Unsight – psychological blindness. People only see what they want to see, and when they see more than they want to see, they don’t see anything at all. - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Unsight – psychological blindness. People only see what they want to see, and when they see more than they want to see, they don’t see anything at all. Anything we take to be unsightly arises from our collective unsight—you being the collective anger and blind ignorance of the unsight-seeing. Just because you cannot see something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, likewise, just because you cannot find it or perceive it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t persist. I see you almost daily, disguised in different dress, conveying what you’ve learned (so small) as though chosen and somehow seemingly blessed. The illusions of truth should raise if not highlight the issue of what we understand about reality’s nature and as equally important, how we arrive at that understanding. (See: Identification, BLYND, Unseen, Core Beliefs, OZ & Unseeing, Tradition, First Eye, Single Eye, Pineal Gland & Dogma)