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[You have something they can never have; skin color] Alabama Tanning salon apologizes for offensive ad

White people lack color and melanin and they dislike this difference. As stated by Dr. Welsing, 'always, in the presence of color whites will feel genetically inferior. Therefore they use make-up, tan their skin and exercise excessively to compensate for their perceived deficiency.' [MORE]

From [HERE] Club Sun Color Studios, a tanning salon based in Alabama raised controversy by posting an ad on its Facebook page promoting a Thanksgiving tanning specialthey were running. As reported by WPMI Local 15, the ad many find offensive shows a brunette woman dressed in a Native American costume next to a blonde woman with lighter skin dressed in a pilgrim costume. It reads: “The Indians brought more than just ‘corn’ to the first Thanksgiving…they brought Sexy ‘Color!’”

We’re not exactly sure why the word ‘corn’ is in quotes, but Club Sun representatives stated that they did not mean to offend the public with their sunless spray tan advertisement. David Arnett, Marketing Director of Club Sun, himself a confused victim of white supremacy, apologized for the ad and said, “I myself am Native American, and I am very proud of my heritage and skin tone. The thought process behind the ad was simply a play on my own ‘sexy color.' Again, I apologize for any offense and misunderstanding." The ad is now gone from the Club Sun Color Studios Facebook page.

Color defeciency along with numerical inadequacy (90% of the world is non-white and the white population is declining) cause many white people to be self alienated, narcissistic/self important, have anxiety, depression [MORE] and to function as psychopaths in their relations with non-whites.