academented – the brittle psychological condition resulting from years of indoctrination and predictive programming at an Academy or system of institutionalized compulsory “education.” - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

academented – the brittle psychological condition resulting from years of indoctrination and predictive programming at an Academy or system of institutionalized compulsory “education.” 2) overdosing on our addiction to logical thinking and succumbing to its deleterious side effects of mental meltdown and spiritual sclerosis. 3) minds that have fossilized into fixed modes of dualistic thinking. 4) too busy thinking to realize the absence of seeing. 5) dumbing yourself down by degrees. A degreed mind usually bears witness to the amount or extent of impediment. To teach only that which is sanctioned or permitted by the agents of Corporate State or publicly “funded” educational farms is to be truly academented. It is the squaring of the circle—the squaring of your brain. That’s what the mortarboard hat symbolizes. You are officially dumbed-downed and socialized to the point where you will work in their system and allow 33% to 66% of your earnings to be stolen from you without questioning the obvious slavery involved nor questioning reality you’ve been presented with. “Unless we are exercised in work we have no hunger for learning, and when learning is forced artificially upon a man who has no appetite for it, the digestive organs have no power to digest it. Learning which is forcibly crammed in is not digested. A degreed mind usually bears witness to the extent of the impediment. Mental dysentery sets in and the intellectual powers are atrophied and die.” ~Vinoba Bhave. “Some people learn more and just create more trouble; by being less ignorant, their foolishness is more serious.” ~Ray Grigg. We are a people of unsound and unstable minds and just our mere thinking can kill us when our education becomes an unhealthy exercise. “People are fragile things you should know by now.” ~Corrine Bailey Rae. “True words are not fine-sounding; fine-sounding words are not true. The good man does not prove by argument; and he who proves by argument is not good. True wisdom is different from much learning; much learning means little wisdom.” ~Tao Te Ching. “All-in-all you’re just another brick in the wall. Hey, teacher—leave them kids alone.” (See: “Education,” Plato, Freedumb, Excluded Middle, Aristotelitis, Symbols, Reality-Based, Mistakes, General Semantics, Psychological Alignment, Specialized Language, Negative Capability, Homo Insciens, Paradox, Zen, Error, Failure, Truth, Law, Ph.F. Degree, Psychological Reversal, Inframation, Profane, Substitute Life, Truth Based, Languaculture, The Group, Dozers, Tyrannolaw, Knowledge, Knowingness, Awareness, Wisdom & Disentanglement)