Should Biden Also Build a Better Black Borg VP? Amateur Probot Short Circuits Under Soft Ball Questioning, Sabotaging a Manufactured Happy News Event. Blight House Shenanigger Unable to Stop Interview
/BORG BLOOPERS. Was Kamala Harris’ staff just looking for something for the VP to do on a Friday when they chose to do a soft ball interview with Charlamagne Tha God on Comedy Central? The incident began when Black borg Kamala Harris was asked during the happy news event, ‘who is the real superhero in DC?’ ‘who really holds the power in Washington, is it Joe Biden or Joe Manchin?’ Said soft ball questions inexplicably caused Harris to crash or short circuit, which prompted Symone Sanders, a shenanigger who is one of Harris’ aides, to unsuccessfully attempt to shut down the interview. Time to reboot.
Corpse Joe Biden and rolebot Kamala Harris’ poll numbers have set all time low records for several months. Like authoritarians in totalitarian nations, Biden is comfortable with his unpopularity because he apparently has no interest in running for reelection in 2024. Hence, he is free to be “Stuttering-ass Brandon,” the unaccountable leader of a non-representative government who uses his authority to do things the votary obviously does not want him to do, such as impose irrational injection mandates and exempt injection makers and government from all liability for harm and death caused by the injections [but enjoy the Spectacle and its granfalloons]
Harris, on the other hand ambitiously desires to be president. With her poll numbers tanking among moderate white folks, what was the happy news event with Charlamagne Tha God, who has an overwhelming Black audience, intended to accomplish? As explained by the great rebel Amos Wilson, while taking its cues from the dependent media
“the Black press and safe negro TV incumbents make little or no demands on Black politicians while it constantly parades them before the Black community as role models, regardless of their success or lack of it in advancing the interests of the community. The achievements of Black politicians, no matter how dubious, are often presented by the Black press as vicarious achievements of the Black community as a whole. Black incumbents are given ready access to Black media outlets to massage the Black community, to maintain their public persona, and to rationalize their very frequent failures to provide the Black community with responsive and effective political leadership. Thus, they keep their opposition out of the media limelight and the community is cajoled into re-electing a political establishment whose accomplishments are meager when not plainly regressive.”
So, wow, how could Kamala fuck up a softball moment with “black media” on Comedy Central? This episode is more evidence that Kamala Harris is simply a Human Resource to corpse Biden. The only thing Kamala Harris can substantively do for Black people is make them feel better about their servant condition. [MORE]
Never trust a probot. Her/his business is process. A probot is a propagandizing programmed robot. According to FUNKTIONARY, a probot is a proxymoron who conveys programmed disinformation in computerized language and bureaucratese jargon. A probot is one who disseminates lies, distortions and convenient mass truths composed by a superior overruling elite. [more] They function with an extremely low level of consciousness as they view obedience to authority as a moral virtue and place form over substance, rules over reason and law over humanity. A black probot is capable of advocating for widespread aggression and destruction of life if the rules say so. Elite whites put them on the front lines, watch your back. According to FUNKTIONARY:
Electoral politics - a polylogue of agreed-upon illusions and false (deflectionary) issues. (See: Politicking & Pathocracy)
shenanigger - a Negro (neo-lawn-jockey) who carries out Step-n-Fetchit type activites/actions (shenanigans) for the dominant immoral majority (the psychopathic white power semi-organism), i.e., the Rhodes, Rothschild, Anglo Saxon Zionist power clique, unknowingly at the expense of him/herself and knowingly at the expense (sell-out/buy-out) of his people and culture. (See: McNegro, Coin-Operated, The Moteasuh Tribe, Sambo & SNigger).
PropaGandhi - passive social non-resistance propaganda. 2) obedience-based servitude to the enforcers of granfalloons uncommonly known as Corporate States and any other group-entities. Mahatma Gandhi mostly walked barefoot which produced calluses on his feet. He also had a very weird diet sprinkled with bouts of fasting which made him rather frail and suffer intermittently from halitosis—this made him... "A super callused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis." (See: Poser, Class, Mass, Racism White Supremacy, Gun Control & Caste).