In the Next Act Will Dylann Roof Disappear? Evidence Just Speaks for Itself in So-Called "Sentencing" of So-Called "Racist"
/What is Belief and Do You Suffer From it? From [HERE] and [HERE] Seeming to abdicate one of his last chances to save his own life, the convicted killer Dylann S. Roof stood on Wednesday before the jurors who will decide his fate and offered no apology, no explanation and no remorse for massacring nine black churchgoers during a Bible study session in June 2015.
Instead, in a strikingly brief opening statement in the sentencing phase of his federal death penalty trial, Mr. Roof repeatedly assured the jury that he was not mentally ill — undercutting one of the few mitigating factors that could work in his favor — and left it at that.
“Other than the fact that I trust people that I shouldn’t and the fact that I’m probably better at constantly embarrassing myself than anyone who’s ever existed, there’s nothing wrong with me psychologically,” Mr. Roof, who is representing himself, told the jury, which found him guilty last month of the killings at Charleston’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church.
Three minutes after walking to the lectern, Mr. Roof returned to the defense table, exhaling deeply.
Any prospects for mercy by the jury had perhaps already been drained by the prosecution’s disclosure, in its opening statement, of a white supremacist manifesto written by Mr. Roof in the Charleston County jail sometime in the six weeks after his arrest.
“I would like to make it crystal clear I do not regret what I did,” he wrote in his distinctive scrawl. “I am not sorry. I have not shed a tear for the innocent people I killed.”
Mr. Roof, who was then 21, continued: “I do feel sorry for the innocent white children forced to live in this sick country and I do feel sorry for the innocent white people that are killed daily at the hands of the lower race. I have shed a tear of self-pity for myself. I feel pity that I had to do what I did in the first place. I feel pity that I had to give up my life because of a situation that should never have existed.”
As the government laid out its case for a death sentence, the prosecutor who read from the journal, Nathan S. Williams, an assistant United States attorney, told the jury of 10 women and two men that Mr. Roof’s deadly rampage was a premeditated act that had devastated the families of his victims.
Later, aided by a slide show, he described each of the victims and their lives, setting the stage for several days of gut-wrenching testimony by family members and friends of the victims. Mr. Williams emphasized that Mr. Roof was capable of remorse and regret, reminding jurors that he had left his mother a note of apology, but only for the pain he knew his actions would cause his own family.
The presentations were a startling beginning to the trial’s sentencing phase, which is expected to run into next week in Federal District Court. On Dec. 15, after six days of testimony in which defense lawyers did not contest his guilt, the jury found Mr. Roof guilty of 33 counts, including hate crimes, obstruction of religion resulting in death, and firearms charges.
Eighteen of those counts require the jury to decide whether to sentence Mr. Roof, now 22, to death or life in prison without the possibility of parole. To impose a death sentence, jurors must unanimously find that aggravating factors like premeditation and the number and vulnerability of the victims outweigh any mitigating factors, like the absence of prior violent behavior and demonstrations of redemption and remorse. Mr. Roof is also facing a death penalty trial in state court.
And so it shall be done. If any of this is really real.

Right. As with several odd photoshopped photographs and "his" detailed unauthenticated handwritten journal and online manifesto, which was never updated and appears to be written by multiple authors [MORE], the unrepresented Mr. Roof did not make any objections to the admissibility of "his" so-called jail writings.
His so-called confession (done without counsel present) served as the centerpiece of the prosecution’s case. Prosecutors also introduced an array of uncontested technical evidence, such as phone records and GPS data, to demonstrate Mr. Roof’s premeditation and document his views on race. To recap, he waived an attorney for his confession, waived his right to attorney for trial but then after after jury selection said he wanted one for the trial but not for sentencing. (kind of like how cell phone service is made available & then unavailable to characters in horror movies nowadays)
Oh, did you see the cops high speed chase dramatic capture arrest of Roof? lol. The one where the cops approach the "armed & dangerous" "psycho killer" with their guns in the holsters? 4 thumbs down.
Do You Know Why I Pulled You Over Though? [MORE]
The trial featured six days of testimony from 30 prosecution witnesses and it painted a picture of a young man filled with racial hatred who spent months planning to murder black people. A very familiar narrative - like a Lifetime movie; easy to follow and one African American's might want to believe - but all beleifs are dangerous. [A believer- one who accepts that which has no basis in reality. 2) a person who enjoys being deceived. A believer does not seek—just accepts theologies and/or ideologies. MORE]
Much of the evidence was duplicative, rendundant and unnecessary. As Roof was not disputing any elements of any of the charges the volume of information was more prejudicial than probative and possibly could have been excluded by the defense. But Roof's attorney did not do much. No one testified on his behalf. Apparently, Mr. Roof's attorney did not make a single objection during the entire "trial." His attorney apparently also did not file any substantive pre-trial motions to exclude Roof's admissions.
During closing argument Roof's attorney argued Roof was a suicidal, impressionable loner who never grasped the gravity of what he did. However, if his defense attorney really wanted to mitigate or minimize Roof's criminal responsibility for the murders it could have offered expert testimony or other evidence to explain the undue influence older adults or racist materials had upon Roof. With no apparent defense strategy, Roof could have also changed his plea from "not guilty" to guilty prior to trial. That is, since his strategy was to do nothing during trial he could have plead guilty to the information (all the charges). The trial seem to serve no purpose for Roof. If he intended to do a "slow plea" in front of the jury then Roof could have testified to explain himself. But he didn't.
Defense attorney David Bruck even conceded in his closing argument that Roof killed the victims and praised the FBI investigation. Sounds like they were all on the same team. Quite a show.
Oops. With all the overwhelming info coming in the mainstream media forgot to mention thatRoofwore shoes to court this week that had racist symbols drawn on them, according to an FBI agent who testified Friday. During a search of his cell, guards found a pair of white slip-on sneakers emblazoned with hand-drawn Celtic crosses, emblems associated with white supremacy, and an “88” symbol, which is considered a numerical code for “Heil Hitler.” [MORE] No Objection Judge.
Due to the contrived nature of the evidence (immediate, volunteered full confession, murder plans journal, unauthenticated facebook page, a familiar, convenient narrative, immaculately planned murders without a get-away-plan, etc) many believe that the entire episode was a false flag operation conducted by the government. [hmmm, and why would Government public servants kill Black people?] This uncontested trial & its one sided sentencing will probably do little to dispel many of the false flag theories out there.