Keeping the Group Hallucination Alive: Trump’s Central Promise is the Elevation, Protection & Promotion of Whiteness - Shrinking White “Race" Fears Demographic Change & Loss of Power, Control
/FUNKTIONARY explains that a "Caucasian" is "One whose worst and most basic fear still remains genetic annihilation in the form of the fear of the impending "Black Planet." Whither goest thou white man? (See: Weiteko Disease, Yurungu, Western Civilization, Recessive Genes, Colored People, Melanin & Mutant).
RACE IS A GRANFALLOON. a "psychological retro-virus in people's minds." Suffering from the disease of constant comparison racists imagine themselves to be aTOP OF a hierarchy wherein persons unable to produce color & lacking melanin are supreme and they imagine themselves to be higher than what they imagine non-whites be. FUNKTIONARY EXPLAINS ‘RACE IS hue-man's greatest and most manipulated myth—just a pigment of your imagination. Race is not real but the psycho-socio-economic effects of racism surely is. Race as a biological construct has been created to be wrongly confused with ethnic identity in order to establish the sense of "otherness" and de-humanization of melanated peoples around the globe.”
The only purpose of race is to practice racism. Having little biological validity, the term "race" is better translated to mean organization. The sole purpose of such organization is to maintain white domination and world control of non-whites. [MORE]
Racism White Supremacy is a virus in the mind, a malignant meme that has both the host of the virus and the whole society sick. [MORE]
By Charles M. Blow From {NYT] The white male racist patriarchy will not be denied. It is having a moment. It has its own president.
According to a Pew Research Center analysis of race/ethnicity and sex among validated voters in the 2016 presidential election, white men were the only group in which a majority voted for Donald Trump — 62 percent — although a plurality of white women did also — 47 percent.
We are living through a flagrant display of a white male exertion of power, authority and privilege, a demonstration meant to underscore that they will forcefully fight any momentum toward demographic displacement, no matter how inevitable the math.
The fear of white male displacement is a powerful psychological motivator and keeps Trump’s base animated and active.
It keeps farmers holding out hope and making excuses for him, even as his trade war devastates their operations. It keeps coal country loyal, even as the promises of a revitalized coal industry ring hollow. It keeps white voters in the rust belt on the edge of their seats, waiting for the day that he will magically bring back manufacturing. It keeps white voters in the South heated over the issue of immigration and an “invasion” or “infestation” of Latin Americans.
Trump’s central promise as a politician has been the elevation, protection and promotion of whiteness, particularly white men who fear demographic changes and loss of status and privilege.
As Vox reported in 2017, white people of all ideologies, including liberals, become more conservative when confronted with the reality that a rising minority population means a loss of white dominance.
As the psychologist Jonathan Haidt recently told Vox:
“As multiculturalism is emphasized more and more, there emerges a reaction against it on the right, which is attractive to the authoritarian mind and also appeals to other conservatives. And this, I think, is what has happened, this is what Trump is about — not entirely, of course, but certainly this is a big factor.”
It is about stacking the courts, controlling the bodies of women (look no further than the raft of state abortion restrictions recently passed, including the outrageous new abortion law in Alabama), fighting the redefinition of gender as personified by the advances in liberty among people who are transgender, restricting the voting of nonwhite, less conservative groups, and controlling the flow of migrants into the country who do not bolster the white population.
But the stacking of the courts may well be the thing that makes all the others possible.
While much of the country tries to contend with the unending stream of outrages in the White House, the Senate majority leader is pushing through a steady stream of Trump’s far-right federal judges, often breaking precedent and allowing for their confirmations over their home state’s senators’ objection.
The recent confirmation of Joseph Bianco to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, based in New York, was Trump’s 38th confirmed circuit court judge, HuffPost reported last week, adding:
“That’s more circuit judges than any president has gotten by this point in a first term, and means that one in every six seats on the nation’s circuit courts is now filled by a Trump nominee.”
These are lifetime appointments. Even if demographics change over one’s lifetime, these judges will not.
As a recent Congressional Research Service report pointed out, 90 percent of Trump’s circuit court nominees have been white and 92 percent of those confirmed have been white. Among recent presidents, only Ronald Reagan — who opposed making Martin Luther King Jr. Day a federal holiday, but eventually reversed himself, and who vetoed the Comprehensive Apartheid Act, which, with a congressional override, leveled sanctions against South Africa for its oppressive racist social architecture — appointed and confirmed a higher percentage of white judges.
Eighty percent of Trump’s judicial nominees have been men, and men have been 74 percent of those confirmed.
None of this can fully prevent change, but it can slow it.
The strategy is to find a way to maintain white supremacy, white dominance, without the necessity of a white majority in the U.S. population.
The point is that once white people become a minority in America, the country itself will move from a majority rule ideal to a minority rule one.
Trump will be president for only two more years — or, God forbid, six more — but this tension and standoff over power and status will continue. At present, white men still control much of the power in this country.
Frederick Douglass once said, “Power concedes nothing without a demand.” I speculate that this power may not concede until its death rattle.
Mr. Blow does not fully understand what the global system of racism/white supremacy is. It is a global system of survival that most white people participate in. It is defined as follows:
Racism White Supremacy - psychopathic degeneracy. 2) "The local and global power system and dynamic, structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white, whether consciously or subconsciously determined, which consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response, as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labour, law, politics, religion, sex and war); for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on planet earth—a planet upon which the vast majority of people are classified as non-white (Black, Brown, Red and Yellow) by white skinned people, and all of the nonwhite people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin coloration) compared to the genetic recessive white skin people." -Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, MD. [MORE]
Whites have always been outnumbered worldwide - hence the need to create a global system for their white genetic survival and control over non-white people. As articulated Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, most white people consciously or subconsciously understand the following;
White plus Black equals Colored.
White plus Brown equals Colored.
White plus Yellow equals Colored.
White people are genetic recessive. In general, this means they cannot reproduce a white child when they have sexual relations with non-whites. The so-called white "race" can be replaced or "genetically annihilated" through such assimilation or social intermingling with non-whites. As white populations have been consistently declining, Black and Brown populations are surging. In fact, according to the Census Bureau, whites remain the only segment of the U.S. population where deaths outpace births. And this scares racists to death. [MORE]
Persons who classify themselves as Whites make up less than 10% of the world's population. That is, 90% of the world's population of 7 billion people are non-white.
The "fear of replacement" or fear of losing control over non-whites fuels the global system of white supremacy/racism and causes racists to act genocidally towards non-whites in a perceived "survival game" they are engaged in with "us" (an imagined "other" species.
Blow states, “The[ir] strategy is to find a way to maintain white supremacy, white dominance, without the necessity of a white majority in the U.S. population.” He misunderstands his actual contextual environment and is caught in the Spectacle presented to him by elites. He naively believes only Republicans are racist and fails to understand that there are different methods of practicing racism and racists may disagree or even wage wars over the ways of maintaining the system of racism. Majority is really meaningless. Whites have always been outnumbered worldwide - yet elite whites control nearly everything of important value and every resource worldwide and control the world’s wealth. As stated by Dr. Bobby Wright, 'everywhere one finds Whites and Blacks in close proximity to each other, whether it is Ferguson, Mo. or Zimbabwe, the whites are in control. Yet Blacks rarely question this extraordinary universal phenomenon which defies every known statistical law of probability.' [MORE]
So the real question Mr. Blow and all non-white people should be asking [as posed by Dr. Amos Wilson]
"[Blacks] must question how is it that a minority people [whites], a very small percentage of mankind, a people who are essentially resourceless in terms of their natural resources, maintain the power they have. Why is it that the peoples whose lands contain the wealth of the earth are the poorest people? Why is it that Afrika with some twenty (20) or thirty (30) strategic metals that make the space age possible — why is it that the image of Afrika is projected at us time and time again as that of starving children, as societies in disorder, as societies on the verge of disaster? This implies that there must exist a political, social situation wherein the mental orientation of our people must be so structured that the power and the ability of the Europeans to rule this earth are continually maintained.' [MORE]
Citing Frederick Douglass, Blow writes, “Power concedes nothing without a demand. I speculate that this power may not concede until its death rattle.” He doesn’t realize that white people’s power is based upon a consensual relationship it has with Black people. Said power will change when the relationship changes. The “demand” is a demand disciplined Black people must make upon themselves to individually drop the subordinate role they play with white people. Such introspection requires courage and effort from Black individuals. This true rebellion has nothing to do with petitioning government authority, moral suasory, singing songs, praying, chanting or other reactionary conduct that has kept Blacks “in a continuous state of checkmate” or in a “losing streak that is centuries long. [MORE]
FUNKTIONARY explains that among other things, the imbalanced power between Blacks and whites in the system of racism white supremacy is maintained through cooperative control. ‘Racism/white supremacy is a power group dynamic involving a master-servant relationship between whites and Blacks in a system of vast unequal power and conditions. Dr. Amos Wilson explains, “the oppressive configuration the White man has assumed in relationship to the Black man is in good part the result of the fact that we have permitted ourselves to remain in a complementary subordinate configuration conducive to his oppressive designs.”
Through the use of unrelenting psyops, elite whites maintain consensual control by keeping Black people in a state of mental maladaptiveness. [MORE] As explained by Wilson, "It is not so much that the European says we are inferior and that the European maligns our character, et cetera. It is the belief on our part that what he says is true that drives us to be crazy. It is a crazy reaction to what the European says, an insane and unthinking kind of approach to dealing with what he says about us, that maintains the craziness." [MORE] and [MORE]. Such a manufactured or falsified consciousness stupidly looks at the imbalance of power as a natural or coincidental outcome.
Neely Fuller explains that in the system of racism white supremacy ‘non-white people, regardless of age function as children. They are the servants to, the victims of, and the "children” under the power and direction of elite racists. Elite racists function as their parents, bosses, masters, and their major decision-makers.’ Elite racists hope and intend to keep all non-white people in a childish condition.’ [MORE]
Numbers do not sustain the system of white supremacy; the world is 90% non-white. It takes great individual effort to recognize your own false programming. But it is necessary to destroy the master-servant relationship helping to maintain the imbalance of power. Watch your mind. When a critical mass achieve a level of “endependence” it will change the world, discarding the old relationship like counterfeit currency.