DC Shooting Sounds Like Bullshit: A 23 year Old Latino Guy Fires 200 Shots at Upper Crust School and Strikes 4 People. Then Confesses on Wikipedia. Could Afford 2 Expensive Apts in DC and Fairfax
false flag – staged psychological operations by government operatives and shadow elite orchestrated and perpetrated against the civilian population. False flag operations does not necessarily mean that oftentimes real people don’t die.
In DC, citizens essentially have no 2nd Amendment rights but its not a big deal to most of its liberal white votary who advocate for less rights and more government control over their lives. Dr. Blynd explains that a gun ban is a precursor to slavery. Larken Rose explains,
"Transforming independent individuals into slaves requires extensive indoctrination. The way they view life, the world, and themselves must be molded into an outlook that is compatible with tyranny. They must be trained to be scared of the world, and always to be seeking some "authority" to protect and take care of them. Whenever a problem arises, they should look to their rulers for the solution rather than taking it upon themselves to fix it.
One of the main problems that the peasants must be trained not to deal with themselves is violent conflict. It is imperative that they view you (and your enforcers) as the only protection against robbery, assault, and murder. In short, they must be indoctrinated in such a way that they do not even want to be able to defend themselves. The reason is simple: if the peasants feel capable and entitled to "enforce justice" themselves, they might just decide to enforce a little justice against you. And that obviously won't do. [MORE]
From [HERE] Raymond Spencer, the 23-year-old police say fired more than 200 rounds from a Northwest D.C. apartment window Friday, had no criminal record at the time of the shooting.
According to the journalism-free dependent media, who only parrot information provided to them by the police, he fired randomly at people 200 times, striking four. Yep 4 out of 200 for a sniper?
“Authorities expressed amazement that more people were not struck or even killed, and said it will take police many days to collect evidence and fully document the damage over a vast number of city blocks.” [MORE]
The Washington Post further stated this
“Officials said police have not developed a motive for Friday afternoon’s shootings in the Van Ness area, but it appeared the suspected gunman, 23-year-old Raymond Spencer of Fairfax County, Va., engaged with Wikipedia pages related to the recent subway attack in New York City and a 2018 school shooting in Florida.”
“Engaged with Wikipedia pages? “He allegedly read about those highly publicized [false flag] events on his computer and?
Then, after shooting up the street he logged onto Wikipedia to write about what he had done and then snitch on himself on 4Chan. The WashPost states,
A Wikipedia page for the Edmund Burke School was searched several times and edited, including a line added about an hour after police said the shooting started when Spencer wrote: “A gunman shot at the school on April 22, 2022. The suspect is still at large.”
On a separate online forum, called 4chan, a user identifying as Raymond Spencer posted four minutes after the reported shooting started, “Dear God please forgive me.”
The following post seemed to taunt police: “They’re in the wrong part of the building right now searching XD.” Later the user wrote: “Waiting for police to catch up with me.”
It also states,
On Wikipedia, Spencer last updated his user page at 3:58 p.m. Friday, soon after the shooting. The page said he was an “a AR-15 aficionado” in his biography. The page has since been removed from the platform. [right]
Sounds like circumstances in other false flags- which always are open and quickly closed with a confession from a diary, manifesto, social media or a press-release (ISIS) and unidentified neighbor. Like a movie, the villain is always quickly apprehended without issue (see the Dylann Roof slow speed chase lol or the recent ff arrest in NYC), killed or commits suicide.
Spencer attended Wheaton High School in Montgomery County as recently as 2016 according to the school district. He was living in a new apartment building in Fairfax County at the time of the shooting.
He moved into an apartment in Fairfax County in February 2021 but also rented the apartment on Van Ness in January 2022. The median price to buy an apartments in that all-white upper crust neighborhood start at $500k. Rental costs in said area and the 70% white Fairfax area are off the chain, $3k a month or so? Where did our poor shot, 23 year old, “AR-15 aficionado” get his millions from?
Police found six firearms in the D.C. apartment -- four long guns and two handguns, three fully automatic -- and three additional firearms in the Fairfax apartment.
The Post stated,
Multiple law enforcement officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive investigation, said Spencer’s only known tie to the District appears to be that sparsely furnished apartment at the AVA Van Ness, in which they found assault rifles, at least one handgun, a tripod stand for a firearm and a mattress on the floor.
The apartment that police are describing as a “sniper’s nest” overlooks Edmund Burke School in the 2900 block of Van Ness Street, which appears to have drawn the shooter’s attention at afternoon dismissal.
Spencer’s parents still live in Silver Spring, Md. Neighbors tell 7News the family was quiet and polite.
“I was surprised to hear, but anything is possible in this day and age,” one family neighbor said when he learned Spencer was the chief suspect in Friday’s shooting.
Police said Spencer set up a "crows nest" in a D.C. apartment Friday. Images posted to the anonymous chat 4Chan under the name "Raymond Spencer" show a sparsely furnished apartment full of guns. Police believe Spencer assembled at least one of those weapons himself.
More than 800 unspent rounds were also found in the D.C. apartment and thousands of rounds were found in the Fairfax County apartment, he added.