[On Lacking the Mamba Mentality] Did Lebron Jinx The Suns? In Its Promotion of Niggativity the Dependent Media Pretended Not to Notice as Their Rolebot Champ Cheered On the Team that Dominated Him

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In its propaganda of rolebot Lebron James as “a winner” the dependent media, which Ishmael Reed describes as a “segregated white-owned enterprise with billions of dollars at their disposal,” consistently ignores or glosses over even his most egregious loser conduct. Cheering for the team that just eliminated you from playoff contention is anti-competitive. During pivotal game 5 of the NBA Championship Lebron sat court side and cheered on the Phoenix Suns (after his appearance they didn’t win another game). The same Suns who eliminated Lebron’s team, the LA Lakers, winners of last year’s bullshit COVID bubble “championship,” in the first round of the playoffs in game 6. To be clear, the Suns didn’t eliminate the Lakers last season, it happened last month. Also, it was no ordinary victory, the Suns embarrassed the Lakers on their home floor in game 6 and Lebron in particular [please don’t take BW’s word for it, go watch it for yourself, if it hasn’t already been scrubbed from the internet]. While facing elimination at crunch time in the 4th quarter of game 6, the Suns players bounced up and down the court visibly talking shit to Lebron and despite the fact that his teammates desperately needed his scoring especially due to the loss of Anthony Davis, aloof Lebron wandered around the court like a child searching for a lost puppy. Lebron didn’t look like an old guy who still had the Mamba mentality but no longer possessed his physical gifts, he was non-competitive and disinterested. As if it never happened, the usually gossipy and chatty dependent sports media had no reaction to BronBron’s conduct after either episode. (Sports Illustrated noted that he brought a bottle of his tequila to the game). A silent approval and an indirect message from elite whites that his conduct was normal for a great champion like Lebron. Rooting for the team you are playing against is the same as rooting against yourself and the essence of self-defeat, the conduct of a loser. Can you imagine the media outrage if Sixers guard Ben Simmons traveled to Atlanta and sat court side to root for the Hawks in their series against the Milwaukee Bucks?

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Neely Fuller correctly states in the system of racism white supremacy Black people are subject to the direct and indirect power of elite racists in all areas of activity including Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, religion, Sex and War. Therefore, elite racists are the direct or indirect masters of Black people. Elite racists are responsible for everything that happens or does not happen in regards to Black people.’ Fuller describes Black people as “the powerless class” because it accurately describes the power relationship between Blacks and whites. He explains, "in a socio-material system dominated by White Supremacists, all major decisions involving non-white people are made by White Supremacists. The White Supremacists are their bosses, their masters, and their major decision-makers. Whatever a Black person gets, and/or is allowed to keep, is the result of decisions made by elite racist suspects. This is the functional meaning of White Supremacy (Racism) that many people — particularly non-white people — prefer not to acknowledge. [MORE]. Nevertheless, in reality it is elite whites who control Black people’s food, electricity, water, jobs, education, information, etc. Dr. Amos Wilson asks “Who tells you what to wear when you go to work? Who tells you when to come to work...when to leave...when to go to lunch...how to speak...how to write...how to do this...how to do that...and how are these things taught, and how they are conditioned?"-- It is by reward and punishment. " You do this you get paid; you don't do this you don't get paid; you get a raise, you get docked. What do we have here? . . ‘ ‘To live under the power of another people is to be created by that people. To be rewarded or punished by that people is to be created by that people.’

In the area of “entertainment” the dependent media makes great use out of Showcase Blacks to control the behavior and thinking of Black and other non-white people. In the hands of elite, corporate, racist suspects entertainment, as Dr. Blynd explains, “is mental masturbation bringing you to indoctrination—coming into your (five) senses.” Elite racists have created an entire community of “Showcase Blacks” or rolebotic Blacks whom they control through various rewards and punishments. Said role-bots have priceless value to racists in the system of racism white Supremacy. FUNKTIONARY explains, “A role-bot merely plays the role of the mask - the personae - society issued and approved.” Said “coin-operated negros” are high-profile blacks that are constantly paraded before the public. They may be political dignitaries, pro athletes, entertainers, educators, business people, judges or elected officials. Anon explains, Showcase Blacks are not showcasing themselves, they are being showcased by white supremacists to promote some aspect of racism white supremacy (RWS).’ A function of showcase blacks is to present a numerous array of personalities and characters in movies, tv, social media programming that are compatible with the white supremacy dynamic, servant role and government authority. Black individuals indulging in the entertainment thereafter mimic, download and integrate the SNiggering, dancing, singing, begging, emotional, thug, nigger/ho/bitch, obedient, ongoing smiling face, sambo, BOHICAN characters presented into their own personalities. Like Chuck D said “people see, people do, and these brand new pied pipers have got a hold on you.” The illusion of Lebron James, not the real Lebron James, is such a character.

Back in the day the dependent media declared Lebron great before he had actually done anything great. Obviously, Lebron is ineligible for “White privilege,” which FUNKTIONARY defines as “an invisible package of unearned assets bequeathed to all Caucasians or an invisible weightless knapsack of advantages.” [MORE] But as an elite showcase Black and in exchange for dutifully playing his role, Lebron has been given an “invisible knapsack of advantages” which include exaggerating his accomplishments, ignoring his frequent lack of competitiveness, overlooking his disappearances at clutch time and equating his mediocrity with excellence and lack of criticism from sports media and more. Despite having accomplished very little, elite whites at Nike and Espn pre-King’ed him, “King James.” At once he summarily surpassed Wilt, Oscar, Elgin, Russell and Kareem straight into greatness. Only Jordan, a suspected target of all such programming, could reasonably be consider greater, or so goes the white historiography or white boy’s criteria. There was never a need to dethrone Kobe in face to face competition or alternatively, to even exceed his accomplishments – Lebron was deemed better and presumptively superior to Larry Bird, Magic, Julius Erving or Olajuwan because elite racists and their Black proxymoronic parrots said so. Similar to how racist suspect sports “journalists” elevated boxer “Triple G” to greatness despite the reality that he would’ve gotten knocked the fuck out by his contemporary, Andre Ward, a legend he ran from (among others) during his still overhyped career.

Most importantly, throughout his career the dependent media has falsely associated Lebron with “winning.” No matter how much rationalizing goes on, losing is not winning in professional basketball. The main goal of the NBA is to win championships. Lebron is often equated with Tom Brady, a consistently clutch NFL player whose name has become synonymous with winning. However, Brady is perceived as a winner because he actually wins and is expected to win Super Bowls. Lebron has lost six (6) championships and won four. That is, he won 4 out of 10 attempts. In real life, doing something 40% of the time gets people fired, demoted, transferred, bad credit, evicted or docked pay. Six championship losses makes him perhaps the greatest loser of championships of all time in any sport. He loses championships most of the time. Clearly, the dependent media would never let it go if Brady quit during the 4th quarter of an elimination game and shortly thereafter was found cheering on the sideline for the same team that embarrassed him in the following championship round. In reality, Lebron is more like Peyton Manning – a legend no doubt, but not legendary when it matters the most. However, in The Spectacle he is predicted by the dependent media to win next years NBA championship every year.

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The showcasing of Lebron as a champion is a very small part of ongoing psy-ops or false consciousness programming aimed at Black people to promote niggativity, negrosis and the annihilation of Black self-respect in general. In less pronounced ways it also being done now with failed rolebot, Simone Biles whom the NY Times proclaimed “the GOAT” despite and after her mental meltdown at the Olympics yesterday. “Winning is losing” or “2 plus 2 = 5” is not dissimilar to the relentless illogical propaganda peddled to neuropeon believers in Trump world who want to be deceived and are preoccupied with “the destruction of reason.” Social relations between Blacks and whites are mediated by false images and narratives within The Spectacle. According to FUNKTIONARY, in this constructed reality the totality of the messaging and images presented are the actual materialization of the ideology of racism white supremacy. Dr. Blynd states The Spectacle is “the mirrorization of the noumenon into the phenomenal universe without understanding or overstanding it as such an objectivization in duality.” Relentless propaganda maintains the cooperative master servant relationship between Blacks and whites and has kept Black people in a "continuous state of checkmate” and a “losing streak that is centuries long.” [MORE]

According to Dr. Amos Wilson, ‘The only way that Black people can be in the condition we are in is to believe lies. Our mentality has been reversed and our behavior made backwards because we take the lie for the truth, and the truth for the lie. A small minority in the world [white people are less than 10% of the global population] can only rule by making backwards the mentality of the large majority. It makes mentally backward the large majority by reversing the truth, creating lies and getting the majority to believe the lies that it creates.’ He explains, ‘For the degradation of Black people to be effectively realized into self-hatred and self-defeat, Black people have to accept what whites say. It is not so much that the European says we are inferior and that the European maligns our character, et cetera. It is the belief on our part that what he says is true that drives us to be crazy. It is a crazy reaction to what the European says, an insane and unthinking kind of approach to dealing with what he says about us, that maintains the craziness." [MORE]. As a result, ‘Black consciousness and behavior under the various regimes of White domination is characterized by habitual thought patterns and behavioral tendencies which render them pliable to White authoritarian social control with minimal resistance; which induce Blacks to accept their subordinate status as natural, perhaps actually to misperceive their oppression as freedom." This manufactured consciousness and its produced behaviors require that Blacks operate against their own best interests in the interests of their White oppressors; that they be self-denying, self-defeating, and oftentimes self-destroying, while convincing themselves that the opposite is true.' [MORE] The goal of the perpetual showcasing of Lebron James is to promote:

Niggativity - self-destructive thought-forms programmed as looped subroutines into the minds and subconscious of descendants of enslaved Africans by descendants of former slavemasters—source-coded to induce thought patterns and resulting reactions that perpetuate the sense of self-hatred, self-ignorance and self-denial ultimately and effectively aborting, sabotaging and annihilating any concrete attempts of people of African descent to become a self-determined people.

Negrosis - the psychological disease affecting and afflicting native Black Americans, Afrikans, Afrikan-Americans, Negroes and all other people of Afrikan genetic heritage characterized by double-consciousness resulting from the falsification of Afrikan consciousness, history and applied spiritual sciences. (See: Double-Consciousness & Asili)

Entertainment Criminals - the Media Mafia. If you give them your attention, you give them your power, unless you can observe the Spectacle without involvement, consumeristic demand or mindless attachment to a virtual world.

Rooting for those who dominate you and pretending that winning 40% of the time is the work of champs is not the kind of consciousness capable of fighting the power of racism white supremacy - and that is the crux of the entire matter. To perpetually maintain this white over Black system it is a political necessity for a mass of Black people to be kept in a state of mental maladaptiveness. In direct contrast, racists and mentacidal Blacks are probably threatened by the image of Michael Jordan because he carried himself with supreme self-confidence, self-acceptance and self-love and played the game with a relentless intensity, as if he was in a life or death struggle with an enemy that he had to defeat to survive. MJ did not cheer for people who beat him, he tried to destroy them. He had his own self-imposed standards of excellence and his greatness was self-generated. Win or fuck it. He was not a quitter and he did whatever it took to win. Jordan was a winner because he was legendary whenever it mattered– to him winning was the only standard of success. The example he set was the forerunner to the so-called “mamba mentality” that Kobe and other courageous, gamblers try to imitate. That mind or something similar is a necessary element of sports greatness. Such a a consciousness in other, more important areas of people activity, it is most likely also a required element for Black individuals in mass to neutralize and destroy racism white supremacy. Although most Blacks believe they are awake, they are fast asleep and must wake up. Dr. Frances Cress Welsing explained, ‘Thus far, all persons such as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, the BPP, Marcus Garvey, Elijah Mohammed, Nelson Mandela and many courageous others who have attempted to establish justice and/or to eliminate racism white supremacy have utterly failed.’ [MORE] Self transformation must take place; not attempting to change white folks or waiting for them to change or to free us, like a slave, but Black individuals transforming their thinking and being one by one.

Osho Rajineesh explained, “You cannot do anything about the deceivers, so don't be worried, let them be themselves. But you can do something about yourself, that is the point.” Consensual, voluntary master servant relations, which are the gravamen of racism white supremacy, is something Black people can control and must be destroyed. Black people live under whites in a white over Black system due to the power whites exercise over them. If Black people truly want to change the conditions that they live under then they must change their relations with whites. Under such a circumstance elite whites at ESPN and elsewhere could go on with their ‘Lebron is a winner’ fantasy programming but Black individuals having a truer consciousness would instinctively ignore and drop it, like valueless currency or fake gold.

Wilson states;

“The ability of dominant Whites to socially manufacture or markedly influence Afrikan states of consciousness and conduct in the interest of perpetuating White supremacy, is both the source and product of the power relations and inequalities which inhere between these races. The White social manufac­ture of Black consciousness and behavior will end when the power differentials which make this process possible are equalized or reversed by the increased Black empowerment. This necessary equation or reversal of power relations begins when Afrikans come to understand the nature of power, its social origins and applications; when they recognize that they are as capable of its acquisition and disposition as are their European (and other ethnic group) counterparts; and when they consciously and deliberately choose to acquire and dispose of it in their own interests and in the defense of their own liberty.” He also states, “The strategies and tactics by which dominant Whites attempt to order, re-order and disorder Afrikan consciousness and behavior must be neutralized by Afrikan-centered strategic and tactical counterattacks. The metaphysical preparation to undertake such countermoves first must include the thorough decolonizing of Afrikan consciousness and the strategic organization of the Afrikan community, making it capable of creating a collective intelligence and adaptational talent which in turn will enable it to overthrow White supremacy and achieve its liberation from oppression. [MORE] and [MORE]