Caught in Lies: Released Uvalde Video Looks Like a Staged Drill; Heavy Breathing, Cops Looking at Phones, "Border Patrol Hero" Absent, Dry Tears and No Blood. 6 Yr Olds with Cell Phones Not Present

According to FUNKTIONARY:

“Government” – a shamanic sham (as all prime corporate fictions are)—something “created,” propped up for everyone to beseech and blame simultaneously; a cartoonic escapegoat for Hidalgo, Doggy and the CrimethInc. All-Stars.

Government” – Latinized Greek (“Gubernatio” = control; and from the Latin “mente” = mind; “The control of the mind.” 2) an abstraction (hoax) created for the sole purpose of making theft respectable and mind-control acceptable. 3) the societal manifestation of mass individual psychological reversal, i.e., the statutes, regulations, agencies, and agents (so-called bureaucrats) needed to threaten and shrink one’s comfort zone. 4) a granfalloon. 5) a fiction supported by those who kill on command and steal on demand under the guise of “protecting” their victims. Government is lawlessness (monopolized violence) mindlessly respected and accepted as law (open threats); politics is the way to enable and circumvent the law. The outworking of history consistently demonstrates that government will, in spite of the Bill of Rights, arrogate all power to itself eventually, if the people don’t act to prevent it. You have rights alright, just don’t get caught exercising them, O.K.? “Government” is simply, unequivocally, and always initiation of force or coercion and nothing else. Official “government” is disorganized, politicized; centralized; canonized and revered initiation of force, but it is no less initiation of force and coercion than any unofficial singular action of the same offensive or violent content. “Government” is an abstract infinite entity acting as a possessive noun. There is not a single line in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, or any governmental document that states that a natural person will be left alone as long as she or he does not impose upon another or others. By commission and omission, all official decrees make clear that a human is regarded as owned property or resource of the god called “Corporate State.” It is controlling the lives, energy and property of others that requires coercive force and this is its sole function. Endorsing the lie of an imagined abstract collective interest supports the very concept that gives rise to all covert and overt oppression. [MORE]