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Mittens' White Party Customers Propose New Logos for GOP Brand- Empty Chair Display Featuring Watermelons & 'Go Back to Africa' Witch Doctor Sign

In front of a home in Morgan Hill, Ca. and just feet from an official "Mitt Romney for President"  sign sat a chair, empty except for two watermelons. Draped along the side of the chair was a rope tied into a noose with a sign set up to look like a teleprompter that read "Go back to Kenya." [MORE

Not to be outdone, Bill Skuby (in photo below), a white man who owns  a men's clothing store in Spring Lake, NJ showed his love for white nationalism by placing in his storefront window a photo of the 44th President of the United States, naked except for a primitive loincloth, with a bone through his nose, witch-doctor style. Underneath the image, a caption is written in black and white: 'ObamaCare - coming soon to a clinic near you.' The 'C' is depicted as a classic Communist hammer and sickle, a symbol not as regularly seen since the fall of the Soviet Union. But his insists he is not racist because he has a bi-racial child. She probably has a good head on her shoulders. [MORE]. Does having a non-white friend, spouse or family member disqualify a white person from being a white supremacist/racist? Anon offers the following: 

Q: What is a “Racist Suspect?”

A: ANY white person who is CAPABLE of practicing racism against non-whites. Since all whites are able to practice racism in a white supremacy system if they choose to do so, it is correct (and logical) to use the term “racist suspects” to identify whites who do not openly function as white supremacists (racists). This is not a hateful, unjust, or racist statement, but it is a logical statement.

Q: What is a “White Supremacist?”

A: A white person (a racist) who practices racism against non-whites. Being a white supremacist has nothing to do with income, title, or status. It does not mean a white person belongs to the KKK, the Aryan Nation, or is covered with Nazi tattoos. A white supremacist can be a soccer mom, a businessman, or a US Senator if they are practicing racism against non-whites. Another term for a white supremacist is “racist white man” and “racist white woman.”

There are whites who:

  • are practicing racism against non-whites at a particular moment
  • are not practicing racism at that moment but have practiced it at a previous time, or will practice it at a later time
  • are not practicing racism at that moment, but say and do nothing to stop those who are
  • are not practicing racism at that moment, but have no problem with other whites practicing racism (don’t care)
  • are benefiting from the crime of racism even if they are not practicing racism at that moment
  • refuse to tell WHO is practicing racism; HOW racism is being practiced; and refuse to help the victims with the information they have
  • oppose racism by exposing and opposing whites who practice it

It is LOGICAL to assume that the majority (or possibly all) white people have made a DELIBERATE DECISION to do one or all of the following:

  • practice racism
  • do nothing and say nothing to stop others from practicing racism
  • deny racism is being practiced even when they know it is happening
  • refuse to help the victims of racism with the information they have.