"language – the creation and use of abstractions manifested through speech, not writing." - FUNKTIONARY
/According to FUNKTIONARY:
language – the creation and use of abstractions manifested through speech, not writing. 2) a game that is played according to internal rules that need not have any connection with the actual attributes of reality. 3) tool for either loving communication (contact), or a barrier to intimacy. 4) a vestigial remnant of man’s primordial telepathic ability. 5) an inventory of symbols with a system that ties them together. Language without the contrary and opposites loses its ability to imprint meaning. Language not only processes perceptions of knowledge and culture but also provides occasion for perceiving (and even shaping) to commence; and therefore, language is originating as well as original—creating as it is reflecting. The nation-state functions to extinguish (weed out) living languages by using plastic words, which reduces diversity and creates monocultures. Language is not only a part of the perceptual system, but, most often, a primary catalyst or thematic funktionary for perceptions. “A language is a dialect with an army and a navy.” –Max Weinrich. “Language is a world in and of itself, and this world is World War III.” –Karl Popper. Precise speech begets precise thought (though most people assume otherwise, i.e., vice versa). Language is about community and not merely communication, and when you have community without communication, it is like having a cult but not a culture; like being domesticated but not cultivated, or like being excavated but not really or fully understood—you dig? We are suspended and animated between one another’s languaculture. (See: Contact, Unspeak, Lie, Sign, Languaculture, Plastic Words, The Word, Waking Consciousness, Excluded Middle, Acrolect, Basilect, Linguicism, Power, Deficit Theory, Psychological Reversal, Meaning, Recall Button, Perception, Semiotics, Frames & Communication)