Contrary to Racist Disinformation, Brennan Center says Data Collected from Police Departments & FBI show Violent Crime, Murder, & Overall Crime Declined in the 30 Largest American Cities

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From [Brennan Center] In this final analysis of crime rates in 2018, we estimate that rates of violent crime, murder, and overall crime declined in the 30 largest American cities, with significant declines in murder. The data in this report are collected directly from local police departments. The FBI’s final 2018 data, covering the entire United States, will be released in September. 

The data reported here refine an initial Brennan Center report released in September, Crime and Murder in 2018: A Preliminary Analysis, which concluded that “increases in the murder rate in 2015 and 2016 were temporary, rather than signaling a reversal in the long-term downward trend” in crime and violence. A December update reached the same conclusion, showing rates of crime, violent crime, and homicide all declining. These continuing declines indicate that, while increases in crime in 2015 and 2016 merit further study, they did not signal the start of a new “crime wave.” 

 Updated Tables 1 and 2 support conclusions similar to the Brennan Center’s September and December reports, and now include complete data through the end of the year:

 Murder: The 2018 murder rate in the 30 largest cities is estimated to have declined by 8.0 percent since 2017. This finding indicates that the major-city murder rate will approximate 2015 levels but remain above 2014’s low point.

 Modest declines in most cities explain this decrease. The murder rate in Chicago, which increased significantly in 2015 and 2016, declined by nearly 12 percent but remains roughly 40 percent above 2014 levels. Baltimore, another city that continues to struggle with violence, also saw its murder rate decline by 9.1 percent. While Las Vegas saw its murder rate decrease significantly, by more than 40 percent, part of this decline is attributable to the mass shooting at the Mandalay Bay Resort, which led to an unusually high homicide total in 2017.

Some cities saw their murder rates rise in 2018, such as Washington, DC (35.6 percent) and Philadelphia (8.5 percent). These increases suggest a need to better understand how and why murder is increasing in some cities. New York City’s murder rate also increased, but by less than 1 percent, making it essentially the same as the 2017 rate. 

Crime: The overall crime rate in the 30 largest cities in 2018 is estimated to have declined slightly from the previous year, falling by 3.5 percent. If final FBI data track these findings, crime will have again reached a record low, driven by declining rates of property crime.

 Violent Crime: The violent crime rate is also estimated to have declined, falling by 4.0 percent from 2017.

Estimates of crime and violent crime are based on data from 25 of the nation’s 30 largest cities; estimates of murder include data from 26 cities. The Brennan Center’s previous report on crime in 2018 is available here, and a report studying crime trends from 1990 to 2016 is available here

See full report [HERE]

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Racist republicans and liberals always propagandize Black crime. For instance, although Washington D.C.’s murder rate rose in 2018, their murder rate had reached historic lows in 2017 with only 116 homicides. Yet this is nothing compared to what it was historically; in 1991 there were 482 murders and 443 and 454 murders respectively in 1992 and 1993. These numbers are obviously on a substantial downward decline in general. See Chart below. But you wouldn’t know that by listening to the local “dependent media” in DC such as the Washington Post who propagandize any “murder” that occurs and examine said numbers outside of historical context.

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“Most violent crimes (by number and by percentage of population) take place by Caucasians against Caucasians.” Wash Post video promotes disinformation that violent crime is at an all time high. Mentacidal young Black kids rap about stopping rampant gun violence, despite evidence to the contrary. Racists want Blacks to believe the crime rate is high, that Black people commit most of the crime and are inherently violent. Racist suspects also want us to believe in the 'comforting illusion that police are primarily engaged in law enforcement and that crime is comes from the ghetto and is nurtured by low socio-economic status and that only persons who are arrested by cops are “criminals.” [MORE] Conversely, Black criminals function as a negative reference group vital to maintaining the White American self-image.

Dr. Amos Wilson explains, "Alleged Black criminality, while evoking White American fear and loathing, reassures them of their vaunted self-worth, their assumed innately superior moral standing, of their self-congratulatory self-constraint in contrast with presumed Black American unworthiness, innate inferior moral standing, inherent criminality, lack of self-constraint and self-control.

White America's self-appreciation is enhanced as it insatiably feeds on overblown reports about Black criminality while denying its own incomparable criminal record, and its own racist-imperialist incubation and giving birth to the very same criminal forces which now threaten to destroy it.

Black criminals function as a negative reference group vital to maintaining the White American self-image. The Black criminal is used to support the White American community's self-serving, self-justifying judgments of itself. White America's preoccupation with Black criminality betrays its own need for reassurance; betrays its own basic insecurity regarding its projected moral purity. Consequently, the higher the incidence of reported Black criminality, the more exceptionally righteous White America feels itself to be. The more righteous it feels itself to be the more intensely and guiltlessly it promulgates and justifies its domination and exploitation of African peoples at home and abroad. [MORE]

Alleged Black criminality plays a very important role in defining the collective White American ego and personality. [MORE] Racists project criminality upon Blacks in order to treat Blacks criminally and to simultaneously empower themselves. Wilson states, such maneuvers are necessary in order to justify racist White American community's repression of African Americans and psychodynamically defend the collective White American ego complex. [MORE]

Conversely, when Black people believe such racist programming about themselves the product is a falsified consciousness. As stated by Amos Wilson, "it is not so much that the European says we are inferior, and that we are this and that, and that the European maligns our character, et cetera: It is the belief on our part that what he says is true that makes us crazy. It is a crazy reaction to what he says, an insane and unthinking kind of approach to dealing with what he says about us, that maintains the craziness. [MORE] Such a consciousness is a political necessity to maintain RSW. [MORE]