If You Believe Cookouts, Music Videos by Somnesiacs & Movies About Super Heroes Fight the Power of White Supremacy Then You Are a Plaything In the Hands of Others
/"That'll Teach Whitey." ["Like Teddy Bears Stopping Cop Violence."] Eating seasoned grill meats and other soul food dishes, Black folks enjoyed themselves at a cookout at Lake Merritt Park in Oakland yesterday. The impromptu event was held in reaction to a white gentrifier who called the cops on a Black family having a cookout the day before in the same spot. It was intended to give "a big fat fuck you to gentrification and the criminalization of black folks." [MORE] Interesting. Did Native Americans Have a BBQ? How many of these parties would it take to effect the system of racism/white supremacy? who is the real master of this situation? Who's buttons ARE BEING pushed? [It Is better to not be the bbq!]
Can You Make a Mirror Out of a Brick? Dr. Frances Cress Welsing explained in a system of white domination non-white people “are in a continuous state of checkmate” and Black people are currently in a “losing streak that is centuries long. [MORE] The operating system of White supremacy is thriving, refining and updating itself right now while Blacks remain in a reactionary state. According to Dr. Amos Wilson, 'to live “reactionarily” means “always reacting to what other people are doing, always being overwhelmed by events, and overwhelmed by the future, instead of creating events, and creating the future, and making the future.' [MORE] Osho states 'to react means you are acting unconsciously. Somebody is manipulating you. Somebody says something, does something, and you react. The real master of the situation is somebody else. Somebody comes and insults you and you react, you become angry. Somebody comes and praises you and you smile and you become happy. Both are the same. You are a slave and the other knows how to push your buttons. You are behaving like a mechanism. You are an automaton, not a human yet.' [MORE]
Chancellor Williams and Welsing have both explained that most Blacks 'continue to live in a dream world where they believe that singing, marching, dancing, chanting, praying, poking holes in the air with signs and hoping will solve their problems.' [MORE] Elite whites remain in control by keeping Black people in a state of mental maladaptiveness - maintaining this mental state is a political, social necessity, Black people must be literal kept out of their minds - and they are. [MORE]
Dr. Amos Wilson explains, "to be oppressed is to make how one feels or expects to feel, the measure of all things. To be oppressed is to be ruled through one's feelings and emotions. It is to be exquisitely exposed to and manipulated by a play on one's dreads and fears by one's oppressors; by a play on one's needs for respite from their terror; by a play on one's needs for catharsis, solace, and compensatory joy. Anxiety is the whip in the hand of the oppressor used to drive the oppressed to completion of their appointed rounds."
He further states, "White supremacy works most efficiently when subordinated Afrikans feel that they have freely chosen to think and behave the way they do when in actuality they have been subliminally compelled to do so by the psychopolitical machinations of their White oppressors. Thus, the subordinated Afrikan feels freest when he is most controlled. And his pursuit of apparent freedom is often the pursuit of unapparent enslavement.' [MORE]
And so we see it now amongst Black social media - an over-analysis of movies about comic book heroes and fear driven music videos by somnesiacs or conduct such as cookouts [see above] and many other activities & behavior that have nothing to with addressing the open warfare continuously being waged against the Black collective. [MORE]
Donald Glover Doesn't Want To Explain “This is America” Music Video. Another MASTER OF SILENCE. SOMETIMES Fools and wise folks LOOK THE SAME B/C THEY remain silent. Trying to appear wise, a fool knows to keep his mouth shut b/c if he talks his mind state will be revealed.
Here, Mr. Stay Woke dreamt he was dreaming. He's got it upside down: unconscious sheople miss what is obvious and right in front of their face. Easy to do when you are seeing with a mind filled with programming, indoctrination, prejudices, fears, memories, etc. that distorts one's ability to see critically or clearly. Like Black people not seeing the system of racism/white supremacy that hides in plain sight. Dr. Bobby Wright observed something obvious that Black people often overlook. He said, ‘although the world's 7 billion inhabitants are 90% non-white, everywhere one finds Whites and Blacks in close proximity to each other, the Whites are in Control. Yet Blacks rarely question this extraordinary universal phenomenon which defies every known statistical law of probability.' [MORE] To the extent that "being woke" is focused only on awareness of certain political realities it is partial & incomplete. To work on the external ultimately means to work on changing the thinking & behavior of racists and to try to transform them through moral suasion - which is futile & also a failed strategy at this point in history. Begging or searching for sympathy from racists is actually flattering to them and complimentary to the unequal relationship white people have with Blacks. As stated by Wilson, 'the white man cannot be what he is unless we are what we are as a people. When we change our consciousness they will be transformed automatically because the white supremacy dynamic or the substance of that relationship would cease to be reciprocal or voluntary.' [MORE]
ESCAPISM. The fear of confronting white supremacy. Hit snooze!
Concerned only with the external, "being woke" lacks an inner dimension so it cannot be transformative or change consciousness - thus, you can "be woke" and unawakened. It is self deception to believe these concepts are the same. The accumulation of information cannot transform you - lacking interiority, it is just 'spray on.' Osho explained, 'believing you are awake is the greatest illusion man lives in. And once you accept that you are already awake, then there is no question of making any effort to be awake."
Dr. Blynd observes that when we are "obsessed with the content of our thoughts, we fail to recognize the process."
"A battle for the mind." Don't be scared.
What is mind anyway? The mind is created by the society. [MORE] "Consciousness is the premier instrument of social control. Those who represent and exercise societal and cultural authority seek to shape and direct the conciseness of each of the society's members in ways which maintain their integrity and advance their interests." [MORE] "Osho explains that 'the conscious means society inside you. It is a trick of society. This created mind creates a prison around you.' [MORE] To exist in a particular society you need a particular mind. [MORE] Through unrelenting psy-ops elite racists have programmed Black people with a falsified Afrikan consciousness. Like a remote control programmed by elite racists your mind is a puppet that is controlled externally. [MORE] That is to say, right now, your mind is not your own.
Dog chasing its tail is logical. life is not logic. what are the limits of logic?
Wilson explains that such a manufactured mind in a system of white supremacy "requires that Blacks involuntarily and obsessively deceive themselves. This collective self-deception, which is the benchmark of oppressed Black consciousness, is the main product of White-Black social power relations, motivated by anxiety and ignorance, founded on the denial and distortion of reality. Such a consciousness and its produced behaviors require that Blacks operate against their own best interests in the interests of their White oppressors; that they be self-denying, self-defeating, and oftentimes self-destroying, while convincing themselves that the opposite is true.' [MORE] [such a mind set makes it impossible for Blacks to become Endependent and/or have a unified group consciousness necessary to successfully build effective Black organizations, businesses & political movements.] That is to say, right now, "your mind is not your own."
Dr. Blynd says that individuals should go through a process of unlearning - "a process of eliminating obsolete and /or inaccurate foundational concepts by totally reorienting one's methods of accessing, coordinating, juxtaposing and internalizing data, perceptions, opinions, facts, truths and subjective reality." [MORE]
Doc prescribes the following remedy: "Now, you already know that a mind is a terrible thing to waste or let go to waste. So, in order for the mind to go beyond all wasted conditioning, there must be a complete cessation (through profound meditation) of the experiencer (the modifier, the censor, the ego-entity) who makes running commentary about the experience, with the urge to grasp or the urge to change, repeat, accept or reject." "The mind is a cage, but if you look inside it will find no prisoner. Only with a stillness of the mind can the unknown come into being." [MORE] and [MORE]
Similar to Huey but without a gun to defend to himself [gun ban = precursor to servitude.] Like hitting the lotto, the lucky Black inhabitants of their imaginary country were fortuitously struck by an asteroid which enabled them to advance technologically. However, their consciousness was mediocre - as they remained dependent on authority, super-obedient citizens and rulership was based on brute force. good thing mike tyson didn't live there.
In FUNKTIONARY Dr. Blynd lays out the following for your mind:
somnamnesiac - one who is sleepwalking coupled with the absence or memory loss of sense of True Self. 2) any one of the billions of clueless masses fast asleep as the planet spins even while appearing wide-awake. "One should not act or speak as if he were asleep." -Heraclitus. Sleep does not override the claims and chains of habit. "Awake thou that sleepest...and Christ shall give thee light." This passage implies that the human consciousness is in a dream state from this Christ or Divine Sonship must awaken or quicken it. Christ is light. Innately we have the mind of Christ. The mind which Jesus (as a mythological figure) used and realized is Christ; this Mind dwells within all of us. Wake up, sedated, sleeping sheeple, or sleep if you choose—the choice is yours! SaviorSelf while you're still vertical and ventilating. (See: Awakening, Funkronomicron, Asili, Vampires, Zombies, Mis-America, Consciousness, SaviorSelf, Habit, Impulse, SONY Playstation, Spontaneity & Asleep).
reaction - acts (energy patterns) backed by thought—doing something because of something else. 2) a programmed and unprepared reply to a stimulus-scenario based on ready-made answers which come out of the past and are unconscious in nature. 3) a negative attachment. 4) activity arising out of negativity and resistance. Reaction is acting unconsciously; a conditional reflex—somebody is manipulating you for the mechanism (automaton) that you are. Most people most of the time react (like puppets) to their memory-based factual interpretations of what has happened (or happened to them), rather than respond (consciously) to what actually happened. Your interpretations all-too-often have a hypnotic, stupefying, stymieing, and debilitative effect on you. A slave reacts, a master initiates, demurs, chills or responds from an informed, calm and awakened ''point of view. Man has conditioned himself to think that thought must govern action (be it rational or irrational thoughts). Man doesn't move (like the cosmos), he makes moves—fear based and fear-driven. As long as your actions are based in reacting, you remain a plaything in the hands of others—push the button. (See: Response, Recall Button, Cohesive Perception, Tyrant-Paradigm, West-Wingers, Action, Centering, Conditioning, King TUT, Adhesive Perception, Cover-Stories & Pixelated People).
More on the difference between reaction and authentic conscious response. [HERE]