Journalist Patrick Byrne says [s]Election ‘24 is Rigged. Elites Plan to Install Their Puppet Kamala ["Secret ballots beget secret governments"]
/From [HERE]
According to FUNKTIONARY:
secret ballots – are evidently designed for people who have something to hide, and always creates or maintains a secret government. Secret ballots beget secret “governments.” (See: VoteScam, Elections, Politics & VNS)
Voting BAG – Ballot Access Games. Those who control the ballot get to add things to it, as well as keep things off of it in order to coerce the outcome and keep it in the “bag.” Joseph Stalin said those who vote are important, but not as important as those who count the votes. (See: Elections, Political Science, Secret Ballot, Agency & Demockracy)
voting booth – the PIT—a place where one takes a Political Ineptitude Test. Haven’t you heard or come to realize that secret ballots beget secret “government.” Until they pay you for your vote, you will pay for (casting) your vote. “I shall not go the polls. I have not registered. I believe that democracy has so far disappeared in the United States that no ‘two evils’ exist. There is but one evil party with two names, and it will be elected despite all I can say or do.” ~W.E.B. DuBois, 1956.
voting hoax – “Help Slave America.” “We would do well to remember that voting is often a way not of consenting to something, but only of expressing a preference. If the state gives a group of condemned prisoners the choice of being executed by firing squad or by lethal injection, and all of them vote for firing squad, we cannot conclude from this that the prisoners thereby consent to being executed by firing squad. They do, of course, choose this option; they approve of it, but only in the sense that they prefer it to the other option. They consent to neither option, despising both. Voting for a candidate in a democratic election sometimes has a depressingly similar structure. The state offers you a choice among candidates (or perhaps it is “the people” who make the offer), and you choose one, hoping to make the best of a bad situation. You thereby express a preference, approve of that candidate (over the others), but consent to the authority of no one.” ~A. John Simmons. “It’s not who vote that counts—it’s who counts the votes!” ~J. Stalin. (See: Taxtortion, Freedom Iron Rule, Political Power, Technology, Ph.F. Degree, NOW, Golden Rule, Property, The Matrix, MEDIA & Elections)