chidults –children in adult bodies—unweaned and often seen 2) Kidults. Dependency and irresponsibility are the offspring of a nation and society obsessed with truth and law instead of reality. D-Blynd

According to FUNKTIONARY

chidults – children in adult bodies—unweaned and often seen. 2) Kidults. Dependency and irresponsibility are the offspring of a nation and society obsessed with truth and law instead of reality. Chidults are the type of insecure misfits who hide behind rules they use to siphon money from their victims. They know nothing of wisdom or love. Chidults, unaware of their pathetic weakness, have no power to protect themselves when the karma of their actions come due. Chidults hide their insecurity by a curious inversion technique. If you can’t have real power (wisdom and self-confindence), then obviously you must find a substitute. Childults are the blame for the 101 Damnations and Miserabelia. Teach and/or demonstrate chidults how to make truths that increase their awareness, thereby increasing their love. As long as we cannot be children we cannot fully become adults. The childhood that we have not fully experienced draws us back to it—even so in our adult bodies. Remember, you’re only young once, but you can be immature indefinitely. (See: Weaning, 101 Damnations, Fear, Miserabelia, Religion, Male-Fraud, Responsibility, Spiritual Maturity & Childish)