When an Innocent Person is Put to Death who are the Real Criminals? 7 Innocent Black Men Executed Over 1951 Rape of a White Woman Granted Posthumous Pardons by VA Governor. How Can Revenge be Exacted?
/Rose Grayson, niece of Francis DeSales Grayson, top, comforts James Grayson, son of Francis DeSales Grayson, left, and Rudy MCollum, great nephew of Francis DeSales Grayson, one of the Martinsville Seven, after Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam issued posthumous pardons for Grayson and the other six members during a ceremony inside the Patrick Henry Building in Richmond, Va., on Aug. 31, 2021. [MORE]
But really though fuck a pardon, where is the justice? Justice is a man made MATHEMATICAL concept, it is revenge by society. [MORE] How do the 7 Black men who were unarmed and defenseless when they were murdered by white, Government orderlies obtain their revenge? According to FUNKTIONARY
crime - as we are programmed to perceive it involves drugs, theft, murder, etc., most of which is an outward expression or release of energy by the victims from the circumstances conjured up by Doggy and the criminals which make up the majority of what passes as criminality, but in reality, the victimization of the masses by the means in which they are left to live by. Crime is so-called ""government's"' biggest industry, followed closely by propaganda. Corporate State derives revenue on both sides of the law (licenses and fees) so you can avoid having to pay (penalties, violations, fees, citations, peonage, and jail time) for ""breaking" the law- (i.e.. Roman civil law). (See: Corporate State. "Government” Citizenship & Servitude)
From [HERE] Nearly 70 years after their unjust executions, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam granted posthumous pardons Tuesday to seven Black men known as the "Martinsville Seven," who were executed for the alleged rape of a white woman in 1951 in Martinsville, Va.
Northam granted the pardons after a meeting with the descendants of the Martinsville Seven. He said the pardons do not address whether the men were guilty, but rather serve "as recognition from the Commonwealth" that they were tried without adequate due process.
"This is about righting wrongs," Northam said in a news release. "We all deserve a criminal justice system that is fair, equal, and gets it right—no matter who you are or what you look like. While we can't change the past, I hope today's action brings them some small measure of peace."
The history behind the Martinsville Seven
Seven Black men were executed in February 1951 over the alleged rape of a white woman, Ruby Stroud Floyd, in 1949. They were Frank Hairston Jr., 18, Booker T. Millner, 19, Francis DeSales Grayson, 37, Howard Lee Hairston, 18, James Luther Hairston, 20, Joe Henry Hampton, 19, and John Claybon Taylor, 21.
Floyd said 13 Black men raped her on the evening of Jan. 8, 1949, as she passed through a predominately Black neighborhood.
Floyd identified both Grayson and Hampton as her rapists, but she had trouble identifying the others, according to BlackPast.org, an online reference center for Black history. [MORE]