Like Other False Flags, Insta-Terror Case is Open/Closed by NY Authorities with Weird Admissions, Omissions, Bad Effects and a Ready Made Tale Told in Accord with the Appetite of the Racist Believer
/AUTHORITIES ARE FUCKING WITH OUR SENSES AND PROGRAMMED BELIEFS. If his YouTube/blog “evidence” wasn’t enough, this just in; the attacker, whom the Dependent media has characterized as “a black nationalist,” confessed to the crimes by calling the police tip line on himself! Yes, he snitched on himself (similar to “manifestos,” diaries, rap books, tweets or ISIS press releases containing confessions to the entire crime immediately found in other false flag episodes). What an unbelievably stupid fairy tale told by elite whites in accordance with the appetite of the believer. In this episode, at issue is the appetite of the Neuropeon and Neuropean believer and a story told according to racist ideas, prejudices, fears and myths. What does “a black nationalist” even mean to elite whites? Apparently deluded racist suspects actually believe there is a competing system of Black supremacy somewhere on the planet where Black individuals use their collective power to control or dominate the lives of white people in all areas of people activity.
Don’t be surprised if a manifesto or diary or unnamed neighbor/friend pops up with confessions, unauthenticated social media posts, messages or detained plans of the incident. If there is a “trial” it will be solid gold bullshit, like Dyann Roofs’ fabricated “trial.”
Due to the contrived nature of the evidence this insta-terror case feels synthetic and should be suspected as a false flag operation conducted by the government until proven otherwise. If Crimethinc would create fake vaccines for the purpose of genthanasia and biocide then surely It would have no problem fake shooting at people in the subway.
Why would the government do such a thing? As undeceiver Larken Rose explains, authorities terrorize or create great fear in the citizenry in order convince them to voluntarily give authorities more control, more power over them and their lives. Authorities and their Dependent Media must constantly misrepresent reality so citizens always have a bogey-man or a perceived unsolvable problem to fear. Rose states, elites “must pound into [citizens] heads, day in and day out, that the world is full of horrors and injustices , and that only the government authorities can make their lives bearable and that is necessary for them to have enormous power in order to do so.”
Belief- the psychological calm of imagined certitude safely beyond de-stabilizing doubt and troublesome reality-entanglement. 2) a construction of approximate truths, absolute truths, mass truths and primary myths, based on genetic predisposition, and environmental and socio-psychological conditioning. 3) the institutionalization of the unknowable, i.e., a conviction that is not necessarily based upon any empirical, direct-mind or experiential knowledge. 4) a non-physical surviving thought-form. 5) any conclusion based on a fundamental assumption; the evidence of things not seen, no longer actively sought. [MORE]
Believer - one who accepts that which has no basis in reality. 2) a person who enjoys being deceived. A believer does not seek—just accepts theologies and/or ideologies. 3) one who is addicted to vanity and/or chained to convention with conviction. 4) one who lives in a cloud of illusions, confounded by language and its deceptions. Believers are people who make their lives subjective slaves to a mere belief—engineered my limited and fragmented understanding and fostered by erroneous conclusions based solely on effects and appearances. A true believer would rather believe in something and be wrong than not believe in it and be right.
cover-stories – headlines that provide cover (hiding and distraction) for the real untold and undiscussed stories behind the one’s they are really (deliberately) not covering, undressing or addressing at all. 2) planted actors and/or provocateurs providing misinformation immediately after a false flag operation—like 9-11, Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon bombing. The methodology: Sell the lie with authority, then change the subject to something emotional. For example, the cover stories about whether or not “well-intentioned” public officials (on oxymoronic characterization itself) made “mistakes” in not paying attention to obvious warnings of so-called Al-Qaida operations inside the territorial United States posed by the mock 9-11 Commission mockery. The whole thrust behind the cover-story was to specifically avoid treating the World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon, and the fields in Pennsylvania as actual crime scenes—to avoid the contradictions in the official stories with physical evidence to the contrary, to totally ignore the blatant anomalies regarding the well-planned, orchestrated, and executed sophisticated operations (hoax) that happened and didn’t happen on that fateful day. (See: Underlying, MEDIA, Tyrant-Paradigm, Pixelated People, West-Wingers, Oklahoma City Bombing, Nine- Eleven, MEDIA NSA Position, Bush Family Crime Syndicate, Pentagon Murders, Killer-Jet, CIA, Israelians, NSA, King TUT, RUN—GMC & The OCTOCON)
false flag – staged psychological operations by government operatives and shadow elite orchestrated and perpetrated against the civilian population. False flag operations does not necessarily mean that oftentimes real people don’t die.
WOW. ALL 600 Cameras around the brooklyn subway station at issue all broke down, at the same time and on the same day the black nationalist decided to shoot at people’s legs in the subway. THE VICTIMS MAY BE REAL BUT IT SOUNDS LIKE BULLSHIT.
citizens – those who instinctively seek permission or ask themselves whether or not they are allowed to do anything before they act. Citizens (serfs, subjects or slaves), possess a “ruled” mind-virus mentality. 2) the hapless residents of the great democracy whose Constitution deliberately throttled democratic rule. (See: Citizenship, Plutocracy & Slavery)
“Government” – Latinized Greek (“Gubernatio” = control; and from the Latin “mente” = mind; “The control of the mind.” 2) an abstraction (hoax) created for the sole purpose of making theft respectable and mind-control acceptable. 3) the societal manifestation of mass individual psychological reversal, i.e., the statutes, regulations, agencies, and agents (so-called bureaucrats) needed to threaten and shrink one’s comfort zone. 4) a granfalloon. 5) a fiction supported by those who kill on command and steal on demand under the guise of “protecting” their victims. Government is lawlessness (monopolized violence) mindlessly respected and accepted as law (open threats); politics is the way to enable and circumvent the law. The outworking of history consistently demonstrates that government will, in spite of the Bill of Rights, arrogate all power to itself eventually, if the people don’t act to prevent it. You have rights alright, just don’t get caught exercising them, O.K.? “Government” is simply, unequivocally, and always initiation of force or coercion and nothing else. Official “government” is disorganized, politicized; centralized; canonized and revered initiation of force, but it is no less initiation of force and coercion than any unofficial singular action of the same offensive or violent content. “Government” is an abstract infinite entity acting as a possessive noun. There is not a single line in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, or any governmental document that states that a natural person will be left alone as long as she or he does not impose upon another or others. By commission and omission, all official decrees make clear that a human is regarded as owned property or resource of the god called “Corporate State.” It is controlling the lives, energy and property of others that requires coercive force and this is its sole function. Endorsing the lie of an imagined abstract collective interest supports the very concept that gives rise to all covert and overt oppression. “The government never of itself furthered any enterprise, but by the alacrity with which it got out of the way. It does not keep the country free. The character inherent in the American people has done all that has been accomplished; and it would have done somewhat more, if the government had not sometimes got in its way.” ~Kirkpatrick Sale. The wayward notion that government redistributes wealth is widely held as sacrosanct as it is patently false. There are redistributes aspects, sure, but that’s as close as it gets. “As long as government is allowed to exist, it will everywhere keep growing and getting worse. Nearly everything that “governments” do (i.e., those with wholly symbolic roles “running” it, and who perform acts in its name) is grounded in fear. Government will cease to exist when people cease to grant it legitimacy—in other words stop believing in it, stop looking to it for solutions to problems in their lives, and stop supporting it.” ~Fred Woolworth. Government has failed at every attempt in 6,000 years of recorded history. Government atrocities—carried out by irrational functionaries, economic hit men, soldiers, diplomats, emissaries, etc., under every possible flavor or form of government—have littered the bloody pages of recorded history. Government is indisputably the greatest purveyor of murder, mayhem, genocide, exploitation, rape, forced starvation, pillage and chaos in the annals of humanity. Government does not need to be abolished; merely rendered obsolete through seeing it for what it truly is—a prime manufacturer of poverty, brutal oppression, violence, coercion, conformity and fear. [MORE]