle. [MORE]
Was Wearing a Confederate Flag Under Shirt When He Shot Black Man. The white cop was wearing a T-shirt depicting a Confederate flag under his uniform at the time of the shooting. The shirt was presented as evidence in the previous murder trial against Tensing according to USA Today. Along with the Confederate flag, Tensing’s shirt read “Great Smoky Mountains, 1934.” [MORE]
Mr. Tensing was fired after the indictment.
Last January, the university agreed to pay $4.85 million to Mr. Dubose’s family and provide an undergraduate education to his 12 children.
Tensing is free on a $1 million bond.
Tensing's attorney, Stew Mathews, said in opening arguments on June 8 that his client did not anticipate DuBose was going to drive off with Tensing's arm in the car.
"This all happened so quickly that instinctively Ray Tensing did the only thing he could do to save his own life," Mathews said. He said Tensing is not a racist and that if DuBose had cooperated during the stop he would not be dead.