In NFL Gruden Scandal Elite Racists Confuse Bigotry w/Racism White Supremacy to Maintain Cooperative Master Servant Relations. "Nigger" is What is Being Done to You, Not What is Said About You
/LAUGHING AT NGHRS, NOT WITH YOU. Elite liberal Racists Showcase their corny ass RecogNegro SNiggers on SNL. Making fun of Blacks is what SNL does best. Fuck that show.
Racism is not primarily about bigotry - minor inconveniences such as trouble catching a cab, standing in a long line to vote or disrespect, stereotypes or bad conduct or mean words by white people. Rather racism/white supremacy is about the superior, dominate position of whites and vast unequal power, conditions and opportunities and maintaining that imbalance of power through cooperative control and oppression.
Belief that racism is only bigotry is a vital part of false programming sold to you by the vested interests for your cooperation and submission to your own oppression. Such belief is whitenology sold by elite whites - publishers, scholars, professionals and government representatives and also promoted by showcase Blacks who parrot such false consciousness programs in various styles.
In reality, to be a racist is to be an "upholder, supporter and perpetrator of the institution of the White Supremacy Dynamic in a system of oppression (structured and perpetuated injustice—racism.)"
Elite racists [neuropeans] like to use word tricks or confuse with language. The terms "racist" and "racists" and racism are used interchangeably or confusingly by racists with what is really bigotry or just name calling. Amos Wilson explained that defining racism in terms of attitude or bigotry leads to solving the wrong problems. [MORE]
Dr. Blynd explains, "Racism is not individualistic, but institutional, cultural, economic, political, linguistic, self-perpetuating and systematic." White Supremacy is a power group dynamic involving the relationship between whites and Blacks in a vast system of unequal power. It is economic discrimination by one group over and against another for the purposes of subjugation and/or maintaining the imbalance of power through cooperative control, misinformation, indoctrination, genocide and oppression. Racists practice racism because they have the power to do so. As explained by Dr. Amos Wilson, 'to end racism/white supremacy we must end or neutralize white power.' [MORE]
Racism is white supremacy and white supremacy is racism. 'Everywhere one finds Whites and Blacks in close proximity to each other, whether it is Chicago or Zimbabwe, the Whites are in control. This extraordinary universal phenomenon which defies every known statistical law of probability is rarely questioned by African Americans (90% of the world is non-white)'. [MORE]
Specifically as defined in FUNKTIONARY;
bigot - one who manifests and expresses self hatred and self inferiority. Not to be confused with racism.
Bigotry - manfestation of the self-alien(h)ated and self hatred projected towards others, especially those of a different so-called race. Bigotry is personal, whereas white supremacy racism is an institutionalized group power dynamic and impersonal.
Racism White Supremacy - 1) psychopathic degeneracy. 2) "The local and global power system and dynamic, structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white, whether consciously or subconsciously determined, which consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response, as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labour, law, politics, religion, sex and war); for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on planet earth—a planet upon which the vast majority of people are classified as non-white (Black, Brown, Red and Yellow) by white skinned people, and all of the nonwhite people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin coloration) compared to the genetic recessive white skin people." -Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, MD.
"People who classify themselves as White, who wish to be taken seriously, and who are righteous and responsible, will only talk about ending White Supremacy (Racism) and replacing it with Justice."
There is no system of Black supremacy. Nelly Fuller has observed that there is only one functioning form of racism in the known world- White supremacy. He challenges his readers to identify and then to demonstrate the superiority or functional supremacy of any of the world's "non-white" peoples over anyone. Concluding that since there is no operational supremacy of any "colored" people, Fuller reveals that the only valid operational definition of racism is white supremacy. He observes that in spite of any and all statements the world's "non-white" peoples may make about themselves having economic and/or political independence and the like, in the final analysis, they are all victims of the white supremacy process.
In a system of white supremacy/racism non-whites cannot be racist to whites b/c they have no power to do so. It is a white over Black system of vast unequal power by design.
Anon explains:
Q: Why is it called “Racism/White Supremacy?”
A: Because this describes exactly WHO is practicing racism. For one group to practice racism that group must have MORE POWER than another group. Since whites control ALL the major areas of human activity in America — housing, education, health, entertainment, economics, politics, law, and religion — it is accurate to define all “racism” as “white supremacy.” We must be accurate so the victims of racism do not become confused.
Q: Isn’t all racism the same, regardless of who is practicing it?
A: There is only ONE kind of racism: white supremacy. White people are the only group in America with the POWER to discriminate (deprive or punish other ethnic groups), and the systems and institutions to maintain the imbalance of power.
For example, rich people are more powerful than poor people. Rich people have the POWER to discriminate against poor people by depriving them of income, promotions, jobs, housing, land, justice, and any other rights – if they choose to do so.
In America, whites have the POWER to discriminate against blacks (and other non-whites) by depriving them of income, promotions, jobs, housing, land, justice, and any other rights – if they choose to do so. It doesn’t matter that some whites are poorer than some blacks.
In all things and in all places in America, whites are collectively more powerful than blacks are collectively. This imbalance of (white) power creates the opportunity and the ability to practice racism against non-whites. Racism is not empty rhetoric (words) or mindless emotion. Racism is economic, political, institutional, and systematic POWER. Since whites control all the institutions and systems of power in America, only whites have the power to practice racism. [MORE]
Race is not real but racism is. [MORE] Racists are obsessed with skin color and their inability to produce color. They created the concept of race out of thin air. The only purpose of race is to practice racism. Having little biological validity, the term "race" is better translated to mean organization. The sole purpose of such organization is to maintain white domination and world control of non-whites, who have been frictionalized into made up classifications of people by racists. [MORE]
Gullible victims of RSW who have misunderstood the meaning of racism white supremacy have sought to reform the conduct of racists - reform their bad attitudes & behavior, mean words, stereotypes and prove their humanity to them through moral suasion. Such goals can be described as a moral quest for respect from racists and for more kinder & thoughtful white people. However, asking master "to do the right thing" misses the point entirely. At this point in history said goals are entirely pathological and perhaps even a sign of a mental disorder. The master-servant relationship must be destroyed, not updated and refined.
Justice requires the elimination of the causes of injustice. White Supremacy/Racism is the cause of problems such as poverty, economic inequality, lack of economic development, unemployment, drug addiction, infant mortality, AIDS, health disparities, chronic welfare dependency, lack of affordable housing, gentrification, homelessness, servant education, the unequal administration of justice, police brutality, jim crow like incarceration and much more. [MORE].
Although the system of racism/white supremacy is a main source of all Black people’s problems and oppression, it is not part of “the resistance” or “being woke” or the electoral “black politics” agenda. Rather, said approaches primarily focus on single issues such as “voting rights” or “police brutality” etc. and the unequal administration of laws in general as independent “civil rights” issues examined outside the context of racism/white supremacy. Said lens views issues separately and not as symptoms of the system of racism/white supremacy. In reality, most Blacks examine issues on an ad-hoc basis, the way white liberals and conservatives have defined said issues for them. Therefore, discussion never concerns how to attain the power to stop racists from practicing racism against them.