Barking and Clapping Like Seals, the Black Electorant Voted for Warnock Although He Offered No Black Message or Agenda


According to FUNKTIONARY:

Two-party System – Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-dumb—working together systematically to keep you down, confused, and passively subservient to a system that is relegated to solving life’s problems and conflicts through the iron rule of political power. The real two-party system is the tail-gate and the after-party. Don’t vote—Act! Delete the Elite! Secret Ballots beget secret “government.” In order to bring in a new dawn of civilization, an advancing one, we must educate ourselves on the liberating power of symbioacracy and its four noble pillars: individuality, spirituality, noble law and knowledge—which restructure the dynamics of human relationships through the Golden Rule of serving others without being subservient to anyone while beneting all. We can invoke and activate (unleash) this dormant aspect of the Kingdom of heaven on Earth as soon as enough people have seen enough and realize that political power happens only through coercion and deception. Political structure and process has been a failing experiment for aeons. It’s not to late to join the afterparty of Reality and begin to see what the promises of infinity hold for everyone—including you and me. (See: Big Brother, Golden Rule, Contract, Kingdom of Heaven, Political Power, Authoritarianism, Iron Rule, The Representative System, Politics, VoteScam, Creativity, ChoicePoint, Republican, Tyrannolaw, Voting, Campaign Elections, VOTE, Electionomics, VOTERS, Freedom, Plutocracy & Electoral College)

The Electorant – the willfully ignorant electorate—the suckers (voters and “taxpayers”) who delegate and abdicate their power to elected and appointed officials (employees) and the system through which voters’ will is subverted through statutes, laws and policies not approved or even known in the election process. The ‘electorant’ are always ranting and raving about their sordid and assorted conditions when they are responsible for them by being ignorant of the nature of delegated power and its effect, i.e., arbitrary power wielded with impunity and State-sanctioned immunity. The electorant have no recourse but to fuss and talk about change—utterly clueless. All power of the State resides in those who hold the purse strings. Control of the “money” is in the hands of those who further use it to corrupt others in order for one to retain power (dynastic banking cartel families) and the other to remain in power (politician). It is a symbiotic racket and one that continues unabated. (See: Voters, GEO-Dollars, “Monetized Debt,” Federal Reserve System, Willful Ignorance, Political Money, Gangbanking, Elections, MONEY, S&M Banking, Taxpayers, Second Tax, Dumbing-Down, Colonized Mind & Citizens of the United States)